My husband is 62. He's never been formally diagnosed (will not see any medical professional if he can help it), but he displays classic characteristic features of someone with Aspergers. Things like small talks, meeting new people (quite difficult if we say, go on walking holidays) are always difficult. Routines are always strictly adhered to. He gets very annoyed with people if his rules are not being taken seriously. Throughout our marriage, there's very little show of emotion. Even when his dad and sisters died. When our marriage was going through a rough patch, I made him go to Relate with me. Three years later, he told me that the Relate event was the worst thing he ever had to do and hated it.
These are just a few things I can think of now. But the severity of these have got worse in the past four years. His emotional incompetence is worse than ever and the lack of empathy is becoming more difficult for me to overlook.