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Everything posted by Jazzy

  1. Hello Both Thanks for taking the time to say hello. In answer to your question regarding my son's diagnosis - i have actually suspected for many years that he had Aspergers but initially thought that he might have ADD. It was only when he became involved with a Mental Health Counsellor who suspected that there was more going on than him suffering from simple anxiety, that he was then referred to a Psychologist who made the diagnosis. It has been a long time coming as he has lots of problems throughout his childhood, but he now feels relieved in a way as he now knows why he behaves the way he does and no longer thinks that he is an 'alien' (his words!). I came across a very interesting website earlier entitled A Survival Guide for People with Aspergers Syndrome by Mark Segar who also had a diagnosis himself. My son has found this very interesting and perhaps it might be useful for any young person struggling to understand some of the 'unwritten' rules of the world. I have also read about a befriending/buddy scheme available in some areas which allows young people access to a 'friend' who can accompany them on days out etc, in order to gain confidence. I am hoping to find out more about this. I would also appreciate any further suggestions if available. Thanks Jazzy
  2. Hello all My son aged 20 has just been diagnosed with Aspergers. He is lonely and spends a lot of time alone in his bedroom on his computer. I wonder if anyone can advise as to how he can meet with people his own age who have the same interests as him. He is quiet and finds it diificult to socialise as when in the company of groups of people he finds it difficult to know what to say. There is a local Aspergers group but there was no-one there in his age group. I wish he could just find a friend who he could meet with now and again. Jazzy
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