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Posts posted by stuffed

  1. Thanks I have found also

    http://www.trusselltrust.org which I will call Monday.


    I have also learnt about a 156 week sanction the dwp have (yes that is 3 years) and wonder if that's what has been done?


    I still think any contact with dwp and atos should be recorded and if stitched put on youtube.




    Page 20 ATOS beaten and DWP sanction, this is simply for being ill and stating I would record any assessment as FOI states you can do.


    we condemned the nazi's for disabled genocide, yet the DWP have done exactly the same targeting expert recognised disabled.


    Frankly I'm ashamed to be English as these are not the values that I was brought up to believe in.


    It ashames me to say this but I'm seriously considering begging or stealing from multi national companies.:-(


    I'm at the end of my rope:-

    • MP hasn't managed to sort it so far
    • Rent still not being paid
    • No income so bills mounting up
    • Angry Resentful and peed off, I phoned job centre and they still say no deal-I said to the person I am considering setting fire to myself in the local job centre-not the slightest concern.
    • Numpty Keyworker phoned and expressed concern, but still nothing practical after various letters sent to DWP


  2. You could have your needs assessed by social services and if you meet the criteria you might be offered a place in supported living, I know plenty of people with Aspergers in supported living settings. You need to show they you find it difficult to live independently.


    I get a direct payments carer that the NHS hold a devolved council budget-I have told direct payments department I have no income and this triggers a new assessment at some point.


    I'm NOT suicidal, but really angry at how it appears 1 person in DWP can launch a cascade of what is basically abuse and be seeming untouchable.


    I generally worry my situation isn't a one off and while I will explore every possibility- what happens to those less able?

  3. I don't know what else to suggest other than what you've already tried apart from contacting a Disability Rights organisation? Also, there is an MP local to me who often brings up disability rights issues in the Commons who is disabled herself - Anne Begg - is there anyone else like this your MP could liaise with?

    Hi I have tried google and the Disability Law Service have advised in the past, it seems that the system is imoral,defective and untouchable- leaving me with little more options.

    I did try a charity called Turn2us and the core problem appears to be that the organisations are only set up to point people to Job Centre and Citizens Advice.


    I will try Citizens Advice again, but it all seems to come back to DWP, I'm keen to try anything at the moment as a week on the MP doesn't seem to have managed to progress my cause as yet.


    This cascade of what can only be described as vindictive abuse continues, it appears assistance is only available AFTER your made homeless.


    Knowing that the situation is a slowly building disaster I have tried various charities, I have a Key Worker, GP, Hospital Consultant and MP who would verify that this is genuine situation, but I find that unless the charity can charge against Direct Payments or similar they won't help.


    I'm also finding increasing stress within my family as they are unable to help and fustrated.

  4. Really glad to hear that the MP is working so proactively on your behalf and hope resolution can be reached very soon. It is appalling that you have been treated in the way you have been and if there are people out there (including you) out there who are being penalised for speaking up and questioning decisions made about their benefits I hope that this MP can use his influence to get to the bottom of it all and close whatever loopholes allow this to happen.


    Are you still unable to get a crisis loan? Is there anyone to help you with food and bills meantime? Would there be any of those food co-ops local to you (for people who find themselves in crisis) where you could get food from?


    The bottom line is DWP totally ignore 18 years of nhs documentation / Carers letters / Hospital consultants letters /keyworker from recognised NHS organisation.


    It appears that they will not read or realise that documentation going back to 10 years old shows proven Aspergers and Hospital Consultants letters stating current ill health ignored.


    The job centre can't help as my account remotely locked by DWP.


    Crisis Loan I am not eligable due to whatever DWP have done to block my account and same with community care grants.


    Spoken to the NAS who simply do not want to know as no revenue attached to me.


    Shelter and several other charities regurgitate the same contact the job centre and citizens advice- until homeless they can't do much.


    Salvation Army have listened and may be able to supply food and a hot meal several times a week if I get notice to quit.


    I find it frightening that commons debate states 43% drop off the system and they don't know what happens to people.


    I have checked and with doctors letter and medical notes, even if the job centre could get me on job seekers for six months- not eligible as medically ill.


    So unless I turn into a modern day robin hood-it would seem my treatment by DWP is a direct retaliation for simply asking for a fair assessment and it recorded so it could be proven that what was said accurately reflected in any report.

    (which both FOI show recording is a legally recognised right and on request should be done)


    If I had not recorded atos then their abuse of power would have allowed them to lie, because I did I have DWP retaliate in a way designed to cause maximum dificulty.


    The Autism act,Equalities act and Disabled Persons act all mean nothing IMHO when it comes to DWP and much as most people hate the job centre staff- the have actually been okay and explained their hands are tied by DWP


    So if anyone knows or has any ideas I would consider almost anything at the moment as falling through gaps in a system allegedly supportive of those genuinely in need.

  5. I do hope things get resolved for you, what an awful position to be in. Look forward to hearing how you get on.

    It appears my money was stopped on 13th February and letters appeared at key workers office this week.

    MP has requested further information and still trying to get it sorted.


    Direct Payments Carer met with key worker and drafted a complaints letter-along with GP letter that states my diagnosis, ill health making me unemployable.


    :-( kind words do not help with practicalities such as rent/bills and food and Key worker said they couldn't assist in bills and food.


    I have found other cases of disallowed without explanation and it appears those who expect atos and dwp to play by their own guidlines are singled out.

  6. What is your MP saying they can do for you? Are they confident they can help and are you?

    MP very helpful and we had an hour there with copies of paperwork and said they would try first thing Monday.


    I have a dwp letter that says we have reconsidered and still won't change our mind.


    Doctor has written a letter a that in a nutshell says that I'm unemployable due to diagnosis and ill health verified by hospital consultant.


    So there you have it waiting back on MP and I will post more when I have any idea what is happening.



  7. Keyworker didn't turn up- parent took me to see MP who can't believe just how bad things are.

    Oh and National Autistic Society have made my account message pre approved as I complained they didn't wanr to know I am stuck with with no money and rent arrears.


    Nominal Autistic Society

  8. I thought that whilst the appeal process was going on that you are supposed to keep receiving benefits?


    I had an assessment, received Incapacity Benefit prior to that. They decided I was fit for work. I appealed and my ESA continued whilst the appeal process was under way. I am now in part time work, so ESA stopped as soon as I began work. But these 'changes' to my circumstances affected all my other benefits and it took months, and involving my MP to finally get things sorted.


    But I would ask your KeyWorker to speak to DWP, because, as said, once you lodge an appeal you are supposed to continue receiving your benefits until the Decision after the actual Appeal.


    That is what is supposed to normally happen, but dwp have spun atos housebound call I recorded as a "refusal" even though atos sent an appointment cancelled letter stating no need to attend-further information received.



    I used to get lower rate mobility and middle rate care and incapacity benefit with enhancements. For age and disability.


    I have made it quite clear that provided as is a recognised right- any assessment must be recorded.


    It appears that recording atos trying to stitch me up has gained extra special victimization.


    That and the only examples I can find of zero letters and disallowed and account locked were benefit fraud cases.


    I can't see how being recently hospitalised,18 years of nhs notes from child to adult.

    And a direct payments carer who also works for National Autistic Society why they could think anything other than legitimate.


    We have tried to get reinstated on appeal-no go and 4 months delay after alleged refusal is most odd. I believe atos provisionally okayed claim and dwp reviewed call recording and vindictive individual disallowed claim without any notice


    It appears the mp holds a surgery locally this week- so key worker going to make an appointment

  9. Hi everything has been disallowed 25th feb without any letters, specialist autism social worker and key worker spent 8 plus hours trying to get any answers and it sorted.


    Keyworker contacting MP for me.


    No letters to myself or keyworker to explain what is going on-told 9months to get tribunal appeal.

    Told not eligible for crisis loan when key worker tried due to whatever dwp have done

  10. I really didn't want to make this my first post:- but I'm at my witts end trying to get things sorted.


    My problems started when ATOS didn't bother to read both hospital consultants letters or carers letters that explained I had been made house bound with servere health problems. ATOS booked an assessment and I knew that the WCA is specifically designed to deprive people of their Benefits.


    For my own protection I covertly recorded call and quite simply stated that they had recieved the requested information and I was housebound due to ill health. The extremely unpleasent lady stated she would record it as a refusal.

    I stated it wasn't a refusal as too ill to attend and I had been recording for my own safety.

    Lady went mental and that was end of call.


    Appointment arrives and also a cancellation letter that states further information recieved you no longer need to attend.


    Fast forward 3 months and 25 feb without any notice I receive call from land lord that my rent has not been paid and why had I not told them my benefits had been stopped.


    Contacted my Keyworker and social worker and 2 days and 5 hours later we have been told that DWP count too ill to attend as refusal ( why 3 months later? and no letters). Further to this although by law you can request a home visit recorded- they won't do it and my account remains locked without job centre being allowed any access.


    My keyworker tried to get a crisis loan and it got nowhere.


    It appears that because I dared to record a call that was specifically designed to make false claims of refusal I have been targeted in the hope months later I would not still have letter and audio recording.


    So I find myself liable to be homeless as the land lords goodwill will not last for ever when they too have financial commitments.


    The National Autistic Society are a waste of space and I'm at a loss what to do- going to try to contact MP and Shelter and Keyworker will try again this week.


    :( any ideas?

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