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Everything posted by asdadhdlouise

  1. Hi there, I am a first time poster here. I am a girl, my name is Louise and I am 22 years old. I have Aspergers and ADHD myself and I am currently at University in my final year studying illustration. (its been tough, still is, but I'm here and not long to go ) I am posting here to ask for your personal sensory stories. I am doing my final major project on sensory issues and the 5 senses (touch, taste, sound, sight and smell) and plan to create 5 visual tactile books displaying each sense, hoping to give neurotypicals a better understanding of autism and the sensory needs. The book will be related to Aspergers/Autism/ADHD etc. but everyone has a little bit of Autism, I believe, so I will also throw in a few more "normal" sensory issues like cutting labels out of clothes, the squeaking of a balloon etc. For example, I have a habit of chewing everything, like hoodie toggles, the ends of my glasses, etc. This was more obvious when I was younger, everything went in my mouth, I ate a pumpice stone, I ate sand.. etc. I also have a friend who doesn't like the feel of velvet or suede, or the sound of folding paper, to which he has been known to lash out at people because it hurts his ears. Another friend doesn't like the sound of snow as he walks on it so when it snows, he doesn't leave the house and it causes him a lot of stress. He also doesn't like fabrics that "squeak", this sound hurts his ears. I went to special school and special colleges so I have good networks for this subject but I need as much information and as many stories of different sensory related issues as possible. I don't need an essay but if you could tell me a few of yours or your childs sensory needs and there response to the situation and perhaps how you or they have found ways to cope with this, then that would be very helpful to me and my studies and I would be tremendously greatful.
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