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Everything posted by Noosa

  1. Hi I have always thought there was something wrong with my Son, but just can't put my finger on it?, Speach and Lang theropists visited him as school and that seemed fine, the school wrote a report on his behavior he's just done his stats and reached a level 1 so behind as at the end of key stage 1 he should be a 2, his teacher (year 2) said he doesnt fit all the criteria for Aspergers/Autisum and he's not to sure either. We had an appointment with a doctor who said at the first meeting she was 90percent sure its Aspergers, she told me to fill in a form and to come back in 6 weeks to confirm it is Aspergers, I have a meeting with her Monday and if she does say its Aspergers I will be a little concerned as she has not assessed him fully, I assumed she would visit him in his school surrounding and home life, does anyone know what the doctor has to do to be able to make the diognosise?, I ask this question because I'm all confussed about it, I have lots of people saying "you just need to go back to basic's with him, careful because these doctors are easy to label children today". My main concern is he never get's invited to parties, he hits out Loads, and makes constant silly noises and always thinks people are laughing at him, then gets nasty, I really feel concerned that not enough investigations will be made to ensure the right diognosise is made. Thanks Noosa x
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