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Everything posted by nigeo

  1. Hi Tim Thank you for the heart felt reply, I can understand where you're coming from, when I started to read about it I quickly identified with it. Regarding work, I ended up working for myself as my way of coping. I did the AQ test and whilst I scored highly like you, I felt it didn't really answer my questions. I then did the RDOS test which gave me the information I needed and which I often refer to. Thanks Tim, keep in touch, Nige
  2. Hi Ally Sorry about your name, just getting used to the site. Yes, aviation as in how planes work, I'm lucky as I fly a lot with work. Regarding diet, do you find alcohol and coffee makes a difference? I put my postcode in the search bar. My wife (we are separated) is understanding as she's a psychotherapist, my Mum is denying it. I'm sorry about your family difficulties, that must e very difficult for you. Take care Ally and keep in touch, Nige
  3. Hi Tim, thank you for your response, great advice, can I ask a personal question please? When you say 'though I've known for some time I might have Asperger's' can I ask how? What made you come to that conclusion? Just trying to align my own thoughts. Of course if you would prefer not to say I will completely understand. Keep in touch Tim, Nige '
  4. Hello Mt McKinley, thank you for the response, hobbies are work and aviation. I've done a search as you suggest, can't find any services in my area. I'm sorry only a few of your family understand, having a similar discussion with my Mum. You mentioned diet, I have heard this before, is it just a healthy diet, i.e. fruit, vegetables etc. or is there something special advised? Thank you again for your response, keep in touch, Nige
  5. Hi everyone, I'm a 48 year old male who's just found out I have Asperger's. Lots of things are starting to make sense now. However, any help or advice you could give me about coming to terms with it, getting my life back on track etc. would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
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