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Posts posted by climber9

  1. Can anyone offer advice on whether or not I should go for a formal diagnosis?


    Now 59, I function pretty well in the world as long as I don't have to interact with other people. I have colleagues at work, and used to make myself go to social functions, but I could never think of anything to say and I don't go now. While at work I use 'we' a lot, giving the impression that I'm part of a couple. Similarly, I manage to drop phrases like 'a friend of mine' into conversation.

    Outside work, I am friendly with my neighbours, but I present an NT front to them. I'd like to 'come out' about being Aspie, but it's a big step and, once done, can't be undone.


    If I plucked up the courage to go to my GP, what would a formal diagnosis give me? I don't need financial support. What I really want to be more accepting of my condition, to meet people with whom I don't have to pretend to be NT, and maybe to have some sort of support network [emotional, not financial].

  2. Thanks, people. I'll check the NAS website.


    Marjoram - I used to play bridge when I was at school. I might try an evening class - it'd mean being among a group of people, which I usually avoid, but this way there'd be a common purpose and something to talk about.

    Over the last twenty years my main hobby has been fellwalking and my dog. Unfortunately an old injury means that a joint replacement is likely in the near-ish future, so I think that my days on the high fells may be over.

    Volunteer dog walking is a possibility, health permitting.


    That Norwich social group sounds awful! If I find a group in the North East I hope it's not like that.

  3. Hello everyone. I've been lurking on this site for a few months, but have only recently taken the plunge and joined. Communicating with others has never been easy for me, but I can say things to a keyboard that I've never been able to say in person.

    Now in my 50's, I've always been a loner. Not really through choice, but because I've never known how to form friendships with other people. I used to make myself go to social functions, but never enjoyed them. I don't think there's anything about my life that others would find interesting, and I can't do small talk.

    I first heard of AS about ten years ago, and immediately thought 'that's me'! The on line aspie test comes out positive, but I've never done anything about getting a formal diagnosis. Are there any advantages?

    I've done pretty well in my career – work has tended to fill the place in my life that, for other people, is occupied by friends, family and a social life. But now retirement looms. I've never liked change anyway [an Aspie trait], but this one is particularly scary since work has been so important to me.

    I function OK in the world as long I don't have to interact too much with people. I have acquaintances, rather than friends. I've always told myself that I'm alone, rather than lonely, but I think I'm starting not to believe it.

    Mustn't ramble on too long in a first post. Wrong Planet is OK but seems to be US-biased. UK support services seem to geared towards children. Do Aspies meet? Are there adult groups? Is it worth seeking a formal diagnosis?


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