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Status Updates posted by Mihaela

  1. Feel bad today. I took on far too much, an autism working group in the morning and a service-user meeting this afternoon. It messed up my eating routine and the stress of the long bus journey and being in a town has taken it's toll. I now feel sick and just coulldn't face food or drink. I only ate two sandwiches and 3 Bourbon biscuits since I set off at 9.30 am. :(

    1. Laddo


      Sorry to hear it :( hope you feel better soon. Make sure you take it easy for now

  2. Feeling stressed and depressed today :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. UnusualPatronus


      I'm sorry for how your feeling, I hope it passes quick, sorry I can't say anything more, but you cheered me up the other day, thank you you're a lovely person :)

    3. dotmarsdotcom


      I can't help you there sorry. if I could I would, but you can decide without me doing it?

    4. Mihaela


      Thanks everyone :) It was due to a vist from my advocate yesterday morning. I'll make a post about it later.


  3. How are you, Laddo? Please read my last PM.

    1. Laddo


      I'm ok. Managed to find somewhere to stay at the last minute. Thanks for your concern

    2. Mihaela
    3. UnusualPatronus


      Nothing bad happened has it?

  4. It's good to see you back, Waterboatman. :)

  5. Tired. I've spent half the day looking for a bin bag full of fluffy toys. Still haven't found it, but I've made an awful mess :(

    1. Laddo


      Did you have any luck finding the toys?

    2. Mihaela


      Yes. Guess where they were... In a drawer under my bed! Not in a bin-bag at all ...a perfect example of my executive dysfunction! LOL


  6. Yay! It's back. The forum wasn't working all day yesterday. :(

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