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Posts posted by Mandy333

  1. Sorry to hear this, but as you say, it was written when you were really down.  Its quite a common thing, so you are only expressing your thoughts, sometimes its safer to vent to strangers on a forum. This morning I saw on Netflix a series about a self help man. His name is Tony Robbins (he's on Netflix) and maybe immerse yourself in these and other self help books and  documentaries. Good luck xx

  2. Hi,  My son is 16 and was home educated for a number of years,   which just about saved his sanity, but now he has got into a routine of staying in bed late and working on his computer projects all day.  I worry about him not getting enough exercise, socialising, and making his way in the world.

    I thought that it would all get better when he could go to the local College and study for his chosen subject, and meeting like minded people etc But he started to make excuses and on the day of the college interview he refused to get out of the car, it ended up me driving him home and he was near to having a panic attack.

    He said he wanted work rather than go to college, but he has no idea what he wants to do, and I have no idea how to help him.   He doesn't have a lot of confidence thanks to his primary school, and I don't want him to spend his days in his bedroom.  Are there any people or organisations that would help him, maybe talk through and guide him about his choices?

    I don't mind paying for a specialist career advisor or life coach.

    Any help appreciated B)

  3. Do you buy him things because he asks you for them? If so does he know to say thanks when he receives them? i dont like people doing favours for me without me asking unless it's mkaing dinners or cups of tea (as mum does when im studying).


    Although im quite verbal i still have communication cards to help me. i used to get angry at people for stopping me going to the toilet. i didnt know they werent aware i needed the toilet or could forget. A card saying "i need a bathroom break" means i feel able to go to the toilet when out without getting angry at people.

    Could he be angry at his dad and is taking it out on you? Im wondering if the book "when my autism gets too big" (an anger self help for autistic kids) would help?

    For me anger is normally a sign of depression of false guilt (which ive got from CPTSD). Anger can be caused by being unable to express pain as is also true in my case. Benzoates in anything food or none food turn me into a monster with anger issues. Gluten and dairy can also cause behavioural issues.


    Have you tried CAHMS so he has someone to talk to about what happened with the bullying as that could also be causing his anger? Is there anything in particular about the child he was talking with that could be replicated at home eg subjects they discussed?


    Could also be anxiety




    Theres a book for parents called "autism understanding and managing anger".


    Hope this helps

    Thanks, I will look at those books, he may be angry at his dad still, that hurt from the past is something I cannot undo. CAHMS cannot cope with the large amount of children down here with issues, like the NHS it cannot cope. He would not want me to take him there as he will not admit he has a problem, this stems from the teachers labelling him in front of everyone as 'having issues'. Even when I took him to the optician to get his eyes tested he was suspicious that I was getting him tested for being 'nuts' as this was what he had to put up with at school.

    having said all that; when I compare him to other kids we know, supposedly 'normal' kids I would not swop him for the world. thanks for the reply.

  4. I can remember my teenage years, its a very confusing time, rapid growth, raging hormones. And yes I became more aggressive, I used to be bullied. I grew to six foot three but I am a very gentle person really and have never hurt anyone on purpose, being aggressive was preemptive bulling prevention.

    Someone strong who will not break or leave is important in everyones life, my mother who in turn I cared for up to to her death was my anchor.

    There is no right way to raise a teenage boy, or girl.

    That's nice, thanks, I try to be a good mother. I hope this doesn't last too long, having said that, he now has a dog, and he is really sweet with him, he can change his mood very quickly when he is with his dog. x

  5. If my son is bullied at school again, I would certainly call the police, if the school did not do anything about it.

    After all if I was thumped in the street the police would be called and the offender dealt with, so why isn't a child afforded the same protection in Law?

    I spoke to a mother recently with NT normal children aged 14 and 16 and the are being bullied on the bus, and I mean followed jumped on kicked and spat on, and the Police asked them to 'keep a diary' well if that were me I would report the local Police to the Chief Constable.


    Hi, My son can smell something 'healthy' a mile away, but I get some milkshake powder, Nesquick - and give him a small glass of very cold milk and stir in the milkshake and then tip a small quantity of Efalax Omega 3 & 6 oil Lemon and Lime Flavour in it, and stir it in the milk and Nesquick, don't let him see the bottle, I keep it in the fridge.

    Best to give it when they are thirsty. They just drink it down with it touching the sides. Start off with very small quantities and then as they get used to the taste start giving it in the recommend dose.

    Hopefully that should work.

    I know that it worked for my oldest son, and it does take a few months (I thin 3 plus moths) to kick in so be patient. Hope it works for your son.

  7. It seems ages since I last posted, when I was having trouble with my son at school. The upshot was that his primary school almost encouraged the bullying and treated me with contempt and blamed me every time something happened.

    It got so bad that I nearly had to take my son to A&E to stop him from committing suicide.

    Long story.

    His father who I was not living with had a new relationship when I was pregnant and has been in and out of his life; for 3 years he did not see his dad, and when he did, he used to not turn up - my son used to wait for him, looking out of the window, and giving up when 8pm became 9pm and still no dad. It still breaks my heart when I remember. Now I have to put up with his dad coming at 6pm on a Thursday taking him out for 4 hours (I always have to be there, as his dad does not know how to deal with him) and then going around 11pm ish making him tired for school the next day, I cannot say anything critical as it would make his dad take off again as he gets in a huff very easily.

    Now my son says he hates his dad and does not want to see him at all, I try to make him see that he should see his dad, and when he does he usually enjoys it, although I am tired of always having to tell him 'talk to your dad. come down stairs your dads here! all happy and fake smiles.

    Since puberty he has become so irritable and angry with me, the slightest thing goes wrong he calls me a and worse. he swears at me and seems to be OK as long as everything goes his way. He does not appreciate anything I do for him or buy for him. For instance if a few cyclists are in our way when we are in the car, he says 'I hope they die'

    I'm worried about when he gets older and cannot hold down a relationship. He has a friend who he sees, but that is hanging on a thread. I did see him out with another boy and they were chatting away quite nicely.

    I have recently stopped all sugary stuff, well reduced it right down, starting with breakfast cereals - I'm hoping that diet will help, as he does have a very sweet tooth.

    I've gone on a bit here I know, but just wondered if this is normal; or have I been too soft on him and he is just a spoiled child?

    I am a very kind mother to him, I talk to him, I try my best with him. But nothing seems to work.


  8. How do I go about arranging a contact centre? His dad thinks he is a wonderful father, he and his wife think they are the best parents, they look down their nose at me, it would really put him down to have to go through a contact centre. I would like to have a third party to intervene.

    I think it would hurt my son even more not to see his dad even though he just gets the crumbs.

  9. I have an 11 year old Aspie son, his father has never really been bothered with him, and we split up when I was pregnant, and he immediately moved in with another woman, who he married. Over the years he has let our son down over and over, it used to break my heart to see him sitting at the window waiting for his dad who was often late and often not turn up at all.

    I had to involve the CSA as he did not give me any money. 3 years ago they were both made redundant and so stopped paying me any money.

    When she started a new well paid job, and he set up a new business he said I should cancel the CSA and he would pay me every month. He made one payment and then stopped

    Recently I found out his house is a huge 5 bedroomed property,(he has lived there with his wife for 6yrs) I had never seen it before as he has never invited me over there, he has 3 or 4 cars and he has just come back from a 2 week holiday.

    He now has 2 young children under 3, and he absolutely dotes on them, when he comes over to pick up our son, he takes him back to his house, he virtually ignores our son and fusses around his 2 children. My son feels ignored and sidelined. Basically he does not want to take our son out on his own.

    A few months ago our son was in hospital with suspected meningitis, and he did not even come to visit, he said he did not want to pass on the disease to his 2 children.

    His wife has made it clear she feels hard done by due to the existence of my son.

    I always have to bite my tongue, if I raise the subject of any problems, - my ex will storm off and I feel that I cannot say anything for fear of upsetting him. I want to get the CSA involved again, I am still on the old CSA 1993 scheme. But worry that if I do ring them up, he will get to hear that it was me that started it all again and become vindictive. I don't want my son to suffer any more than he has to.

    Any thoughts or advice appreciated.


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