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felines are superior

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Posts posted by felines are superior

  1. On 5/30/2015 at 1:47 PM, Livelife said:

    I've been for a five mile walk this morning a beautiful day not too hot I feel more relaxed now was a little anxious earlier but being out alone just walking has made a difference to how I was feeling.

    I used to absolutely love walking when I was younger. could walk for hours and hours. Love the feel of adrenaline shooting like a drug through the body, and then that sweet exhaustion. Very soothing.

  2. how comfortable are you with someone says they love you or calling you darling, honey, sweetheart, baby, that kind of thing? and how do you feel about hugs?


    i hate it when people say i love you, and i find it very difficult to say. i used to say i get along with my brother, i dont hate my brother. i couldnt say i love him, although i felt a the sibling connection i felt with no one else, maybe becaue he's an aspie too.


    all this darling stuff is annoying when said with feeling, but i like it when people say this to strangers in an easy, effortless, and non committing manner. not in a loving manner, but more flattering. i've seen costomers talking to the waitress this way, "can you bring a cup of coffee, darling?" this is nice. i like this.


    as for hugs, i communicate through touch, and i love it.


    but as for all those nasty soap operas when people blubber, "Have i told you how happy you make me, how you are the meaning of my life, how important you are to me." this just makes me sick.


    Do you have any explanation as to why we have such a hard time with these words?

  3. Locking up anybody at all should be treated as a last resort. If they pose a genuine threat to themselves or to others (as determined by suitably qualified professionals) they need to be kept in a secure environment, but by that I don't mean being locked in a featureless cell. This will exacerbate any mental health issues they may be suffering from. There are better, more civilised and humane ways of dealing with children who are 'difficult' - for whatever reason. You've only to look at how things are being done in Europe.


    Locking up anybody at all should be treated as a last resort. If they pose a genuine threat to themselves or to others (as determined by suitably qualified professionals) they need to be kept in a secure environment, but by that I don't mean being locked in a featureless cell. This will exacerbate any mental health issues they may be suffering from. There are better, more civilised and humane ways of dealing with children who are 'difficult' - for whatever reason. You've only to look at how things are being done in Europe.


    if last resort means if the kid is a danger to himself or others, that's understandable. but if "last resort" means they cant find the kid a home or a shelter in the area, and the cops are too lazy to just put the kid in the back of a police car and drive to the nearest large city where they can put the kid in cps office, and the kid is locked up in a cell even for a few hours because of the cops' laziness, that's unforgivable. i'd lock up the cop till they cough up a better solution if they're lazy. i'd cuff their hands around the bars till they agree to jump in the car right there and then and drive the kid to cps, that, or let him wait in the break room in the police station instead of a cell.

  4. I posted this question before, but then I learned it was my mistake: minor victims of abuse can only be locked up if they are runaways or acting in a way that will endanger them or others. Locking up a kid just because he's a victim of abuse is illegal.

    However, roughly half of those who answered the poll voted it's ok to lock up a kid. Now I wonder if it was because they meant a runaway or otherwise troublemaker kid. This left me curious to know how people feel, what people want.


    so here's a new poll: if a kid is NOT a runaway, not out of control, but one of those nice kids who go to school and does what he's told. in what situation would you allow the cops to lock him up.


    if he's being abused at home, would you allow the cops to lock him in a holding cell, alone, all by himself in the police station or jail, until children services arrive. let's say in a rural area where cps will take four hours to arrive.


    or if someone's stalking him and cant be caught because he's ellusive. protective custody in a cell, locked up, alone.

  5. I also have a strong sense of justice and lots of empathy toward both humans and animals. but the bad things are insomnia, stomach aches, ocd, tendency to depression and anxiety, and total inability to be around people and relate to people.


    the nt world - it's a bit two-faced, and you don't know who to trust. some nts are really nice, and i feel no hostility toward them. but i feel very vulnerable around them because they seem to have strength i dont. they know things i dont. they can hurt me. they have abilities i dont have to use against me. this isnt hatred toward nts at all. my mother and sister are both nts.

  6. You had fledged from the nest.


    Parents expect their chidden to depart, its pleasant to hear from them! But children have their own lives to lead, where and with whom is really normally their children's business. Parents sometimes help pick up the pieces, after something goes wrong! You are always a little child even at great age to your yet older parent.


    (My sister fledged, and left me who never fledged to care for my parents.)


    Your parents wishes may have to do with their failings, and you perhaps an "only child" or maybe the youngest, not attached, easiest bullied?


    What you have stated, is not something to feel any "guilt" over!!


    Repeat you have not done nothing wrong. Maybe its you who is being taken advantage of.


    Thank you for making me feel better


    I'm the middle child, not the youngest or the only one.

  7. First of all, you don't say whether your parents are still living? It makes a big difference, for if they are you can at least discuss your feelings with them. I regret my own parents dying before they properly knew me and the reason as to why I was the way I was (Asperger's). Like you, I had no idea that I had it - until after they'd both gone. It hurts me so much to think about this, so I force myself to stay ever occupied and distracted.


    Of course you didn't do anything wrong. The very fact that you feel guilty suggests that you most likely aren't, and nor does it mean that you deserve the guilt, but it's probably your response at having regrets. If you'd intentionally harmed them, then that would be a good reason to feel guilty, but I doubt whether there's blame involved at all. There's no point in worrying about our regrets, for most of us do what we think is best at the time. In hindsight they may be seen as mistakes, but we can't change the past, and life is too short to dwell on the negatives.


    thank you. you're so right, and they're still living, thank God. I cant discuss my feelings with them. i'm very uncomfortable discussing my feelings, and they are too at such things. we were never a family when one described his/her feelings.


    I'd just give them more of my time instead. they live walking distance, only a few minutes by foot. (i dont have a car). i'll just visit and be talktive.


    i feel better now, thanks.

  8. I feel bad because I lived very far from my parents in my twenties, and they could barely see me, and it bothered them. I actually lived overseas, and they asked me to come back, and it was important to them. finally I did come back, but after many years.


    Did I do something wrong? How to get rid of this guilt? I hardly saw them, only occasional letters. And there was no reason for this really, just that I thought maybe I could communicate better with different people, which of course didnt work. didnt know i had asd back then.


    What is more morally wrong though, allowing a child to continue to be abused or placing them in protective custody for 24 hours until more appropriate services become available? These type of things often simply cannot become immediately available

    children services have a list of foster homes that have already agreed and signed and been screened, so finding a home is a phone call away. and there are 24/7 shelters. i dont believe in the whole country they dont find a home, and if they dont, social workers will let the kid stay in children services office, which is accompanied non stop by social workers. the cops should take the kid to children services or call them and wait in the child's home till they get there. shelters take kids immediately.


    i know foster home must be screened, and it takes time. but they have a list of homes that have been approved already and another list of foster homes waiting to be approved. and they just go to the right list right away. and the shelters dont need to be screemed or anything.


    if they can be sure they'll find a kid a place in 24 hours, then there are places for them.


    from my experience, cops are very lazy and look for ways to get out of doing things. i worked in a dangerous area in a fast food restaurant, and the cops came in and ate, and my coworker thought she heard a noise in the back and asked the cops to check it out, and they said they will, and then they left without checking it. it ended up being nothing.


    we called them in my ex building and the supervised in my converted hotel complained that one of the tenant brought gangsters. i went to her because i heard guns clicking through the wall and the neighbor talking about oozies, "just bought this morning, they're great." and a prostitute hanging around threatened a man with a knife, and they said we dont have evidence and if the man doesnt complain, there's nothing they can do.


    a woman in the building was terrified because her ex was circling the building and called the cops. they said he has the right to circle the building, and she said he beat her yesterday, and they said that was yesterday, not today. and she said but today he's circling the building, and they said again he has the right. they were going to leave, but then he stumbled out of the alley drunk and cussed them out, and they arrested him because of that.


    there was a guy in my ex building that went nuts and started burning the bible on the stove and set off the fire alarm, and the police came and made him leave the buliding. it was January in Chicago, and the guy didnt have a coat or common sense to call for help. he completely freaked out and didnt know where he was. the cops were going to dump him on the street in the middle of the night. my neighbor asked them to put him in a nearby mental institution, and one of the cops yawned and turned his back, and the other one said nastily, we're not social workers. they were going to let him freeze to death. my neighbor argued, and they finally agreed to take him to a nearby hospital, to get my neighbor off their backs.


    if the cops took the kid to children services and left him there, and then they called and said there's no place for him anywhere in the country, and they cant let him stay in children services office, then it's ok to put him in jail, but this is a scenario that's not going to happen. i checked on the net. i live in Israel, small country, there is a huge list of foster homes, shelters and emergency centers, and all kind of place that calll themselves by different names. the list goes on and on. the police have no business taking a kid to jail, they should take him to children services and leave him there. it's not too much to ask.

  10. according to this article, the cops can put an innocent kid behind bars for 24 hours, more on the weekends.




    read section 2, near the end.
    the child may be placed in a juvenile detention facility or other secure facility pursuant to an order of protective custody for a period of not to exceed 24 hours, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays.


    This wouldnt happen if the cops take the kid to children services and leave him there, instead of taking him to juvenile jail, wait for as long as the law allows, and then call children services. there are so many shelters and foster homes and group homes and whatnot.


    and if the kid's life is at risk, they can take him to a faraway foster home/shelter in a faraway city without telling anyone where he is. if that's not enough, there's police protection.


    and the article doesnt even state the kid has to be in danger from an abuser if to be placed in prison, only that the kid has no one to take care of him. could be the parents are dead or in the hospital and not even abusive.


    should the cops be ordered to take the kid to children services instead of jail?

  11. A great idea for a thread!

    I had a lovely day yesterday with my friend. We set off walking at 8am and visited a church where her mother's Christmas tree had been delivered before Christmas (A big, beautiful tree, getting too big for her garden). We met a woman there who fosters cats, as I do sometimes. Then we walked through the woods in the frost - and prodded some puffballs which puffed out yellow smoke. My friend gave me a bracelet that could hardly fit me and we laughed a lot. Later she nearly slipped on the icy path, but I saved her. We ended up shopping for cheap food in three supermarkets. I never have panic attacks in those places when we're together. We got the giggles instead. :D


    I was very tired when I got back here, partly due to the long journey I'd had on Saturday.


    sounds like one hell of a great day! wish all days would be like that.

  12. good idea. let's give it three months try and see what happens. then we can think about keeping it permanent, if it works well.


    I really believe aspies would do a better job than neurotypicals. We're more caring and compassionate than they are, and a hell of a lot smarter. We do what's right and not what society expects. and we dont butter up to those in power.


    let's give it a try. cant get much worse than it already is...

  13. Human, were animals as well.

    Like the human who just rang me by mistake waking me from a unhelpful slumber.

    Humans can be annoying, and I hate it when people wake me up from sleep. someone woke me at three am once for a lousy wrong number, the nerves! like i dont have enough to deal with insomnia and not sleep starved anyway.

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