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Mr Salvador

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Everything posted by Mr Salvador

  1. wow I need to read more about this now. I was always 'different' but feel that my symptoms have got worse following a number of serious head traumas my memory is pictoral and remember most of what I see if it is deemed relevant however head injuries and some previous self harm has also affected memory as well as anxiety. as a child I used to bang my head into the wall to try and kill brain cells so that everyone else didn't hate me for being so smart ive never really associated with savantism but after you wrote it, it reminded me of a few times people said that to me as a child and never knew what they meant I do have a particular skill for computers and fixing broken technology, and think that cryptology is fun I think its interesting reading about other parts of the spectrum. usually it just reassures me that im on the right track with my self diagnosis. my memory usually is based around science and engineering so you're in the top 10%, interesting I will be very interested to find out clear details when I get my diagnosis. I am also interested to meet people involved in research into this to see if I can be of use I am also interested more about your savant skills
  2. oh my gosh, most stressful day of the week so far, I need to offload my gf just asked me to take her son to the hairdresser and its the worst experience ive ever had in one I usually go to my usual hairdresser, these guys were trained by the guy who cut my hair when I was 7 or 8 years old, so theres a long standing reason for my traditional habit going to my hairdresser, even though now I live 120 miles away from them! these guys are sciliian and whilst that has no relevance, im happy that they do my hair right and I know them and its not a 'new experience' so im usually happy. the boy doesn't come with me to Leicester when I pick up my daughter so he cant go them to have his done so I was made to tak ehim here in York the place inside is yellow and really bright and the ceiling is shiny with stupid spot lights while it s 20 odd degrees outside so im getting stressed already by this point. theres 3 of them and they keep turning round to talk to me and muttering in their northern tones and making jokes that I didn't even hear let alone understand. so I do that thing again and nervously smile as if I got it...but he repeats something about the position in the cue which is stressing me out even more, just leave me alone and tell the boy when its his turn and stop wittering about your silly jokes that im clearly not interested in. so it doesn't stop, and gets worse when hes sat in the seat. all 3 of them turning round and mumbling their nonsense about a joke they're all in on except me [expletive!] go away im thinking, trying not to be rude. it was so uncomfortable. I wish I remembered my phone so I could rant on here and ignore them and have a reason to ignore them. the woman doing the boys hair keep smiling at me and doing the facial expressions as if im even hearing anything shes saying let alone understand. all the background noises and the stupid colours and shiny ceiling was just too much. I was cringing and just wanted to get out but shes even trying to joke at the end about how much hair hes had off...well it was long and now its hot so what does she expect?! just hurry up and tell me how much it is so the nightmare can be over! forget that, my scilian guys have known me for 27 years and know the limits to my small-talk and don't pressure me past that point, this woman was so ignorant I just wanted to get her told but I managed to keep hold of my cool I am home now and took my PRN and am blurting it out on here so I don't go frantic and have a major moan which would most likely end up in me getting ratty and I don't want that. hopefully during this time my meds will have time to kick in and I can be calm hate stuff like that. that hairdresser is so not ASD friendly its untrue at least if my place is 120 miles away I know them and their walls are very bland and the only colour there is behind me or on the doors which I enjoy because the paint is rich and looks like it feels nice ok thanks for listening (reading)...rant over
  3. What's the deal with gluten then? And I love milk and cheese We use flax all the time
  4. Mr Salvador


    too true. Why should we care. I just want to get sacked for out of turn behaviour. Usually this happens I want to go back to work and be accepted as an aspie. Perhaps it will happen someday. I hear there are places to help autistic people back to work and grants for special adaptations that may be needed. There's a topic here with a link, if you can't find it let me know
  5. Very interesting Was it rain man who had the savant who cracked the govt cryptex? If so how is it linked to low functioning autism?
  6. ok so ive found this http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/2826308 basically talking about paradoxical effects in children, they had a 10mg dose and presumeably suffered symptoms of withdrawl or dependency on this drug as it is famed to have. I only use 2mg doses in extreme situations, im 35 and 6ft 14 stone. the symptoms discussed in this link are probably caused by overdoseage when I take mine I just simmer down and my gf notices when its kicked in, even though I am not aware of it having any effect. the paradoxical effects only happen if ive taken them days in a row and that was at 2mg. they should only be used when ive 'gone past the point of no return' and my gf administers them
  7. Mr Salvador


    this is the effect I am feeling from this site. I love the feeling now that im not the only one, and that there are others out there who feel the same. I wouldn't wish it on anyone else, but if others do have ASD's then I would definitely recommend this site. I strongly suggest honest, open-ness and selfless sharing for the benefit of 'our group'
  8. Mr Salvador


    i get in trouble for this all the time. we do speak our minds and it does get taken the wrong way, but I think as with all predjudice the problem is with the mind who is prejudice, not with us. if they were treating us different for being black there would be uproar! I ask a lot of questions about things and upset people in trying to understand
  9. some of these traits sound familiar. I am 35 and still waiting for funding for adult diasgnosis. I am however certain that aspergers describes me to a T. high intelligence low social skill. frustrations and anxieties about tiny things, OCS's about everything I do, no understanding of sarcasm and take everything literally. comfortable discussing the working dynamics and purpose behind things like the hadron collider but go into a panic attack at the mention of a party or wedding. I even made some orange lensed glasses to wear to go out shopping in town etc to reduce my panic from light glare which also gave me something to hide behind when there were lots of people around. I could go on and on but needless to say this is all new to me too and I know how it feels useless trying because ive been misdiagnosed my whole life however I think even at any age, it is time to come out of the closet as it were and be true to yourself as I am trying to be true to myself now that I am awake and see no reason to attempt to hide or conform anymore. I want to be seen as useful as an aspie, as I have a talent for higher level thought and a certain level of intuion that I guess I have learnt in getting around not naturally understanding facial expressions. I think that if you know in yourself that this applies to you then you should chat here more about your thoughts and come to understand yourself and how everyone else is coping with certain situations. so far, even after mere days, I have found people here to be most accepting and supportive and a sense of 'self' where for the first time in my life I have been able to talk about things I have never ever talked to anyone else about...and nobody took the micky out of me, you know why? because everyone else here are logical thinkers too, sa you will be if you are on the spectrum. and people make posts looking for help wheres the logic in making fun?! surely the logical thing to do would be to share your thoughts in order to understand yourself more and to help the others to understand better too. shared wisdom and understanding is it not? see when I joined, im already loving it! be yourself, be together as one! as for memory loss, this is something I struggle with. apparently anxiety is a major factor in memory loss, this is why I struggle to remember anything but science and engineering related matter. I guess everything else has been deemed unimportant at some point and what I did yesterday and when I showered last is somewhat irrelevant when It comes to memory space. my mind thinks a very lot about the potentials of science and concentrate little on the now and buying postage stamps for the letters infront of me that have probably been there days, or even longer than ive been on here. I guess this can be perceived by the NT world as a lack of concentration, but they don't know what wonders go on in my head. if you too are new to this you are at the start of journey, im not sure the words to describe it but its a journey it is true autistic spectrum disorders can account for obsession about particular sunjects, but I cdouldnt agree or disagree on potential diagnosis from what you have said, nevertheless it is against the rules to make judgements on your behalf. people here answer questions here, and there is an abudance of information here at here for your to look through to make up your own thoughts and persue your journey of understanding yourself better good journey
  10. thanks I will look at this more, however there aren't many pictures to see whats going on. just doing lectures is a bit boring, do they have sensory rooms? I mean I know I an adult but I like to touch things that look like they feel nice. id like to find out ideas of things that so I can have them at home to relax
  11. im sorry if I came accross strong, my gf says im very opinionated sometimes and don't always make my point in a compassionate manner. I guess you probably understand I didn't mean to be offesnsive. this Asperger is all new to me and I really enjoyed having an intelligent conversation with you guys. I don't usually get to let it all out like that. most people say 'say alright smarty pants' or some other expletive and I have to stifle my thoughts and usually end up starring elsewhere or walking off. I love to get deep into science chat and I guess ive not had that before with others who actually know what they're talking about. thanks guys (wow all the smileys on here are proper confusing! like aspies can work all them out?! just want a simple smile that's all I wanted) im sorry if some of it was bit out there, my brain pieces things together to make solutions and what you were saying about interbreedable species got me switched on. things in my mind have to be black or white so let me try to break it down a bit. if there were 'species 'capable' of interbreeding, then knowing that they could interbreed would therefore indicate that they infact did' knowing that there was mixing going on amougnst 6 or more species would mean many different 'flavours' of these mixes... presumeabley therefore modern humans are the almost settled and almost homogenized mix of these 'flavours', however even today there are clearly distinctly different phenotypes of humans on this planet, so im not even sure that homo sapien is enough. eg. homo sapien Europa, or homo sapien Africana to say that that sapiens wiped out Neanderthal would be an inaccuracy because I would say at least, that if and when we work out this gene history print we will find that we have each certain percentages of expression of certain genes. say mr. McGregor in the highlands, may be tall because of expression of his Viking roots, he may have ginger hair from his celtic genes being switched on, and he may or may not have the Neanderthal parts of his DNA switched on or off giving him or not giving him autism. I hope im not making this more confusing genotype is the genes that you have for say black hair BB, brown hair may be Bb and blonde/ginger would be gg capital designate the 'allele' is dominant. resessive traits are both of the lower case bb, denoting the 'phenotype' as blonde or ginger, there is much less percentage chances of these coming around due to the dominat gene expression of heterozygotes Bb, where hetero means different, ie there is one big B and one little b. this is where genes are passed on but not 'expressed'. phenotype is 'how' the gene is expressed physically, this means that genotype bb for eye colour is usually blue or green and dominant gene BB is brown, when the phenotype is heterozygous this is where different shades of eye colour come in between. it is my undersatnading that this is why it is now described as 'austistic spectrum' as it would seem, that there are many shades of austism and 'austistic phenotype expression'. this is why we have some similar traits but some different. depending on which genes you got got which parent 'switched on' someone may get the autistic genes and not pass them on (perhaps only women im not sure as they often display more social skills?), im not certain of this, if it were a resessive trait then it could certainly be passed on with little or not traits being expressed. wow what a waste, updated my gf on what we're talking about and she yawned...glad you guys are listening so anyway, most of what im saying is theoretical as you say the science around autism is slow and they could use people like us to help push research. that's why I stuck my neck out and emailed UCLA for information. I was in my hole again and needed to make use of the thoughts buzzing in my head I know my mind could be useful on that level, unfortunately my dyslexia has stopped me from proving what I know and can do on paper I will info-dump on this subject next time my head is in that space if you have questions I love to answer the science questions on quiz shows, I guess you guys will have excellently deep questions? hope so
  12. I am 35, and only found out about Asperger recently, I always knew I was different but I guess might have been in denial or trying to hide it so I could fit in. I guess people's ignorance and attitude toward me is one factor. people think I look normal so there must be nothing wrong with me, and tell me to stop acting like a child, and mock me for not being able to understand things that are meant to 'be read between the lines' I also get obsessive about a lot. I have already worked out the most efficient ways of doing things and if people are trying to do things differently it stresses me out. for example my artistic flare comes out in cooking and gardening and fixing things. if someone else wants to cook the next day and does it all wrong it sets me off, why would they want to do it any other way but the best way?? my mind wants to swear now but my fingers wont don't worry, when I think about the stress like now, it makes me anxious and 'feel' the stress of someone doing it all wrong?! confusing huh. but it seems that little things set me off and I hate it sorry about the meltdown, the hoover breaking half way must have been nightmare, doesn't your aspie fix things? one of my major stresses is broken things. my mind has already fixed it a number of times and it frustrates me until ive fixed it. often my hands cant move fast enough and I cant find tools so when I fix it in real life its much slower and just need to hurry up and fix! however fixing things calms me down so its something I just have to do so yes im 35 but always knew I was different. it wasn't till my sister spoke to my estranged mother in 2007 that they discussed 'if she missed something with me' and then I was in denial until last year really when I met my gf. she works in mental health and there wasn't any hiding anything from her. she confirmed what my sister had suggested but loved me anyway so I have spent only a year now understanding my real self. its all new to me but makes perfect sense and understanding and acceptance is helping me calm down loads
  13. hi, I take propranolol. it is a beta-blocker and it helps to slow down and regulate heart rhythem so that the stress doesn't escalate due to physical symptoms. it doesn't affect anything to do with the mind, so if his aggression is frustration based, there is only so much that the beta-blockers can do. they also only seem to be effective for me if I have take them before the stress happens. I also take amyltriptiline for mood enhancer, in low doseages (I take 20-30mg per day) it is used for mood enhancement and anxiety, only high doses over 100mg really are for depression. its quite good and I have been much calmer since I have been taking them both together. apparently they give 50mg to children to stop bed-wetting so 30-mg for a 6ft male as me seems harmless enough, but helps a lot. as per the rules of the forum I am not allowed to make suggestions to you about this, I am not a doctor, I am sharing my views with you so that you may better your research and understanding for Glen.
  14. Ok so the amyltrpitiline I take talent daily to calm my mood so im less prone to anxiety attacks and it also stops me thinking 'too much' say if im winding myself uo because I have something stuck in my head. They seem to have a positive effect but I am aware they are not 100% perfect. The beta -blockers I have as first line prn, basically if I know im going to a steesful like the supermarket then I take 20mg propanolol. This calms my heart rate which is often the first stage of a stress attack. They are helpful when taken in advance of the situation but are not enough if I've got so worked up that I can't listen to anything. Perhaps some of it also is phycosematic, 'if I think its working then il be ok'... However if things get too far then I have diazepam as the last resort. They are regualted by my gf and if im feeling anxiety I can ask her or if bad enough she makes me take it. They are only 2mg doses but they seem to do the trick and save upsetting those around me. They work fine but are strongly regualted by doctors and you have to prove responsiblity to use them or have a cater who administers them. All together they are doing ok but not 100%. It has been suggested that antipsychotic meds like ability can make up extra percentage of 'bizarre unexplained outbursts' and paranoia.. I'm not totally convinced in ability though, sudden death syndome is on the side effects list. I am also interest to hear successes or failures with different medication approaches
  15. I have I have amyltriptiline daily, and my prn consists of beta-blockers for physical symptoms and diazepam when its gets bad
  16. Well according to forum rules im not allowed to influence what meds you take. However I'm sure im allowed to suggest you discuss it with your gp If you are trying to stay in work you might suggest a little help?
  17. Is that nothing that you 'can' take or nothing been made available to you? If you are able, or take someone with you to speak to your gp, you can explain your requirement to stay calm at work
  18. Im not sure if it was meant as a euphemism when my gf first said this to me, but basically shes talking about when I go off on one. I don't know if im alone in doing this, but my gf has tried to put into words I understand to describe how I am when I go off like that. Its the anxiety thing, I don't know why or really what it is half the time why I get started, but the heart starts racing first, then I march about and pace and it gets me more wound up, im frustrated about something and don't often even know what, I cant sit still and a kind of rage-blindess happens when I just rant at full speed not stopping for air and just rant and moan and raar raar raar. Its weird and I hate it, I feel bad for my loved ones because they acuse me of just being a [expletive]. Once its got this far I cant hear anyone properly or listen to reason and they usually have to get serious with me and TELL me to go take my diazepam and go away and smoke and do my thing (I play RTS games and it bringsme back down to earth) She calls this an A-hole, like she'll talk to me again when im 'not in a A-hole', I mean I guess shes trying to make a joke about my bad behaviour making a euphemism about the 'A' being the expletive she wouldn't ever say when im in that place. I don't even know whats its all about half the time its weird, I guess not feeling like everyone else and being 'differrent' has its tolls and I guess people mock me even when they say they not and its frustrating, I dunno. hard to put into words. just wondered if anyone else does this? and if there is such a thing a positive a-hole? I also find myself becoming disconnected more so from the outside world when I am deep into a subject im really keen on. like just now I replied again in a post about 'Autism and Humankind' and found myself getting a kind of hunger or desire for 'more input!' I get deeper into the rabbit hole and proper get stuck into things and realise hours later how much time ive been 'geeking out' or 'in a sort of a-hole' as my gf describes it. where nobody could talk to me if they tried because im doing that thing again This time only 2.5 hours but I was enjoying it. I wasn't aware of a lot of my traits before I met this gf last year. she is helping me notice. she is amazing and see's the real me.
  19. ok ive stuck my neck out and emailed someone from UCLA regarding their austitic studies cited above, asking if they were any closer to finding genetic markers associated with austism for testing purposes, I kinda didn't like the idea that they had to remove brain tissue to do that test I askedif they were aware of all this and suggested as a topic for discussion for research. im sure that these can be put together to get the answers this book has thrown up maybe im delusional im not sure but it seems to make sense to me so I asked anyway. someone on here said to me 'nothing ventured nothing gained' I love to geek out about the science people don't yet understand and put forward my two-penneth. obviously I only made it to degree level, scoring lowly due to final exams being with pen and paper..oops if I wasn't so determined to be 'normal' and just let them do the dyslexia test I could have got the laptop to do final exams but hey...seems NT's only listen to pieces of paper..don't get me started on that but I put the questions to them never the less. probably not in NT language though oops. if you interested for the amsument il copy and paste here?
  20. ok im on the case y'all, this is the news about mapping autistic genes "When we looked at genes associated with nervous-system function we found significantly more genes were expressed at higher or lower levels in the children diagnosed with autism than we did in their siblings unaffected by the disorder," said Geschwind. http://newsroom.ucla.edu/releases/ucla-study-uncovers-new-tools-235479 (2012) so all we need now is a friendly Laboratory to put this all together for us and see if they can use these markers to map the histology of autistic gene expression across different isolated gene lineages and find out if this Neanderthal theory is correct. im sure you can do your own googling but there should be, I my mind anyway, a way of testing people for these genes without digging out our brain matter! If they can do the test with mitochondrial DNA and the 'providing a record of inheritance which goes back thousands of years' and look for the markers associated with autism they could both test for it sooner, and answer your question about Neanderthal theory, and theorise as to its relevance and potential prevelance for the future ok that's my geek out done for now, hope you enjoyed it as I did. theoretical science is one the things I like a lot. hope you do too,
  21. and this one from ancient mitochondrial DNA, apparently its got traces of inheritance going back thousands of years! when they find genetic markers for autism they can cross reference genomics like this and find out if your theories are correct or not! "The type of DNA extracted and analysed in this kind of study is that stored in the cell's mitochondria. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is passed down the maternal line, providing a record of inheritance which goes back thousands of years. The scientists look for genetic signatures which enable them to classify the DNA into different lineages and then use a 'molecular clock' to date when these lineages moved into different parts of the world." http://www.leeds.ac.uk/news/article/1475/genetic_study_uncovers_new_path_to_polynesia (Leeds uni, 2011)
  22. ok guys look at this one then... these guys have been isolated and are 'truly distinct' are any of these guys austistic?? http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/12/141204074144.htm
  23. im sorry, I was off to google but I noticed id missed this one. I don't agree with your logic here. you've nearly got there saying this it would be logical to assume they would have been the dominant race because of their physical advantage. but therefore the logic dictates that that either neaderthal was not the dominant race, or that the sapiens found another way to gain dominance over neaderthal....presumeably where you touched on Because Sapiens could conduct meaningless talk they could create what basic logic couldn't like new ways to kill or trick others are these 'tricks' not the predudce we fall foul to everyday (almost)?? and just because they have become more prevalent doesn't mean they are better. me personally, I believe that when the global heat cycle swings back and the next ice age comes that many of the weak normski's will be wiped out and that Noah's modern day counterparts will have many logical solutions to extreme events and have our moment to shine and pass on our logical intellect and the 'new order' will be full of Aspies and will become start trek type society of the futre and work together for a common goal. have faith, neandethals were surviors. so are we
  24. I think from this it is only logical to assume that it may have a contributing factor to depression, not necessilarily 'would be' more depressed than others. having studied genetics at uni I have learnt that genetic inheritance is a matter of chance, reference heterozygous alleles in genetic expression. I have brown hair with brown eyes and had a baby with a girl who had brown hair blue eyes. our daughter has blonde hair and blue eyes. so therefore I can assume that if she is mine which I hope sincerely that she is, that I myself have heterozygous alleles for both hair and eyes, as my dominant brown genes show through, I also carry resessive alleles which I passed onto my daughter. this is mendeleian genetics. Gregor Mendel was a monk who discovered DNA and genetic inheritance. Therefore going by his studies I say it is reasonable to assume that both neandethal and sapien genes are mixed up in the modern genome, however in different situations different gene expressions are either switched on orswitched off due to the mixing of genetic material during fertilisation of the egg and the randon selction of genes during this meiotic process. As with my daughter sometimes recessive alleles are passed on without traits being displaid. sometimes both partners pass on recessive alleles are exhibited and unfortunately sometimes that means the parts of us which made us wired up differently or autistic whichever you prefer. its interesting but not neceessilarily important where they came from, if you are searching for a cure then switching on or off of genes may be a more likely source to find answers. However, as a solution I suggest that understanding the source of the genetic variation can only positively be used for learning how this could be better for us and more useful for society sp that we cann sell the benefits to them so they can be motivated to understans us better. I have read something, I cant remember where about a national or worwide survey im not sure im going to google in a min... about gene histology concerning things like Viking genes, and the spread of the rhesus gene and another more recent one linking gene patterns from people from 'isolated gene pools'. Its like after mapping the genome they are now mapping the histology of certain genes that they have learn to find. people in the north of England have been seen to contain this Viking gene in them more so than people of the south of England and it is suggested that this is why so many northerners especially around York where I am now, are so tall! im gonna go google now, theres a lot being discovered and eperhaos this neaderthal study will pop up markers which can easily be tested for so it can be caught earlier. im not sure if I can spot other ASD's, but I do notice that children rumoured to have 'learning difficulties' seem to to gravitate towards me and ask many questions which I answer logically. I spot how they trying to soak up knowledge lieka sponge and I love to feed them! their parents say they don't usually talk to people that much but maybe somehow they know too? off too google now back later!
  25. Sorry PRN is a Latin term accronym for 'as and when' they use it in medical profession to describe 'chill pills' like propanolol and diazepam as I have. I know what you mean about trying to hide it, totally. I have always tried to hide all my traits. Maybe I was in denial maybe I was ashamed of myself im not sure. I am becoming more comfortable now and beleive we shouldn't have to hide it. I think its about understanding that people like us have just right in society as the uproars about gay marriage! Do you do the mind-tricks on yourself? I have a place in my mind that I go when shutdown comes and just stare. The kids think its weird but they see the funny side. If only everyone were accepting.... Its been suggested im bitter about the way NTs make us feel we have to attempt to be something we're not Bit like Micheal Jackson in the 80's bleaching his skin to try to be societies normal celebrity...white So not cool. Just try to be comfortable in ourselves. Stay strong y'all
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