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Everything posted by DGB

  1. Hi Mark.... I'm 48 too and was only diagnosed a couple of weeks ago.... The ability to mix with people confidently made drinking very addictive to me too.....the confidence I got made me do it every day for many years (20ish)... I knew it wasn't good for me but without it I was very reclusive..... Fortunately I've managed (I hope) to return my drinking to a level that I'm in control of before I hit the slippery slope to dependency......This move has meant that I have nothing of a social life now and speak to nobody apart from family.... but at least I'm alive.... As for the pressure in the head, I have this too.... I saw my doctor last year and he said that it was caused by stress.... that may be the case as I've had a lot to deal with in the last couple of years but I have always thought the alcohol was to blame rather than anything else.... only time will tell???? Congratulations on hitting 16 months.. and good luck as an aspie. Dave
  2. DGB

    Diagnosed 5 days ago

    I think this is the path I will strive to follow..... There's nothing I can do about the past now... so I'll try my best not to dwell on it. I've spent most of my life soul searching and blaming myself and questioning why it was always me and why don't I fit in and why do they bully me??? ...... but all the while knowing deep down that I had done nothing to deserve the treatment.... With the diagnosis, I now feel vindicated.. and this feeling will hopefully be enough to know that it was always the others or the systems that were at fault.... and I had never done anything deserving of what I went through....I was just being me. Hopefully, this way of thinking about things will work for me and will allow me to put the past to rest pretty sharpish... I feel very positive about the future.....
  3. DGB

    Diagnosed 5 days ago

    I couldn't agree more with you on this ... I'm fortunate in that I can go back to working for myself whenever I want..... I didn't realise that H&S might get involved for employees who are diagnosed and I can see how this may really hinder a persons career prospects.... Have just been watching the Autistic Gardner and I hope many employers were too..
  4. DGB

    Diagnosed 5 days ago

    Livelife I suppose every person who is diagnosed will react differently and the effects of the diagnosis will vary widely depending on a persons circumstances.... For me personally I don't see any immediate down sides..... I was self employed up until a few months ago when my dad died since when I've taken on the role of carer for my mum who has dementia... I am not effected financially as a result of the diagnosis....and I'm pretty sure I won't need a doctors permission to go back to working for myself once I can't or no longer need to care for my mum.. For some I'm sure a diagnosis will have a negative impact....but I can only speak for myself...and as far as I can see....the future's bright....or at least a lot brighter than before the diagnosis.
  5. DGB

    Diagnosed 5 days ago

    Many thanks.... I feel like my life can begin now.
  6. DGB

    Diagnosed 5 days ago

    It's way too soon to know how the diagnosis will change my life.... I'm looking forward to meeting local Aspies ..If I can make a few friends who understand me and don't judge me when I find it difficult to speak that would be life changing..... It has been just over a week now since the diagnosis and I've spent a lot of time thinking back to how my life may have been had I been diagnosed earlier..... I'm not going to dwell on the past and making myself miserable.....but it's something I think I have to think about..... I should hear something from the lady who diagnosed me in a week or 2.... I can't plan beyond that as I have no idea what happens next??? I can have up to 5 sessions with the lady who diagnosed me....but I'm not sure whether that is for some sort of therapy or some sort of q&a session so I can find out all I need to know??? No matter what the future holds there is no doubt in my mind that getting the diagnosis is going to have a positive effect on my life.
  7. DGB

    Diagnosed 5 days ago

    Hi Georgia..... I have had all sorts of CBT and psychotherapy for anxiety over many years and I have been unresponsive to anything tried.... I've always thought the anxiety was a consequence of some underlying problem and not the root cause.... It was only when I was seeing a counsellor about 6 months ago that she picked up on certain things I was saying and certain mannerisms I was showing that she thought it would be worth me having a go at filling in an Aspergers questionnaire.....the results of which showed a high likelihood that I was on the autistic spectrum.... It was only the counsellors experience that picked up on these traits and got me the referral... I had personally ruled out the possibility of having Aspergers years earlier as I'd only ever read as far as the 'not understanding humour' bit and thought this doesn't apply to me..... I will remain eternally grateful to the counsellor for spotting something that many other professionals hadn't ....Good luck to you ..... Dave
  8. DGB

    Diagnosed 5 days ago

    It was about 5 months from referral to assessment.... had a few questionnaires to fill in in that time... I've no idea if that is a long waiting time or not....??
  9. DGB

    Diagnosed 5 days ago

    Thank you all for your messages I feel like I'm genuinely part of something for the first time ever. The person who assessed me is an aspie too and she said that there is quite an active group of aspies locally that I can now be a part of.....To be honest I think it's a little early to be meeting groups of people, aspies or not,...but I relish the thought of meeting one or two of them initially and perhaps ease myself into a larger gathering.....watch this space.. Thanks again Dave
  10. Hello all.... I was diagnosed with autism/aspergers 5 days ago and I'm over the moon with the diagnosis as it explains why my 48 years on this planet have, at times, been a bit of a struggle...... Armed with that information now. I feel like I can approach all that I do with a greater degree of confidence.... I hope this feeling lasts.. I look forward to chatting to people on the forum. Dave.
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