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Posts posted by ajl

  1. aspergers ceased to exist from publication of the last DSM manual that all psych people use. I got a diagnosis in the middle of last year and it was of ASD but I was told if I wanted to research to look for aspergers. I certainly don't come on the learning difficulties end of the scale unless you count my dyslexia. I hate the way they say 50% of ASD have learning difficulties, that means half will and half wont so its impossible to predict before meeting a person.


    I too lost full time employment but in 2013. It was a result of a nasty boss and me costing him too much money. I was replaced by someone doing my job for £6k a year (I get more in benefits than they earn, so I wouldn't get out of bed for it). It left a bitter feeling inside me as I did that job well. I then lost my home and was homeless until this week. It also took away all my confidence. I didn't get a diagnosis until the middle of 2015, it came as a relief. I am not much better able to forgive myself for some of the awkward things I do and say as I know its the asd and not intentional.


    Good luck finding work. Something, the right thing will come along eventually you just have to keep looking

  2. if she feels she cant work then she needs to sign on for getting ESA - support group. To do that she needs to get the doctor onside so she needs to go and see them. Does your doctors have an online booking system as I wouldn't phone but I could make a choice of who to see and when at my own leisure when I can see the appointments available online.


    Maybe you need to start to be tough with her. She must be getting money for things she likes from somewhere and I am guessing its from you. Perhaps you need to start saying you cant have X because I cant afford it, or I'm not treating you like a child anymore that includes paying for your things, adults get their own money and if that means ESA then you need to fill in the forms and then offer to help fill them in.


    If you know her NI number you can order ESA and PIP forms over the phone on her behalf.


    I didn't get a diagnosis until this year aged 36, I struggled to fit in my whole life with school, college etc but to get as far as 18 before diagnosis your daughter must have some skill, its not that easy to hide and imitate people so she must have some skills. Lots of people with ASD work and are very successful, so much so many of them never get a diagnosis as they never have problems in their little world. There are plenty of jobs you can do without engaging with many people. I come across a lot of people with and without ASD who aren't working and think that all jobs should be fun, meaningful etc and don't get that a lot of people just work for money, the reward is luxuries like clothes, holidays, phones etc, the work is just mundane. I packed xmas decorations in the summer and sunglass in the winter for a year as it was the only work I could find but it allowed me to run a car to take myself away from everyone when I wanted to.


    You probably need to be a little blunt with her, show her this response if you like but she needs to be really careful. If she isn't the far worse diagnosis to ASD would be something like personality disorder which is basically a view of a psycharist who view you are being "hard to handle" this then means that no one medical ever takes you seriously what ever the problem. It will bring into question the ASD diagnosis which a lot of mental health (MH) trusts don't accept anyway. The spiral downwards from there is a social worker and a psychiatric nurse on your case and if you don't conform you end up being sectioned and believe me the last place you want to be if you have ASD is locked up in a MH ward, its noisy, confusing, disruptive, dangerous and there is no personal space, nowhere to escape to when it all gets to much (like your own bedroom). Compared to this, filling in some forms is easy, even initially if you get put into a work group and have to show your face down the job centre every two weeks to collect the money to play the game


    Hope this helps a little bit

  3. I was wondering if anyone else struggles with being touched / having someone too close to you.

    I have a lovely boyfriend but I hate it when he touches or strokes me, I find myself thinking please just don't touch me. I hate being touched or hugged by anyone and was wondering if it was a me thing or an AS thing.

    Having have to have shared a bed with him for three nights I have had not been able to sleep and am totally exhausted.

    I also hate it when people kiss me, I feel suffocated and just want to get as far away as possible, even if I like and know that person.


    Is there a way of dealing with it all. I used to be able to tolerate the above but since my diagnosis this year my head doesn't seem to think of anything other than why should I struggle when its not me is my aspergers.

  4. well said Georgia

    I have been through / am still going through the MH services and they are all about giving you more medication to shut you up

    I've always known there was something wrong with me I just didn't know what as if I tried hard enough I could just about fool everyone except myself that there was nothing wrong with me.

    I worked out a few years back that the only person who really cared about me was me. I am happy being me even if it is hard sometimes

  5. Most people wont accept a private diagnosis. If you want it to get benefits or help with educational support etc it needs to come through the official channels. There are services in place in all areas of the UK to do late/adult ASD diagnosis. It just takes time to get through the system ( in my case 2 years) but its been worth it. The best place to start is probably the National Autistic Society NAS. If its not done properly it will just be a waste of your money. The NAS do have a private practise centre where you can get diagnosed but you still need the local people onboard to get local support (ie social worker etc)



  6. not being funny but the internet is a great thing for a level playing field. Noone can see your disability as you are just a profile.

    You say no one understands your autistic brain, but why should they, if you are just participating in an online board it should make no difference.

    Do you understand a NT brain fully? ( I suggest this answer is no as you wouldn't be autistic if you did)


    Just because you have a disability it doesn't excuse you from anything. Its even more important that you are not participating in any arguments and that you know what to fight and what to leave and walk away from. You cant win everything. For example I get treated as being "special needs" because I am in a wheelchair a lot of people assume my brain doesn't work, I cant possible argue with everyone who talks to my career and not me so most the time I just smile and get what I need but if it comes to something important like my housing needs that is a time to speak out and get my point across. I save my energy for that that matters and not trival things. Its hard living with a head that never switches off but its hard just being a normal person as well.

  7. Just to make diagnosis more difficult the manual that sets out all the mental health conditions (ASD included) has recently changed and aspergers no longer exists. It is clear that if you are on this board and communicating then you must be at the higher functioning end of the Autism scale but high functioning, aspergers etc all those terms no longer exist., You either have autism or not and people who are not trained think that you have to be at the severe learning difficulties end (which is actually not that many people) or have amazing powers of some kind. They don't realise its just because you think differently, see different things and process way to much information.

  8. sounds like they are pushing for a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder. It is a real "condition" but basically means to the psychiatrists that you are a pain in the back side and attention seeking. Its a term used to describe me which I argued against and last month I got a diagnosis of ASD / aspergers. Its a case of meeting the right professional and in your area there is a specific service for diagnosis of ASD in adults (I'm 36). It has taken me 2 years to get that diagnosis but I think its just about helping me start making sense of myself and how I am and being a bit more accepting of myself

  9. I'd say yes that I am like you. It doesn't even have to be love with me its simply someone not doing something the way I want it done that gets to me so I cope with just blocking it all out. Sometimes this works other times it doesn't and the problem remains and I have to find a way of dealing with it, which I'm not good at

    I tend to have this problem a lot with people in authority

  10. I've been watching the channel 4 programme how to get a council house and they make it look so easy. It so isn't. I'm after a wheelchair adapted house and the council just don't have any. My only other want is that it is in the area that my carers cover so I don't have to start again with a whole lot of new people.

    So homeless housing want me out of their temporary accommodation.

    Housing options who own the housing stock don't care as I don't live in one of their houses and they have nothing to offer me

    I'm stuck in the middle and its driving me crazy that I cant solve the situation, normally I can go and sit somewhere and protest to get what I want but there is nothing to satisfy what I want so I cant win.

    And yes its going to get worse, the government are making everyone responsible for their own rent by paying housing benefit directly to them so many vunerable people will not pay for what ever reason and be out on the streets and also housing stock is being sold off. So there are less council houses available

  11. I've just got a diagnosis of ASD and I'm definatly at the high functioning end. The diagnosis comes after a string of MH issues including being sectioned and given unhelpful labels like borderline personality disorder ( when I was just having a meltdown)


    But I was wondering:


    Aspergers is an issue like diabetes or dyslexic or any other physical disease or illness you can mention so why is in dumped under the care of the Mental Health services?

    From experience MH services know very little about ASD, they are ok with the classical MH diagnosis but from how I have been treated they are rubbish and cause me lots of unnecessary stress when I am "in their care".


    I see the psychiatrist to manage my other MH issues but do I see them about ASD because ASD is "all in your head" and doctors as of yet don't understand how it works, there is no hard image of someone you can take to prove someone has ASD its just someone elses option.



  12. I'm currently homeless at the moment. I have been living in temporary accommodation for nearly 2 years. To be a priority to the council you need an official diagnosis, written doctors proof etc. And only then will the council housing person decide if they firstly deem you to be unintentionally homeless ( ie if you have antisocial behaviour or not paying rent etc for the reason you are homeless then its your own fault and the council don't have to do anything about it), if they do deem you homeless through no fault of your own you can go on the housing list and they will eventually find you accommodation.

    You get given a priority band from low to high. If they deem you vunerable (through health grounds) then you can move up priority but you have to show them how vunerable you are and things like getting personal Independence payments (PIP) and employment support allowance (ESA) help to prove your case and without an official diagnosis you don't have a chance.

    I finally got a diagnosis at 36 years old last week although I already am listed as vunerable as I am a wheelchair user with various other MH issues.

    Be warned the councils idea of housing is likely to be a hostel if you are homeless, a rented 1 bed room if you are under 35 or a flat if you are over but it could be miles from where you currently live and even out of borough.

    You need to get all the paperwork ( get the local citizans advice bureau to help you) , even if you are not yet homeless you can register on the council housing list and you get higher priority the longer you are on there

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