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Posts posted by venus

  1. Well Owen cried until 9.30pm when he fell asleep, poor little boy he was heartbroken.He said he felt worse than when his hamster died.He is worrying about what to do with it when his new one arrives, he is thinking of putting in a little box and writing 'I Love You' on it. He woke up this morning crying again.He should be getting the new one tomorrow. I really didn't think he would be so upset, he said 'Furby is part of me'.Ryan is not happy as he has got to help pay for it with his pocket money but hopefully it will teach him to be more careful. Oh well wonder what else can happen today.

  2. What a day! My youngest son decided to take my oldest son's baby furby and rub it's face on the decking. The furbys nose or beak or whatever you call it was damaged and now has a split and it can not talk properly. Owen is absolutely devastated and has been crying for two hours.I have managed to order one online .He has got take a teddy day at school on Friday and was going to take it so I am hoping that the new one will arrive by then.I feel so sorry for him, he has got a little basket with a little baby blanket that he keeps it in. He told me today he loves he baby furby so much but he cannot even bear to look at it now or be in the same room as it.Got to go as he has started crying again :tearful:

  3. Thank you all for responding , I think I just felt hurt because I expected her to understand.I have different problems with my child to the ones that she has with hers ,doesn't mean that one is worse than the other ,just that they are different.I shall be more understanding another time,we all need to vent sometimes .

  4. Sorry cannot help but am going through same thing at the moment, Owen gets to sleep at about 10pm and I am shattered ,I don't think I could cope at all with midnight.He wakes up having night terrors at the moment.How lovely it would be just to sit down at 8.00pm and watch the tv and to sleep all night.

  5. Stood at the school gates today with a woman who has a son with severe autism,my son has HFA.We were talking about holidays and I said I don't expect that I will ever go abroad as Owen does not like going out.She said well when he gets older you can leave him.I said well that may not be possible,it all depends on how well he gets on and whether he can support himself.She said 'well you have got a hell of a better chance of going away than we have ' and then that she wished her son was like mine.She then said 'well your son is not that bad'.I really hated the way she said everything.It felt like because my son has HFA that is not as bad as her son with autism.I think we all struggle in our different ways and I am having such a bad time with my son at the moment.He says he wants to kill us and will attack me for sometimes up to an hour.He hits his brother for no reason.He won't go out so alot of the time we sit in this house incrediably bored,sometimes it takes two hours to get him out of the house, I could go on and on.This ladys son sleeps well, goes out well and she has said he is no trouble with him, he goes into respite care every month, they go on holiday twice a year ,don't get me wrong I would not like my son to have severe autism but she made me feel like I was having it easy because my son only has HFA . Perhaps I am just feeling sensitive at the moment and tired, my son gets me up having nightmares at the moment again.Thanks for listening and hope I haven't offended anyone.

  6. Hi, just wanted to add that I couldn't take my son either to have his mmr booster,I worried myself sick over it I was just so scared that it would have a bad effect on him, he had his mmr at 14 months but he was already showing signs of autism by the time he was a few weeks old. My other son who is nt is due to have his next year but again I probably will not give it to him either, I may have the single jab. I do wish the goverment would change their stance on this jabs thing so parents could choose what route to take, all the best.

  7. My son Owen has a carton of juice ,a packet of crisps and a chocolate biscuit in his lunch box, yes I feel like they think I am a bad parent but most of them know he is autistic.My other son starts lunch club at the school next wednesday and I am getting excited as I can put a jam sandwich,fruit and other healthier things in his lunch box- perhaps then they will not think it is totally my fault.

  8. Thanks, I am dreading taking my son to school on Tuesday, I remember last year,partner had two days off work so he could help me with Owen,good job he did too as he had to hold our son on the floor so I could get him dressed and then I had to walk to school carrying him ,with him crying all the way there.I remember picking him up from school that day and he just looked shell-shocked,it was truly awful. Partner has got two days off again this year ,my youngest has got to start nursery on Thursday as well, think I am going to have a couple of bad two weeks before it all settles down again. Best of luck to everybody as well.

  9. I can't understand why they let someone else go in first when you still had 4 minutes to go.If I had an appointment at 11.30 I would only get there 5 minutes early, I would be angry too. Health visitors have a knack of making you feel small.My health visitor is nice enough but she always made me feel a bit useless , and she must be due to be seen soon as my youngest has to have his three and a half year check.

  10. I too feel awful at the moment, I've just had enough tonight .Owen keeps making horrible animal noises Ryan is just demanding at the moment. Just before tea I lost it completely and threw their pen box on the floor as I had just had enough of picking toys off the floor today, of course the pen box had to hit their dyson vac cleaner and the plastic at the front all broke and all the little coloured balls sprayed all over the living room floor and they were really upset as it was a favourite toy. I feel really bad and will try to find a replacement at a car boot sale or ebay really quickly.

  11. As the title say it is my son's 6th birthday today and all week he had been saying I was to get a hedgehog cake(the same one he has had for the last 5 years) and that he was going to eat a piece of it. My son has a problem with textures of food and does not eat very much and also has a food phobia so I wasn't really expecting him to eat it BUT he did! Nearly cried but did manage to hold it back, he even ate the hedgehogs nose.Not sure if he will eat anymore,he will probably say he will some more next year but I was so proud. He had a lovely birthday even though a week ago he cried in bed because he was scared to be six and said he didn't want a birthday so that he could stay 5. He had a brand new hot wheels bike and a baby furby which he just loves, just had to share this with you all.

  12. hi, my son is also doing this but he just asks me 'are you happy or cross' and he is also going through a really lovely good phase at the moment. I hadn't really thought that he was trying to please me but to come to think of it I think that he is.He is putting himself to bed which is something he has never done before and says that he is a good boy now .When i do get cross he says 'you aren't cross with me mummy because I am a good boy' ' are you cross with Ryan ' and when I say 'yes' i am cross with Ryan he then says I am a good boy now and Ryan is naughty. This all started about two weeks ago and I know they do about emotions at school with him so maybe it how it started .I don't feel that he is anxious by keep asking me just that he is interested in how I am feeling

  13. hi, my son is exactly the same, he will be 6 in a couple of weeks.Since last september he has hated going out,admittedily he does get car sick so that has not hepled but it is not the only reason. He will scream, shout, hit out and go mad and more often than not we give up and stay in, but we do make him go out sometimes as we also have a 3 year old who loves going out and also i worry that if they never go out that they will then get too scared to go out. My son like yours has a great time when he is out so i think it is just the thought of going out that worries him, we have tried explaining what we are going to do but it has made no difference.He actually wanted to go to the seaside on Easter Sunday and got dressed with no hassel and was fine in the car and he he had a great day and even gave me a big hug to say thank you but whether we will be able to do it again soon i don't know.He definately prefers to stay at home where he is comfortable and can do his own thing.

  14. Hi, I have got a two and a half age gap between my boys, having a second baby was the best thing I ever did, but I didn't know Owen was autistic when I had Ryan.My boys play so well now and I am sure it has helped Owen a lot otherwise I am sure he would still be sitting on his own spinning car wheels, there are no other children in our family so they have no one else to play with but they have each other. When Ryan was a baby I must admit that Owen could be a bit mean to him and I did not let them be alone together but we got through it and now they think the world of each other

  15. I've had a few awful moments (well quite a lot actually) in the last few weeks with my son but over the weekend I have felt quite bad with a cold and he has been really lovely. Last night the got a piece of paper and drew a little smiley face and wrote MUM on it as well. I said it was the best drawing I had ever had and that it had made me feel better already. He went and showed his Dad and said 'Mummy said she feels better now that I have drawn a picture but she still looks really pale'. He also did his homework and sat down to have his teeth brushed instead of running away for half an hour and asked if he could go to bed! Isn't it lovely when they do these things and perhaps it is extra special when they only do them now and again, all I know is i really do love him alot :wub:

  16. hi, my son also has a eating problem, he always has ready brek and a chocolate mousse for breakfast, for tea he has a jar of baby food for 7 months old mixed with mashed potato and then i have to blend it up so there are no lumps.He will also eat chicken and smokey bacon crisps , rich tea biscuits and a certain brand of chocolate biscuit and that is about it. I worry constantly about what he eats and ever wonder if it will get better but what ever i seem to try just seems to fail , cannot really help you but at least you are not alone with this problem, good luck.

  17. Owen also has a major problem with pants, they never feel right and I am constantly trying to make them right in the morning , I often have to adjust them in his classroom as well and they have to be plain white and washed about ten times before he will wear the at all and they are taken off as soon as he gets home from school, if anyone comes to the door he quickly wraps a blanket around him so nobody can see his bits!

  18. hi, my son startred to stutter about 6 months ago, he doesn't do it all the time and lately it has got better,he actually tends to do it when he talks more slowly.When he talks about his favourite subject which is at the moment a playstation game he talks really quickly without a breath for ages and never makes a mistake, but haven't got a clue whether it is an asd thing or not and again nobody seems bothered about it.

  19. hi, sorry did something wrong with last post have not got a clue how to delete it but this is what i meant to say, i feel really sorry for you today ,i too have had a few bad moments but i would like to say that my three year old son also copies what my nearly 6 year old asd son does and not always for the better. I do not think 3 year old has asd but because he sees a lot of bad behaviour in his home I suppose he thinks its normal to behave like that as well, he really does not know any different , hope this helps a bit

  20. I took ds#2 (3) to soft play today after nursery to meet our friends. I was approached by the supervisor who was going around asking who's child he was to be told he'd scratched 3 children. One was being carried by a different woman and had blood running down his face and wasn't very happy (I apologised profusely). I went to get ds who was still playing where I'd last seen him and he looked quite happy as if nothing had happened.


    So get back to my seat feeling sick then the tears start. My friend said I should really find out who the children's mothers were and apologise (I would have anyway but wanted to stop crying!) I tried to calm down, found the first mum who was part of a large group (easy to find by the glares we were getting) and apologised but by then I was crying - they were quite unpleasant. I understand they were none too thrilled at having their child scratched (I never found out who's child in the group he actually was as they were all having a go) but I was apologising and obviously upset.


    They point out the other child who I'd seen earlier who was now with his mum and I went to apologise to her. She was lovely and that made me cry even harder - you know when you start really crying and can't even breathe. Then I felt even worse for crying all over her. By now I think everyone in the place was staring at me.


    So go back to my seat and I really couldn't breathe at all even with my inhaler. I've neevr had one but it felt like a panic attack must feel like. Get our stuff together and leave having made as big a spectacle of myself as possible. I will never darken their doors again!


    It feels like same old same old again. I already have one child who I can't go anywhere with as he's likely to hurt other people I can't do this with ds#2. I don't know how I missed it happening either as I'm always on edge when out anyway due to ds#1s childhood.


    It also seems like such an extreme thing for a 3 yr old to do - to scratch a child's face until he drew blood, and 2 other children too. None of my friend's children are so violent.


    I almost rang the HV (but didn't as I cried all afternoon instead) but don't think he has asd - I've had worries before but he does play with imagination and we've had none of the quirky things (liking lampshades and fans etc) that we had with ds#1.


    Ds#2 started nursery in November and has gotten worse since then I think. He's usually very whingy and prone to tantrums afterwards for a good few hours. It could be because he sees more tantrums, throwing things, hitting at home (ds#1) than the average 3 yr old would.


    Just feeling really fed up and tearful today and thought most people here wouldn't mind listening to me, I dare say most here have had a sense of being the social pariah on occasion. I've never reacted likeI did today before even with ds#1 - I've shed tears before but never sobbed so hard in public I really couldn't breathe.


    It must be lovely to be able to go out with your children and not be on edge the whole time.


    The ds#1 came home and has reached 'level 2 Padawan' at school by getting his 10th 'light sabre' for a good day - 2 extremes of behavior in one day.

  21. hi,have not really got any advice but this is happening in my house as well.My youngest is just 3 and oldest is 5. My 3 year old can be quite annoying to Owen and Owen will get angry quickly, he pushes him, sits on him and sometimes will put his hands around his neck .I don't know what to do other than tell him off and seperate them but like you say it is impossible to separate them all the time and my sons even though they fight nearly constantly they cannot bear to be away from each other , they cannot play separately at all.I find I cannot really leave them unattended at all which is really annoying when I want to get on and do things.I am hoping it will get better but it has been like this since little one was 2 weeks old :rolleyes:

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