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Everything posted by NathanPJ

  1. Thanks for your reply. Your example highlights my question. I imagine you would probably not be diagnosed for autism, as, by your age you have probably learnt to adapt very well and "hide" your condition. So, if my thinking is correct, you will not be diagnosed as being within the Austism Spectrum, so you will not be diagnosed as having Asperger's, but you could still have Asperger's. Sounds odd, but that's how I currently understand the situation. I may be wrong. I would be very interested in hearing any feedback from your experience of assessment. Best Nathan
  2. Hi Quick question. Hope you can help. If a person with Asperger's can learn, over time, to act like a neuro-typical, to the point they can no longer be diagnosed with Autism, especially as an adult, then what methods are used to diagnose adults with Asperger's other than standard Autism tests? I understand this is more relevant for women with Asperger's than men. Many thanks for any input. Nathan
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