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Everything posted by ramona06

  1. I made the soup on Thursday evening. I was so sure he would take one small taste and refuse to eat it, but he did eat it - hurrrah - one small step. I explained that we are going to have to cut some fave foods from his diet and he seemed very understanding. Ten minutes later asking if he could have a mcdonalds! It seems my son's diet is quite similar (now that I am cutting out the cheese and occasional fast food). He eats only wholemeal breads as I said, also tuna, salmon, ham, cucumber, carrots, houmus, homemade chicken nuggets, cous cous, rice. He has spent the weekend with his Dad and soiled his bed every night, big time. His Dad dug the movicol from the cupboard (we have never used it) and started him on it on saturday. This morning - another soiled bed. (he says he is unaware of going in his sleep and never gets "the urge"). He is back with me for the next two days. Thank god I got the washing machine fixed this weekend!! thanks for all your help and advice.
  2. Thanks for this, what about cheese? Have you cut that out as well? my son loves cheese and I wonder whether that isn't doing him any good.
  3. thanks for your reply. I try to stick with wholemeal and seeded bread but sometimes relent and let him have french bread but rarely. I cook organic meat wherever possible (I am veggie myself) although his love of sausages is a concern organic or not, I think they must be quite unhealthy. He loves carrots, green beans, peas and sweetcorn which I give him at every opportunity. He has occasional fizzy drinks, and has a sweet tooth which is hard to find healthy options for. He drinks still fruit drinks and I manage to get a couple of glasses of water down him wherever possible. I am insisting on him eating more fruit . He will only eat melon, apples and pineapple. I can sometimes get dried apricots down him, but I think your approach is the right way to go. I have to stop relenting and letting him have occasional pizzas, crisps, sweets and mcdonalds. I can't control what he eats at school though. He eats very little in general and has always taken hours to eat a meal - ever since he was born. He put on very little weight from birth and only when we cut out all dairy until he was 3 yrs old did he put on significent weight. mind you, with his bowels as loaded as they are it;s no wonder he has little appetite. He is a skinny tall boy, with no signs of bloating, it is always a total shock to me when he does finally go to the loo and blocks the toilet - where it all comes from!!
  4. My son has been crazy for pokemon for years, moving onto yu-gi-oh and dragonballz now though
  5. I am so pleased to find these forums. My 13 year old son who has dsypraxia and mild aspergers has had bowel problems ever since we tried to get him out of nappies and onto the toilet. For years he refused to sit on the toilet and would maintain he didn't need to go while so obviously desperate. He would then go in a nappy while asleep. We went through years of wet and soiled beds, sometimes he would hide his poo and stuff soiled clothes under his bed. Eventually we started to see a paed and psychologist, using senna for over 3 years, which just gave him stomach cramps, the psychologist was a waste of time as my son ignored him. We have tried cutting dairy out of his diet but at 13 it is hard to control everything he eats and it doesn't seem to make much difference. He has been seeing a psychotherapist for over a year now and while he started going on the toilet regularly and stopped wetting the bed for a while, as soon as we stop worrying about it and prompting him to use the toilet he is constipated again and soiling his bed 4 days in a row now. He is always so unconcerned about it. Is happy to lie in the bed, doesn't want to shower himself off and has nothing to say when challenged about why he is leaving a bed full of poo and not even mentioning it. His lack of concern is so infuriating. He takes tablets to increase the water in his bowel, and occasionally picasulphate, which he hates as he blames that on his "accidents". His father (we are separated) and me are at our wits end. We both end up shouting at him and losing it big time which then makes me feel terrible - I almost hit him this morning after discovering another soiled bed and him just shrugging his shoulders at me when I confronted him. There was no time to shower him as he was already late for school and doesn't care anyway, it would have meant arguments and reluctance as he hates showers anyway. I have read a few posts here where wheat and gluten might be a part of this. Has anyone experienced success with diets? We get a lot of vegetables in him and have increased his fruit intake, but like most kids he wants to eat the foods we would rather he didn't (pizza, mcdonalds) which we do occasionally let him have, especially when he is going on the toilet regularly and not soiling. I was left shaking with emotion this morning. I fear for him as I can't let him go for sleep overs and the idea of a school trip fills me with dread. He stayed with my Dad last year for a week and soiled the bed. I can't inflict this on anyone else. This is a bit of a rant, but I need all the support and advice I can get. Shouting at him and showing my disgust at this continual soiling is not helping anyone. But when I have gone for months of understanding comments and saying it is not a problem as i strip the sheets and look under the bed for soiled clothes hasn't helped either. I honestly don't know where to turn next. I am not sure the psychotherapy is of any benefit. They say it is a long process and could take years. He sees them 3 times a week, which is wearing in itself as it disrupts our working life and his free time.
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