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Posts posted by CarolJ

  1. Hiya Neil just been reading your thread and must say i really do feel for you. Even though you seem to have your bad days (like we all do) you havent lost your sense of humour.


    Plenty more fish in the sea hunny. I think relationships are too complicated for most of us NT or ASD.


    I hope the guinea pigs enjoy their new run, it seems that you are determined to get them running too!


    Good luck and take care

  2. OK - I've had a PM or two asking me to post my view, so here goes.


    Diptheria is not common in the UK (two deaths since the 1980s and most cases are people who've entered the UK from Afica or the Indian sub-continent), tetanus can be given if the need arises (do you have pets or live on a farm?) and according to research in the BMJ pertussis (p for pertussis- whooping cough) is common in the UK whether you have been vaccinated or not.


    Added to which there is undisputed agreement that exposure to DTP makes already existing neurological Vaccines contain ingredients such as antifreeze, phenol (used as a disinfectant), formaldehyde (cancer causing and used to embalm), aluminum (associated with alzheimer?s disease and seizures), glycerin (toxic tconditions more apparent (which translates as autistic children can be more autistic).


    Jaded I must say u r a woman after my own heart. :clap: I witnessed first hand the reaction of my daughter at pre-school boosters she was given a cocktail of DtP (containing thimersol MMR and Meningitis in the one sitting. She lost all speech, eye contact - kept messing herself screaming. As for the DTP the Tetanus is the only one which causes concern. the "D" in western society (unless u r planning a safari ) and "P" part seems ununnecessary in my opinion


    For both my kids no further immunisations is now the way we go on. Also I refuse antibiotics unless its life threatening - so far thank gawd that situation hasnt arisen.


    A couple of years back i attended a talk on MMR given by Paul Shattock at Univeristy of Sunderland. He has done extensive research on Gulf War Syndrome. He said that the Peritusis (whooping cough) vaccine was given to troops to help antharax vaccine take. It seems the pertusis vaccine helps the body accept other vaccines. He mentioned a paper which he had struggled to get published which he said seems to indicate that the pertussis seems to be changing things at a genetic level (inherited conditions in children born to the troops). I dont know whether he ever managed to get the paper published but I clearly remember my blood running cold at this statement. :angry:


    Maybe in years to come mankind will look back at this period in our history and realise the damage that has been done in the name of progress.


    I would love to travel into the future to see if this will be the case and how long its going to take and just what is going to be done to help the multitude of children and adults affected worldwide.


    Mind u would also be looking up lottery results too. :whistle::whistle:


    Obviously its down to individual choice as to whether or not people decide to go ahead and immunise their kids. All I can suggest is that you ask your HV or Immuniser for a copy fo the "Manufacuturers leaflet" which comes with the vaccine. These are normally a lot more imformative than the bumph supplied by the NHS Health Authority who try to paint a rosey picture and downplay possible reactions.


    Getting your hands on a copy fo this leaftlet or if u know manufacturer (there are online versions of these available)


    There are other ingredients which are often used in the production of of vaccines which you should be aware of - in most cases the manufacuturers will list the ingredients so u will know exactly whats in it - and therefore be able to make an informed choice.

  3. Awww the old funding chestnut, i am afraid as the future goes on more and more funding will be withdrawn. Too many need help!


    90,000 kids in UK now with ASD and only 7,500 specialist places. Realistically the govt cant afford this for much longer.


    The future worries me what will happen to my/our kids when they reach adulthood?

  4. For me, it comes down to a couple of very basic pieces of information:

    All three components of the MMR vaccine have been historically linked with autism - two directly and the third (mumps) indirectly. Those three components are given (in the case of the first vaccine) during the single most important phase of post natal neurological development... To me the assumption that this IS safe seems far more far fetched than accepting the possibility that there MIGHT be something worthy of further investigation...




    BD :D


    Hi BD, hows it going.


    Chicken pox virus is a another one that is suspected to trigger autism too and plans are to introduce it to the MMR as licence for MMR has now expired so we will be looking at the MMRV :)


    Will take this opportunity to repeat a posting on another thread!



    "RESEARCH REVIEW INTERNATIONAL Vol. 20, No.1, 2006 Biomedical Update: Harvard researchers confirm Gl/autism link Harvard physician Timothy Buie recently reported that biopsies performed by him revealed the presence of chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the presence of lymphoid nodular hyperplasia, in 15 of 89 autistic children. The findings parallel those of Andrew Wakefield, the researcher who first identified the presence of a unique type of gastrointestinal disorder in children with autism spectrum disorders. Buie told a conference in December, ?These children are ill, in distress and pain, and not just mentally, neurologically dysfunctional.? Buie, Rafail Kushak, and colleagues also have measured the activity of dissaccharidases (enzymes that break down carbohydrates in the intestine) in tissues obtained from duodenal biopsies from 308 autistic individuals, comparing them to samples from 206 non-autistic controls. All of the subjects underwent endoscopy for suspected gastrointestinal problems. The researchers report, ?Autistic individuals with diarrhea [206 individuals] demonstrated significantly lower maltase activity than non-autistic individuals with diarrhea. Frequency of lactase deficiency in autistic individuals with failure to thrive [five individuals] was significantly higher (80% vs. 25%) than in non-autistic individuals with failure to thrive, and frequency of palatinase deficiency in autistic individuals with diarrhea was significantly higher than in nonautistic individuals with the same gastrointestinal problem.? Autistic and non-autistic individuals with other gastrointestinal problems exhibited similar frequencies of disaccharidase deficiencies. These findings further support the link between autism and a novel form of gastrointestinal disease, and are consistent with clinical evidence that many autistic children improve physically and behaviorally when they are placed on gluten- and casein-free diets and receive supplements of disaccharidase enzymes. �?? �?? �?? ?Gastrointestinal symptoms and intestinal disaccharidase activities in children with autism,? Rafail Kushak, Harland Winter, Nathan Farber, and Timothy Buie, Abstract of presentation to the North American Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition, Annual Meeting, October 20-22, 2005, Salt Lake City, Utah. ?Gastrointestinal symptoms and intestinal disaccharidase activities in children with autism,? Rafail Kushak, Harland Winter, Nathan Farber, and Timothy Buie, Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Vol. 41, No.4, October 2005. ?Harvard Clinic scientist finds gut/autism link, like Wakefield findings,? FEAT Newsletter, December 2005. Address: Rafail I. Kushak, Pediatric GI/Nu- trition, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA02l14."

  5. A report that some of you might find interesting to read!


    "RESEARCH REVIEW INTERNATIONAL Vol. 20, No.1, 2006 Biomedical Update: Harvard researchers confirm Gl/autism link Harvard physician Timothy Buie recently reported that biopsies performed by him revealed the presence of chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the presence of lymphoid nodular hyperplasia, in 15 of 89 autistic children. The findings parallel those of Andrew Wakefield, the researcher who first identified the presence of a unique type of gastrointestinal disorder in children with autism spectrum disorders. Buie told a conference in December, ?These children are ill, in distress and pain, and not just mentally, neurologically dysfunctional.? Buie, Rafail Kushak, and colleagues also have measured the activity of dissaccharidases (enzymes that break down carbohydrates in the intestine) in tissues obtained from duodenal biopsies from 308 autistic individuals, comparing them to samples from 206 non-autistic controls. All of the subjects underwent endoscopy for suspected gastrointestinal problems. The researchers report, ?Autistic individuals with diarrhea [206 individuals] demonstrated significantly lower maltase activity than non-autistic individuals with diarrhea. Frequency of lactase deficiency in autistic individuals with failure to thrive [five individuals] was significantly higher (80% vs. 25%) than in non-autistic individuals with failure to thrive, and frequency of palatinase deficiency in autistic individuals with diarrhea was significantly higher than in nonautistic individuals with the same gastrointestinal problem.? Autistic and non-autistic individuals with other gastrointestinal problems exhibited similar frequencies of disaccharidase deficiencies. These findings further support the link between autism and a novel form of gastrointestinal disease, and are consistent with clinical evidence that many autistic children improve physically and behaviorally when they are placed on gluten- and casein-free diets and receive supplements of disaccharidase enzymes. �?? �?? �?? ?Gastrointestinal symptoms and intestinal disaccharidase activities in children with autism,? Rafail Kushak, Harland Winter, Nathan Farber, and Timothy Buie, Abstract of presentation to the North American Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition, Annual Meeting, October 20-22, 2005, Salt Lake City, Utah. ?Gastrointestinal symptoms and intestinal disaccharidase activities in children with autism,? Rafail Kushak, Harland Winter, Nathan Farber, and Timothy Buie, Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Vol. 41, No.4, October 2005. ?Harvard Clinic scientist finds gut/autism link, like Wakefield findings,? FEAT Newsletter, December 2005. Address: Rafail I. Kushak, Pediatric GI/Nu- trition, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA02l14."

  6. Hi everybody popped in today after spending a lovely day at the Truckfest with my "truck" obssessed son who had a wonderful time, rolling under the trucks investigating the shiney Chrome wheels, whilst i sat on grass watching him! My son's idea of heaven.


    My son is one of those who has "Acquired Autism and gut problems" - read with interest lucas' comment on "wine into water" and object to the fippancy of the comment - this was NOOO miracle!


    Just wondering have the people who dismiss the and wonder if the measles virus can or does cause any damage to the human body when lodged in gut actually read the papers on what damage the gut suffers from constant measles infection and inflamed intenstines? "Leaky Gut" peptides leak into blood stream, into the brain affecting mylenisation of neurons! Not to mention the pain and agony many autistic children suffer in silence!!!!!


    Take a look at these papers closely and you will see that the mechanism for autism does exist. More and more research now points to the immune system playing an important role in autism.


    MMR changed my son from a normal developing toddler into the child he is today. I guess those who assume that this is some type of "miracle and cannot happen" best be thankful they havent witnessed it in their old child or it hasnt happened to them.


    An update my son still isnt talking, still in nappies, and long term prognosis at a meeting at his school last month is that he will need institutional care!


    If my son is one day capable of posting to a site like this and telling you lot what he suffers - Now that would really be a real Miracle!


    Will continue to pop in from time to time.


    Hey BD - hows ticks :D


    CJ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  7. thanks nellie and katin,


    must admit scott burrows himself under blankets and cushons, god knows how he breaths but he goes still, i just have to check every now and then to make sure he is breathing. He obviously enjoys the sensation. I will speak to school tomorrow and see what they are proposing to do.


    Thanks for your reassurance guys (once again).

  8. right folks, had a message today from school they want to put a weighted vest on scottie, to try and keep him still. Must admit not having heard of weighted things, missed this thread earlier I immediately thought of physical restraint, visions of chemicals came into my mind. But after panicking I looked up weighted on this site and of course I realise that its not what I thought it was lol!


    Anyway does anyone else have experience of these weighted things. Scottie loves cushions and weight piled on top of him. He is always crawling under things,burrowed like a like mole!


    The amount of th etimes I almost trod on him cos he is buried lol!


    If anyoen else has had experience of weighted clothes etc. could u please let me know how u get on with em, have had a quick read through the thread but will look again now.


    Take care all

  9. ASM burst thruogh the revolving doors of the crusty looking batcave excited about the prospect of seeing her partners in grime!


    The vision that confronts the newly arrived ASM was a rather red-faced BRW chasing poor robbie around the cage, a strange device of torture (or pleasure) clasped in her gnarled hand, sporting new Bright Red chipped nail varnish on nicotine stained fingers, in her other hand she clutches a rather shriveled looking carrot (is this Herbert's (her latest latest late beau (who still happens to be breathing) lunch one wonders?). God ASM hopes so - the alternatives are too horrible to contemplate).


    Well ASM has just arrived back from her holiday in the Bermuda Triangle, Barry Manilow and cocktails on the beach have left her recharged and ready to fight the enemy both within (BanMan) and without - LEA u know who u R!


    BRW is sooo intent on trying to de-fur poor robbie who has a look of horror stricken panic in his eyes she does not notice the bermuda shorts and hawian shirted clad ASM. Mind u her eye sight aint what it used to be the poor dear.


    She has now mistakenly grabbed the saggy ###### pile poouff - the favourite perch of the beloved and manly Jester, BRW sniffs the pouff to make sure it is indeed poor Robbie, but alas she realises her mistake and takes another sniff - her eyes closed because she is estatic to be so close to something that is closely associated with her Jesty (watch out uberthong woman).


    ASM sees the door of the cyber bag bog ajars and a wave of nostalga and nausea over comes her because BRW has again fumagated the interior. However ASM is despate and decides to use the loo while the coast is clear.


    Turning her back on the daydreaming BRW and briefly glimpsing robbies rear end disappearing out of the revolving door ASM disappears into the batbog.


    The lock clicks and the engaged light illuminates. ASM has time to ponder the fate of the rest of her trusty companions. Has Captain Commando lost his medal for bravery in the face of danger and ran away from BRW's advances and tenner lady inco pants.


    And Jesty what a man. No matter what he remains a superhero to the bitter end. He knows his duty lies with justice no matter what BRW throws at him.


    Ahhh, all will be revealed soon no doubt.......

  10. Lorraine hun


    Take alook at the autism Research unit at sunderland university. They do a test to measure peptide levels in urine. They can tell u whether or not the diet would be helpful to your child.


    There is also loads of info on how peptides affect behaviours etc. I went to a conference talk by Paul Shattock I think BD and I know Carole know him. He is brilliant and what he talks aobut makes a heck of a lot of sense.


    Here is the link.




    I am going to put both mine and myself on gf/cf free after xmas, once I get my life sorted out!


    Take care

  11. I do always blame his birth, and it was all aviodable.

    mary >:D<<'>


    This knowledge must be difficult for you. The thing is we luv our kids ASD's warts n all! One cheeky grin from my :devil: scottie, and it dont matter. Its everyone else who needs to adjust their thinking!


    Also I think it has made it easier for other family members / friends to accept her somewhat bizzare behaviour now that her problems have a name.


    Big Mamma, I found before Emma was given her dx of ODD and elective mutism, I struggled to try to explain to people why she was different. Without a "label", I felt attitudes were harsher towards me as a parent, even people saying I should be "tougher" on her! It was a relief to get dx (even though it was completely wrong!) - just so I could turn around and say look yes, its a recognised problems and its not down to my c**p parenting :wub: !


    This is why I pushed hard for scotties dx :wallbash: . Otherwise you spend half your life trying to explain about their differences to everyone else :wallbash: - especially with two SN kids, people were definitely thinking yep - :wacko: c**p mum!




    I have a copy of the Disability Register for Sutton if you would like to take a look. You can see from the area map there is a cluster where I live! Pls PM me with your email and I will send it to you.


    Take care all


    hugs n stuff

  12. Hi Loraine


    In my road alone there are 6 children who I know of who are on the spectrum. 2 As yet undiagnosed Aspergers. In the road off mine there are 2 low functioning (non verbals) like my scottie. In an area of 2 square miles there are 35 on the Disability Register for ASDs. My two are on it, but my daughter is not on as an ASD (yet). In the St Helier ward in which I live there are 65 kids on the disability register, the majority have learning difficulties and behavioural issues. I know recognition has increased and diagnositic criteria has opened up. Perhaps many of the children now would have been called something else a few years back. But looking at the history of the disability register in the area there are certainly more kids now with problems than there were before. Again this could be down to better recognition but with children like my son, still in nappies at aged 5 - completely non verbal etc. these would have been recognised years ago - you could not miss it I am afraid. My son was dx'd between 2 and 2.5years, he was first referred for possibly autism at 18 months. I first raised the possibility of autism because I had just supported a dear friend of mine (we went to school together) get recognition for her daughter who also had regressive autism. In my daugther's class there is her, One AS and one ADHD (possible AS).


    All I know is that the local education authority are struggling to provide places for the children. I sat in a meeting with a Education Adviser who admitted to me that September 2005 will be impossible. They have so many coming up through the system. She said the numbers had "mushroomed" in the area.


    My peadiatrican was very reluctant to dx my son at such an early age. He disliked giving labels to kids. My argument was that a label can always be taken away or changed if need be. Without a label my son would not get the specific education and input and access to specailist school place that he needed. This is why many parents push for dx. The thing is as well it is recognised that intervention and support at an early age is beneficial to a child with ASD.


    It saddens me that many children go through their early years at school without recognition and support, its only when the child's mental state deteriorates and their problems become more apparent as they get older. By then alot of damage to child's self-esteem has been done.


    Hey a label is a label. It can be removed if it is wrong. My thoughts are its better to be safe than sorry!


    I am currently pushing for dx for my daughter who is 8. She was given Oppositional Defiance Disorder and Elective Mutism dx at aged 3.5 years. Her learning delay has widened to half her chronological age and its now apparent to all that she struggles with language. When you put her against her peers the gap is ever widening. However, along with the push for dx for AS, I run the risk of a label myself as perhaps MSBP or over anxious mother. We tread a fine line in the fight to get the help our kids need.


    I have heard talk of "over diagnosis". That children have been given unnecessary dx's. Well if that is the case, then I am sure any parent would be more than happy to remove a label they felt was not appropriate.


    Just my thoughts of course.


    Take care

  13. Hiya Matthew welcome to the forum.


    You have obviously reasearched the subject of the MMR. there is a documentary on it on Thursday Depsatches Channel 4 at 9.00pm although it will be more a character assassination of Andrew Wakefield rather than informing worried parents.


    This wrangle and sniping about the MMR has left children and parents caught in the middle with the dilemna "who do you believe?" - "who do you trust?".


    I fully appreciate the sruggles you must have gone through to arrive at this decision.


    It may surprise some on this site but I am in favour of vaccines (in principle) - but its a procedure would like to see made as safe as possible for all concerned.


    Okay enough of my innane ramblings, welcome again.


    An informative site you might want to take a look at is called - The Informed Parent



  14. Hiya Lisa


    My Emma was diagnosed with ODD and Elective Mutism at 3.4 years old. Behavioural problems. This never took account of her learning difficulties, and problems she had understanding language and communication problems.


    I am trying to have the diagnosis changed as even her teachers have said she does not have ODD or Elective Mutism (which is where a child chooses not to speak). She has problems processing language.


    Many of her problems are on the Autistic Spectrum and next week we have got a statement review to reflect the problems she has.


    We have also got referreal to CAMHS for the AS aspects. I have major problems with her eating, very very fussy - typical example she likes Capri Sun orange juice. Well, recently with the shopping I bought a foreign version in the boxes. She refused to drink them because she said they were not the same, it was a slightly different picture "Capri Sonne". Really really stupid but I had to go out shopping again to get the normal packaging.


    This is a typical example of something with her, andI suppose this is where the ODD might come in. She is as stubborn as a mule and no amount of persuasion will convince her to try it.

  15. Hiya I watched this the other day and I remember thinking about AS when I was watching it. He kept singing out loud to himself and his dress sense was probably down to his "lovely but slightly mad" mum. It is a lovely film but shows how he is bullied by other kids etc. Although in the film he was more an adult to his mum and he entered the singing competition to make his mum happy. The bit where he gets socks for christmas and he looks happy - I thought was really sweet!!!!

  16. lucas do you mind if I ask you if you are religious at all, do you believe in a god or all powerful being (in whatever form).


    Sorry if I am being nosey - your previous post seems very logical so I just wondered if you have any beliefs.


    I sometimes wonder about the universe and how vast things are and how everything exists in a balance - from the big bang theory and whether or not there are other dimensions (I believe in other dimensions) we arent meant to know everything for a reason.


    I am not regligous but I do believe in something - cant tell you what.

  17. ...... I thought that people might think I was mad even considering the possibility, but my son has had premonition dreams that can be verified and out of body experiences, he also seems to see things that others cannot see.

    Tez, I am really glad its not just me.


    I do have an open mind but as a child I had "experiences". I think kids are sensitive to things that logical closed minded adults would dismiss. An autistic child with sensitivities above and beyond the norm would indeed be more sensitive.


    It is something I have observed myself especailly in scottie and never really paid much attention to it but there is an awareness there, he almost has another world kinda look about him sometimes.


    i have often heard that asd kids have an etheral quailty about them - a special kind of beauty that attracts others to them


    sorry must go, scottie sending vibes here, get off computer mum!!!!

  18. I'm very glad for that; a common excuse used by other parents is "You can't possibly understand what it's like for my child". They accept this as gospel truth up until the point I actually do help them, which I try to do often.


    Lucas, one thing I realised a long time ago I could not fight my children's autism. The values and behaviours that soceity imposes on children does not really fit an autistic child. My Emma for instance, when she was younger I tried to force her to do things like go to fireworks parties - and she freaked out and was hysterical, I was angry at her because I thought she was being awkward or naughty and I was determined to not let her get her own way. I remember when she lost her toilet training and I kept smacking her thinking she was being lazy and naughty. Now I realise why she did what she did. I just did not understand at the time and imposed the values I had had as a child on her. Big mistake! Although now I can negotiate with Emma I work with her rather than against her. Bribery works really well!


    With my scottie, well - If I smacked him til I was blue in the face - he would still do his own thing. He really is a law unto himself. I really have stepped back from the "norm" with him so to speak. I have tried totally to change my ideas about right and wrong behaviours.


    Its interesting that you said about the smearing. Scott has a couple of times approached me and started - what I thought stroking my back - still I smelt that pong and realised that he was in fact Wiping his hands!


    Another thing I have been really dying to ask but thought it was stupid - its along the lines of the mind reading - scottie and I seem to have a connection on a level other than an every day one. A year ago my brother in law died suddently heart attack (in his sleep) in our house he was 43, scott would not leave him alone he had been staying for us for a week and scott had not bothered with him - that night scott insisted on going in the room and kept hitting him (as if to say dont go to sleep!) it was so weired. In the end I had to drag scott downstairs and secure the door downstairs to stop him from annoying my brother in law - he was screaming to get back up the stairs. The next day and since then scott goes in the room and babbles - almost like a conversation he appears to be looking at something or someone in the room. It freaks me out and I get him out of the room. Emma once slept in the room and she usually sleeps very soundly that night she was talking and having a conversation in her sleep. I had to go in and get her up and put her in with me.


    Okay, perhaps I really am a bit crazy and do have an over active imagination but there is something extra I have specailly with scottie on another level, perhaps its because of the lack of spoken lanugage we have developed another way of communicating.


    Do autists have other awarenesses - a sixth sense so to speak?


    I have been wanting to ask this for ages, yes its okay, send round the men in white coats! :wacko:

  19. Lucas, that explanation was certainly something. I have had to re-read it a couple of times to really understand and to be honest, I think I will have to ponder some more.


    I can honestly say I am not sure if my kids were born autisic - I am certain of the regression and the chain of events that lead to diagnosis, especailly for my son.


    You asked the question earlier as to whether or not I would prefer my kids to be neurotypicals or high functioning autists, I tried to answer it, perhaps it did not come across too well. My kids are my kids no matter what they are and I love them. Yes, I would want them to be like everyone else, not for my sake but for their sake. This world is a tough enough place for anyone even if you are neurotypical.


    As an autist would would it make any difference to you if you were to have a child whether that child were NT or autistic?


    I did put down that I would want my son to make his own way in this world - isnt that what any parent wants for their child? I know a couple of aspergers adults who have successful businesses of their own, one in computers the other has an osterpathy practice (backs) (is that the right spelling?)


    The facts are that I have two autistic kids and I just want whats best for them. At the moment I am really struggling to understand them, but at least I am trying - I am not trying to change them I am trying to understand what makes them tick and that is why I want to hear the opinions of adult autists like yourself.


    I have found that especailly my son's autism has left us as a family isolated because of the attitudes of others (like family and friends). Its really hard because society expects and our kids just dont do that society thing - attitudes I find are that why should everyone else bother to change - they dont have the problem - its me and my kids that have a problem - my dad thinks Emma is spoilt so do my brothers becuse she screams and cries they just assume scott is retarded and suggest I should put him into care to give Emma a chance! But they genuinely believe that that is a viable solution. The amount of arguments I have gotten into with people who have criticsed my son especailly dont bear thinking about.


    What do I do - they dont really want to listen about autism, they dont want to understand - they just ask will he get better? - this is what hurts me the most - we dont get the party invites and the social events that everyone else does. I find out after the event and get told, we did not invite you cos the kids would not have enjoyed it.


    I am angry too Lucas, because as a parent I can see what is happening I love my kids and I would fight to the death for them but there is a long long way to go.


    The key to society accepting autists is to get high profile autists recognised as such and perhaps the image of autism will be adjusted accordingly in society's eyes. At the moment autism for an NT parent is hard, because I did not know what autism meant when I first realised what was wrong with my kids. Because I had the view that society has. This is what needs to change.


    Take care Lucas - I will re-read your post a couple of times to try and get it to sink into my poor old brain (which is mush at the moment)!


    Its difficult cos I am so different from my kids yet they are still my kids.

  20. Now the laboratories of James Millonig, PhD, and Linda Brzustowicz, MD, at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey and Rutgers University have isolated a specific gene that contributes to ASD.

    Ah hah - thanks for that Amy, perhaps things are happening quicker than expected.


    will take a look at link when I have a bit more time later.


    In middle of scottie in mega hyper mode at the mo! He is having fits of giggles and throwing heavy objects down the stairs!!

  21. Hiya Amy, I dont think they will ever pick up a single gene for autism because I believe autism is a combination of genetics and environmental influences. Since autism crosses all races, creeds cultures and nationalities it is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Personally I feel it will be eons before they locate what they suspect are the genes. Chromosone abnormalties are easier to locate.


    Is autism more prevalent in certain races? Its global (although numbers probably arent available) but I have seen postings from countries like India who are saying they are seeing the rise in autistic numbers.


    Perhaps we should look at the spread of global influences ie MacDonalds!!!! Maybe a big mac is a trigger? Okay shutting up here. It cant be water supply if it is happening in third world countries - of course my children regressed deteriorated after having MMR and I believe vaccines played a part in the problems they both have. That is my observations and I have hard evidence (anecdotal) to support this.


    Again this is only part of a very large puzzle. Emma's best friend's parents come from Vietnam. They recently returned and the mum was telling me that there are a few children in Vietnam now who cannot talk! She had not been back for a few years. Okay whether or not these kids were autistic I dont know, but she said the kids were around, because she was asking about my scottie. She also said they have no schools or facilities for these kids. I worry about my kids but I often think what if they had been born in a third world country with no support facilities what on earth would I have done. Would they have survived? This is something that makes my blood run cold, I could not imagine either of my kids fending for themselves. How many of these children would be abandoned by their parents who would not be able to cope, in some cultures disablility is frowned upon.


    Okay perhaps I do tend to think too much but I cant help but think, this is a global problem and yes we need to find out what is triggering these problems in kids otherwise alot of these kids will really suffer. I know how hard it is for me to cope with my kids with the special schools etc. that we get, it could be 1000 times worse though. My kids are lucky they are in the UK.


    Aspies have always been around in all cultures and have perhaps become monks or something - there are loads of kids like my scottie who have major problems functioning and doing basic things, those are the kids that I really do worry about.


    I remember reading an article about Simon Baron Cohen's research and levels of testostorne in pregnancy and AS - I found that very very worrying indeed.

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