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Posts posted by kirstie

  1. Where did you hide Paul Daniels?????????? (sorry, bit of a cheesy bloke, but couldn't think of another magician!! :rolleyes: )

    I really enjoyed our appointment on Friday and i see you clearly enjoy your work!


    To let everyone know, i took my 2.5 son along to see Ian on Friday. Aiden has, we think, suspected Cerebral Palsy and after what i think may have been a simple partial focal seizure our Neuro wanted his eyes checked first and foremost. So i thought, right what the heck- let's see what all the fuss is about and booked an appointment to see Ian. It was very informal, and very interesting to put it mildly!! Aiden walks as high up on his tip-toes as he can get due to a tight achilles tendon. When under the red light Aiden put his feet right down (which he can do for very short periods, stiffly) then when the light went off he went back up and again when the red light went on Aiden went back down!!! Man i was gobsmacked!!!!!! so much so i forgot to ask- HOW??????? what is this all about?

    Anyway we will be sporting (i hope) a pair of rather fetching glasses with red lenses quite soon.

    I am hoping it might help with Aidens balance if nothing else. I don't know how one child can take so many knocks to the head!


    Anyway, thank you so much. It was very nice to meet you.

    P.S-I had thought you were a scouser but your a Geordie, don't ask me why i thought that!!!! :notworthy:

  2. Oh the shame, here's Lewis' latest.....

    A few days before Christmas, Richard- my husband (Lews stepdad) had to go and get something near Toys'r'us (big mistake!) and when hubby wouldn't take him in to have alook at the toys he started shouting at top volume, "Help, Help, he's trying to take me away in his car. He's not my Dad. He's pretending to be my stepdad. HELP!!!" double cringe! Like you Caroline i am shocked at the level of manipulation. Little swine had an earful from me when he got home!!!

    Kirstie! :unsure:

  3. Hi Amanda,

    Only me again.

    Just wanted to say i have been thinking about you all day! It's just so unfair!! :tearful:

    I also wanted to say that there is no need to leave this forum either. In time it might be a source of comfort to you to talk about your lovely boy, and to offer advice to other parents.

    I realise that is some way off and you have to think of you and your family right now, but don't feel you have to rush off from here sweetheart, you will be made welcome of that i'm sure.

    Much love and a prayer for you all,


  4. Wow i'm appalled the hospital sent you all home in the first place.

    I did think whilst reading your post that it sounded like a complex partial seizure. My own son is under investigation for Cerebral palsy and i think he has had a simple partial focal seizure a few weeks back. I'm taking him to see Ian Jordan just aftre the New Year to rule out any problems with the eyes. Hopefully we will have more investigations at Hospital in the not too distant future (yeah right!!)

    Anyway it sounds aas though your daughter needs to be seen very quickly because if this is seizures then she is having a heck of a lot of them right now!

    My other son, Lewis who has AS suffers from stomach migraines when under extreme stress and he has stomach pains, goes white and a bit jittery, throws up, falls asleep and is fine upon waking.

    Hope all goes well on the 3rd. Keep us posted and hope you all have a fab Christmas.


  5. Hi Caroline,

    How are things? Have they settled down now??

    It is enough to make you cringe with embarresment the things they say! Lewis is the same if you catch him by accident he thinks you meant it and gets really annoyed. I always remember i had a hold of him at the top of his arm (he was in meltdown at the time!) and he screamed at the top of his voice, "Get off me, you're breaking my arm!" in the street , oh it was mortifying. But to him it probably was sore- he can't stand light touch atall.

    He is another one who would wear a t-shirt in the winter. He hates putting his jacket on and always comes home with his school jumper in his bag.

    Lewis has settled down into quite a good morning routine now, up, get dressed, vitamins, breakfast, teeth, hair, coat. and he accepts it- thankfully. But as soon as he is through the door after school he is stripping off!! I just let him, but he is told pants ON!! lol.

    I know you anyway and i know full well you would not be hitting R, so i wouldn't worry too much!

    Take care,


  6. :unsure: Hi Forbsay,

    Had to laugh at that one!! saying that Lewis used to be quite obsessed with cranes when he was a bit younger, and as you know Edinburgh is always expanding and building work is everywhere...he was in his element and it would help calm him down if we pointed one out!!

    Just one question to Baddad though....how do you know about the bri-nylon appreciation society anyway?????? :whistle::unsure: Lol!!

  7. Hi Anita,

    I'm going to quit the fags too. Once our holiday cigs are gone we are going to do the patches, if my husband and i do it together theres more chance of us succeeding.

    I know how you feel about weight gain. When i lived with my ex i was 7 stone 3 and size 6 trousers swung on me. I only felt better and more womanly when i was pregnant. However having kicked him into touch and now happily married with 4 kids i am now a size 12- twice the woman i used to be and iam happier.It's fab to have some more curves too iykwim!! lol.

    Hope you are managing with quitting the cigs, if not don't worry i hear on average it takes around 3 times of trying to quit before we are successful- keep going!! :notworthy:


  8. Hi Nic,

    Sorry to hear your Irish bloke wasn't more forthcoming! :unsure:

    I love to get all dolled up for a night out, haven't done it in ages. I haven't had many nights out in Glasgow as it's difficult to get back through to Edinburgh, the trains only run til a certain time.

    I must do it sometime though and book a travelodge or something!!

    I feel a night out coming on!!

    Hope your social life continues, it does make all the difference to get some time out!


  9. Hi Everyone,

    Not been here for a while as my other son is in the middle of the diagnostic process for something or other- i had thought Cerebral Palsy but as yet we don't know, phew anyway....

    as many of you will know Lewis my 8 year old with AS is in a language unit attached to amainstream primary school. He is doing well and quite the high flyer with his lessons.

    Just recently the school have started a healthy eating, exercise and dental health programme as most schools do...well i have tremendous difficulties with Lewis and his diet and have now settled down to a packed lunch that is the same every day, same bread same ham cut the same way, crisps, a drink, animal shapes and a fromage frais, no tthe greatest but hey he's eating it. Any deviation from that can see him throw up. Well he had very anxious times last year where the culmination was stomach migraines because he was so stressed about his food. Things settled down.....UNTILL NOW!

    I wrote in his home diary that he wasn't wanting his lunch because he wasn't going to get any points at his table for not eating fruit or something healthy and could something be done as he will end up phobic again...so the reply i got was that he could eat an alternative but obviously wouldn't get any rewards!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was fuming.

    I wrote back that this was nothing short of discrimination for something that is outwith his control.Making him feel anxious about what he does or doesn't eat will only have a detrimental effect and it was totally unfair to make him feel like that. Do you think i was over-reacting????? it was a barbed reply but i just get this feeling that they can be very lax when it comes to Lewis as he conforms so well during the school day-for the most part anyway, that these things aren't communicated to other teachers!

    Anyway i look forward to your replies!

    take care,

    Kirstie.xxxxxxxx :rolleyes:

  10. This is a good thread!

    Last week we were on our way home from our usual Friday night pizza, driving along the bypass Lewis must have noticed the signs overhead, we were all quiet, nice and full up when my hubby took a drink of coke, lewis pipes up "DAAAAAD- you mustn't drink and drive or serious injury might occur!!" We were laughing all the way home. :lol:


    He also says breakstiff for breakfast!! cute!.

  11. WHAAAAAAATTTTT??? Max Factor have stopped doing Perfect Peach lipgloss??? :crying::lol::lol::lol: What are you going to use now BD??? :whistle:;)

    I am always quite surprised by the fact i am almost tempted to eat a kebab when i've had a few beers, and ireally hate them :unsure::sick:

    Anyway, sorry you're night didn't end quite the way you'd have liked!

  12. Thanks for the replies,

    I phoned the School and told them even though incidents in the playground dont happen every day he still needs support in the playground. It feels like every time icome up with this or ask for a play programme to be put in place the Teacher puts me off! :wallbash:

    I have also asked for a social story to be made up but again she put me off. I'm not over-protective and making a fuss about nothing this is serious!!!

    I have a review meeting in November and his Consultant is attending so i might give her a call beforehand and let her know whats going on. They might not listen to me but they will definatly listen to her if she makes recommendations.

    I might try the feelings book actually, it sounds like quite a good idea and even though hes only 8 i think its worth a go- so thanks for that idea :notworthy:

  13. Hi guys,

    Not been around for a while. Lots of other stuff going on...won't bore you with it all.

    Anyway, some of you may remember Lewis has been ina language unit for over two years now and is doing fantastically -in the classroom anyway. But socially he's still very isolated particularly in the playground. The thing is i'm sick of asking for a play programme to be implemented and for him to have some support in the lunch break and other breaks but the teacher looks at me sideways like i'm over-reacting.

    Well this is not the first incident, but today when he came home i noticed a huge bruise on his cheekbone! :tearful: I asked him what happened and he got so upset saying it was a secret (and i'm not liking that either...) and it took me ages to persuade him to tell me what happened. The story goes like this. "I was standing in the line to go in from break, because icouldn't find anyone to play with because it's too hard ( :tearful: ) and @?!* came over and said i was too much over the line!" the tears start at this point, he goes on to say they start pushing each other the other kid bursts into tears and another kid tells Lewis it's all his fault so Lewis takes off somewhere else in the line and proceeds to punch himself in the face- very hard by the looks of it!! He told me he was crying but no adults were around to tell.

    Is this familiar to anyone, the self injurious behaviour when upset or angry?? I have spoken to him recently about it as i noticed lots of small bruises on his forehead and it turns out he has been headbutting his bunk-beds in temper (so much so his nose was bleeding!) i was so upset that i cried. It breaks my heart, but it upsets me even more that he is hurting himself and cannot see another way to vent.

    Is it just me or is it always when you think things are going ok with them?

    I have spoken to the Headteacher (well, was spoken to like a two year old :wallbash: ) and insisted that he has help in the playground so we will see....

    just needed to ask if this is common with anyone else?

  14. Thanks Aro,

    Aiden was born at 38 weeks by induction, he was distressed and had the cord wrapped around his neck but didn't need resus and his apgars were ok, he was diagnosed with laryngomalacia not long after (floppy larynx) and needed help at times with feeding but he is much better with that now although you can still hear it if he has a tantrum( and there are many!!)

    He didn't sit up untill his first birthday and didn't crawl untill he was around 16 months (he was more like a sniper though!) then pulled up to his feet around 18 months and i knew for definate something was wrong as he can't put his left foot to the floor, when he started walking at aroung 21 months it was so apparent something wasn't right. I have seen an orthopedic doctor and he has referred us to a neurologist. I hope i am wrong but i think from what i can tell he has hemiplegic CP as only one limb is affected and his speech too.He is also very clumsy and falls over constantly. He has only just started to say Mum dad, hiya etc but mostly screams when something is wrong. A lot of his behaviours remind me of Lewis with his AS but i know he isn't on the spectrum. I have the old gut feeling again.....

    Also i have read that a mother who has cytomeglovirus infection during pregnancy can cause CP, but ihad the primary infection 11 years ago (it caused my stillbirth) so i'm not sure if that has any bearing on this. Questions questions! :tearful:

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