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Posts posted by ellisisamazing

  1. I recieved a phone call about forty minutes ago from the DWP, and a lady from the Reconsiderations department asked would it be ok to have a chat with me, I said it was fine and she asked me some questions regarding El and the impact of the things that we do for him has on us. We had a good chat and I was very upfront with her, she was lovely, said she has some limited experience with ASD children through her best friend and she could only imagine what life is like for an ASD parent and that she was full of admiration for anybody who does!!! :D:crying:


    She then told me that she could see no reason why El could not have HIGH RATE CARE!!!!! Yessss! And that she would award it immediately and backdate it till the beginning of June!!! I am elated, it means I can get El some great sensory equipment now and do up his room a bit with some lights and stuff! :pray:


    The jury is still out on the High Mobility rate, but at least we get the low rate mobility, so were happy! She also told me to contact the Tax Credits and tell them to backdate their increase to June also!! :party:


    I thought we would have to wait another few weeks before getting our decison...I feel so lucky! Also when his award was redone in June it was made valid until he would turn 12 in 2014! But she said that they would prolong that again until his 16th Birthday in 2018!!!! :clap:


    Wooooooooohoooooo!!! No more horrid DLA forms for a long, long time!! :thumbs:


    Anybody, if you feel your award is unfair, try again like me. I wouldn't have bothered had it not been for El's consultant pushing me to do so.....so glad I did!


    Lisa xx

  2. di30,


    You're welcome, and thank you! >:D<<'>


    I just wish you hadn't been treated so unfairly, it's not right....makes me so angry :wallbash:


    If only the 'decision makers' could spend an hour in your shoes they would see a true reflection.....


    How long does the award your son has been given run for?


    Lisa xx


    p.s Caroline, sorry I am not that bright to work out the benefits system! Maybe, try their website?!

  3. Hi di30 >:D<<'>


    I am not 100% on this but it was the CTC that told me, so it must be right......but CTC is increased to a higher amount only if child being awarded DLA is awarded at the HIGHER rate of CARE component. As you will know we are just a few weeks off from finding out what decision has been made with regard to my DS as we are having a Reconsideration review done. El was awarded Middle rate care and low mobility but like yourself I am up to the wee hours every night and during the night also, so we are fighting the decision with much support from El's consulatnt. We had a decrease in CTC a month back and they said at the time when I called them with our tax details that they were aware of El's DLA award and to call back if we were successful in recieving high rate, I asked what did they mean and was told about the increase on HRC award.


    Lisa xx

  4. Awww Mel,



    That's gawjuss! >:D<<'> A real cockle warmer!


    El is a real cuddler and a face stroker and it's so nice, it always reminds me he does love me, he may not be able to say it, but he can show it with his cuddles!


    You're very, very lucky.....a teenage boy cuddling his Mum? That's almost unheard of....enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! :lol::lol:


    Lisa xx

  5. Maisies Mum,


    I have something to tell you.......YOU are completely normal and just like the rest of us here! >:D<<'> We all have our bad times, but we also have some good moments too, those are the ones I try to focus on.....it's keeps me going when I get a lovely hug or a smile and outweighs the lack of sleep, challenging behaviour and the rest of the things we come up against!


    You are a good mum, that is clear, but you are also in need of nurturing and care and sometimes somethings got to give. Try and get a break or a bit space just for you.


    Take Care >:D<<'>


    Lisa xx

  6. Well Done Viper :thumbs:


    El was reawarded MRC and also got LRM on the renewal in August, but we are appealing at Reconsideration stage, his sleep patterns have changed dramatically and since late June he has been a nightmare sleeper and I am awake most of the night, when I do sleep it is poor quality cause I am always aware of him moving around, and he is hazardous right now!


    His Consultant is supprting us in this and also trying to get us HRM as a result of his total lack of awareness with strangers/roads/constant licking of cars, lamp posts, bus stops, gates etc!


    We have to wait until end of Oct before we get a decision! :rolleyes:


    I am not sure about the blue badge thing in my area, I do the Mum and Child stuff too!

  7. Thanks Elun! >:D<<'> Cheers for your support, it's nice to know you care


    Thanks Pearl! >:D<<'> And that goes for you too, my lovely friend!


    P, I will PM you tomorrow, I was in Newcastle on Saturday night at a hen night and I am now full of cold/virus thingy! (Honestly it isn't drink related!!!) :lol:


    I have a lot to write to you!!


    Lisa xx

  8. Quick Update!


    After this mornings fiasco El was safely returned home to us this afternoon with the "booster" and we were also given our personal seat back but the transport dept one is still missing! :wallbash:


    At least he had some form of seat today, and the driver was very apologetic, but it is not his problem to be fair. I will give the Transport dept till Thursday to get back to me about the purchase of this new seat!


    But if this happens again, I will be keeping El off the bus until a replacement is issued. How does a company manage to "lose" so many seats?? :unsure:


    Very Dodgy, IMO! :rolleyes:


    This taxi bloke big boss is gonna be sorry if he continues, I will give him the verbal lashing of his life, if I have to! :ninja: I can nag for England.......Ireland......Scotland......Wales......and then some! :robbie::robbie::robbie::robbie::robbie::robbie::robbie::robbie::robbie::robbie::robbie::robbie::robbie:

  9. Shortcake,


    Now you're making me splutter! :lol::lol::lol:


    My daughter is also making up songs, :lol: "We are pigs, Peppa, George, Dad and Mummy, pink and smelly like a piggy's bummy!!!" (well she actually had a little help with that one from my neighbours 6 year old! :rolleyes: )


    I couldn't help but laugh though! :lol:


    Oh, and she's heard me listening to the Human League, and sings "Don't you want a baby?" Instead of "don't you want me, baby?"!!! You wanna see the look of horror on my DH's face when that gets sung!


    And as for the dreaded BARBIE GIRL.....Damn them Big Brother twins!

  10. We have to endure "SHINE" by Take That on a loop, with "IF YOU'RE NOT THE ONE" by Daniel Bedingfield (Which makes me cry!), "CHASING CARS" by Snow Patrol and "CRAZY CHICK" by Charlotte Church........and the BLACK BEAUTY TV theme song! :lol:


    Also any MTV video with a scantilly clad female in, and El is rubbing his thighs VIC REEVES stylee! :P:P


    When Britney Spears was first about in 1999, I came home from work and walked into the silent lounge to find my hubby grinning inanely at the TV screen watching a Britney video on mute.....when I asked him why, he said "It's best I watch my britney on mute, I still like her when she's quiet!!!!!!!!!!!!" :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


    Stupid man!

  11. Hi Suzanne >:D<<'>


    Welcome! I hope you get your dx and that you can start live your life in the happy way you deserve, good luck!


    I think you will find a lot of support and friendship here, it is a great place!! There is always somebody to have a natter, a moan, a laugh with and lots of practical advice too!


    I look forward to reading your posts.


    Lisa xx

  12. I am flabbergasted about this.

    Have you had a look at your councils website to see who is responsible for this ( thinking councillor). I would write to the lea/transport and councillr about this - give them a few days to respns and then go to the papers. All councils have their own chidlrens plan and part of that is about accessing services and safety - I would be asking them how they can be adhering to this is they are persistantly breaking the law. Maybe the police could focus their minds!


    Its ridiculous!


    Hi Pumpkinpie! >:D<<'>


    I have contacted the head of Transport at the local council authority and he is livid! He is going to purchase a new seat and invoice it to the Taxi firm. I have also responded in writing and he knows I will be taking this further if I feel I should do so, by that I mean my solicitors and the press becoming involved! I have also pointed out the seat legislation requirements to bothe Transport and the Taxi firm!

  13. Morning hope you have got over the drama of this morning! Is there anyway you could go to the bus garage and pick up the seat in person? They seem to be taking the complete P***!!



    Thanks shortcake! >:D<<'>


    I am just really sick of it! I just feel like they don't care about our children on the bus.....so I am naffed off!


    I asked that regarding the original missing seat, and was not allowed to be told the location :rolleyes:


    If this happens again, I will keep El off school and will then contact the local newspaper!


    Lisa xx

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