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Posts posted by allsetuk

  1. this is so interesting as my 5 year old is exactly the same, always saying im going to be put in the rubbish or he is going in the rubbish......with being off for 9 weeks and i saved up all year and used my family fund money and rented a tiny place in italy got cheap ryan air flights and made sure the cabin had big enclosed safe garden.....to avoid climbing the wall in the uk on a weekend never mind 9 weeks..we viewed it as an adventure and it was , very difficult at times but much better than staying in our little house.


    i noticed without schoool to obsess about , he became fixated on collecting pottery fragments every day and lining up.....all of his day was spent obsessing about tv schedules and comparing english and italian programmes as over there you have the option using your remote to change the language....he was setting reminders by clock and tv remote, first words out of his mouth were about tv schedules and everyone he met he talked incessently about tv schedules..he regularly woke up at 3am and wanted to get up ......


    .the worst part was major boistrous argumentative behaviour, either totally ignoring me on a degree ive never seen before or if i tried to talk about it he became so aggressive towards me i was in tears, the slightest thing i said he misinterpreted and retaliated too ...and shouted back at me saying i was saying something mean when i was just giving simple instruction, if he made any kind of game mistake or couldnt beat all the computer games he went berserk or if i told him to break from what he was expecting to do, he would attack me, repeated slapping, hiting , biting, i was taking myself away into another room trying to give him space to calm down but this just made him do it all the more.


    he wouldnt listen to me at all, nothing i said made any difference and he was obsessed with who was the boss and we had a sheet of holiday rules and everything i said he would just do back to me and the concept of me being in charge seemed to upset him so much, we had a star behaviour chart and i tried to make it fun and in return he just drew me a sad face chart saying he didnt like what i was saying ...i took away his leapster and tv ....he took away my books and anything i liked .....we are back now but my goodness im so tired, and so sad we ended up fighting every day ..and i didnt have a computer so i couldnt ask advice from here

  2. summer holidays are difficult i find, my son was off for 9 weeks and i saved up all year and used my family fund money and rented a tiny place in italy got cheap ryan air flights and made sure the cabin had big enclosed safe garden.....my son would and does climb the wall in the uk on a weekend never mind 9 weeks..we viewed it as an adventure and it was , very difficult at times but much better than staying in our little house. i noticed without schoool to obsess about , he became fixated on collecting pottery fragments every day and lining up.....all of his day was spent obsessing about tv schedules and comparing english and italian programmes as over there you have the option using your remote to change the language....he was setting reminders by clock and tv remote, first words out of his mouth were about tv schedules and everyone he met he talked incessently about tv schedules..he regularly woke up at 3am and wanted to get up .......the worst part was major boistrous behaviour, ignoring me on a degree ive never seen before , being so aggressive towards me i was in tears, the slightest thing i said he retaliated too ...and shouted at me saying i was saying something mean when i was just giving simple instruction, if he made a mistake or break from what he was expecting to do, he would attack me, repeated slapping, hiting , biting, i was running away and trying to hide as he wouldnt listen to me at all, nothing i said made any difference and he was obsessed with who was the boss and we had a sheet of holiday rules and everything i said he would just do back, we had star behaviour chart, he just drew me a sad face chart saying he didnt like what i was saying ...i took away his leapster and tv ....he took away my books and anything i liked .....we back now but my goodness im so tired

  3. i applied in may, in august got 380 for summer holiday and 350 for a shed outside so my son has somewhere to sit of his own.it would have been more useful for outings and holidays as keeping my son occupied is impossible. i dont mean to sound like im complaingin , im very grateful but i thought you got holiday and day out money?

  4. i have the same problem, my 5 year old loathes toothpaste and brushing teeth, this issnt a new thing, he has always been like this, hates toothpaste, retches repeatldly, i was wonderin if there was a special needs dentist , ive had freinds in USa send over every flavour of toothpast as they do a ton more over there, but im getting seriously worried, his breath smells and i can get him to do his teeth maybe once a day without toothpast if im luucky....but not normally

  5. the days gone from bad to worse, hes bouncing off the walls , arguing non stop, fighting clawing headbutting and walloping me ...constantly jumping on me and im so tired i cant deal with it ...feeling terrible cos i had to drag him to his room and leave him there to calm for a few as he was going totally crazy...im getting head butted if i say anything he disagrees with, now he is collapsed on the sofa catching up on the z's gosh i really hate days like this and ive no money to take us anywhere or petrol ;( im begiining to wonder if he is better without the melatonin

  6. hes been up since 4 today and didnt get to sleep till nearly ten on 6g of melatonin , i cant cope with it ..im totally exhausted, he is on school holidays at moment and we are at breaking point ....i applied to the family fund weeks ago to try get help this summer to amuse him ..........as if we are at home he literally wants to play on the computer from morning to night, nothing else interestd him...and we are in a really small house with no garden so there is no escape .....feeling a bit at the end of my tether. :tearful:

  7. hello thanks for answering ..yes this is a pattern , he falls asleep quick but now is up every night at one or two am, its like the concentration of sleep he gets before this time is tricking his body into waking up and thinking its time to get up ..i think we were better without it , it meant he didnt get to sleep till 9.30 but at least consistant night sleep ...hes up at 5.45 too ....im shattered....

  8. lol ..mines five and he has never slept solid, you cant touch his toes when he is asleep and even a light switch can make him jump so much it causes tears! ...its more me getting up and functioning enough to stir melatonin poweder into milk at 2am lol !! oh well i will pursue! im seeing doc friday so ill ask about slow release

  9. ok first night was brill, 2nd night awful he woke up at 2 wide awake and wanted to get up ....3rd night i darent send to bed at 7 incase he wakes at 2 again , so went later around 8 and stirred loads , the melatonin seems to wear out around 1 to 2am, i guess this is why the bottle says take 4 capsules but thats 4 x 2g which seems like loads compared to what your children take ..any advice lol!!!

  10. OK followed all your advice and put one capsule into a drink, the instructions say 4 capsules a night which would be 8g???? so ive given him one and half tonight to see how it goes, gave them to him at 6 and he went to sleep at 7.30 this feels great as normally its 9.30 /ten and takes forever with me losing my temper as he is glued to me physically and im tired and then its an endless cycle of guilt and remorse cos i shouted at him to get to bed and hes upset cos he cant.... and he is in tears cos i walked off cos i had had enough of sitting with him after 2.5 hours.... feel better tonight , thanks for the information re liquid form

  11. no one even beleives me, the amount of people that have said "oh all children do that, he is only young " only his teacher truly recognises every aspect of his behaviour and sees it for what it really is. my grandmother when i told them of my sons diagnosis asked me "Is this something you have done ..have you not been hard enough on him and let him get away with too much"????????? even my best friend didnt like the diagnosis ...i feel totally alone ..except when i read this board

  12. how do you all sneak it into their food ? no way will my son take the tablets, he cannot stand the sight of medicine under any circumstance...iam feelign a bit stressed out and cant fight the tears , i feel awful totally lost it last night with my son last night the late nights are getting later and im a single parent , havent had a breaks from him for 18 months and im wrecked as ive just finished my degree .....my son has gone back into this totally obsessed with me behaviour, wont leave me alone for a second...and he breaks up from school today im dreading the holidays ....how did anyone here set up respite as since i had my sons diagnosis ive been left to fathom everything out myself,

  13. my son aged 5 pops his finger in his mouth, and blows rasberrys or blows on his hands all day and all night, even at school ...he never has and doesnt sit for anything...there is not a moments rest, he is always moving , burying himself, making dens, hiding somewhere ...im finding him increasingly hard to settle for bed too

  14. my doctor has given me melatonin for my five year old and i have to say its still sat here in the packet, i feel guilty medicating him too, but he seems totally wired when its bed time ....and hes getting very anxious about going to bed and seems impossible to wind down.he needs constant hugging through the night and seems to be very aware that things are waking him up or he just isnt going into a deep enough sleep...im geting exhausted..ill give it a go

  15. how did it go, my son goes to an independant school, i have to use a large portion of his disabilty to pay for it but, he is in class of 14 children with one teacher and one teach assistant and those ratios really help him, he is only five but i have already had one hell of a time but do feel like that it has been resolved as quickly as possible due to the high input/output from the school, people tell me the resources are better in state school but i cant take a risk of him being in a class of 30 plus and singled out for being different,

    hope he liked it

  16. my son is five and has slept in maybe past 7 on like 3 occasions, the earlier he goes to bed, i used to get regular 4 am wake ups, now its bewtween 4 and 5 , im a walking zombie , he wont sleep alone so that means im up too, he has been known to wake at one two three and get up for two hours, which means i have to watch fireman sam on the sofa..has anyone heard that song "try walk in my shoes before you criticse and abuse" ? i always think of uslot on here when i hear it

  17. has anyone heard of anything schemes or positive things to do with moving house or has any ideas what help is available for raising deposits for moving house. As a single parent i have to be credit checked which costs a fortune ?? I have found a house so suitable for us, im worried as housing benefit said initially that its two expensive despite being only 2 bedroomed , its laid out differntly as its a small house over 3 floors and provides us with an extra room which should be the dining room which i would like to use as a bit of alternative space - we desperatly need , currently in a rabbit warren of a house sharing bed with my son and have not one single cupboard in the whole house and feel totally stifled and strangulated. Im waiting on them to come back with the pre tenancy determination thing. its all such a stressful process

    :tearful: this house situation in england is dismal!!

  18. same here and mines only 5....only parent only child situation and half term, hes been doing really well at school and ive had one hell of a throwback...his head is so set in a pig headed way and normally i try to find something to do in holidays, go visit someone , something to take the focus off homelife, he is like bouncing off the walls no joke, jumping, bounding about for not a single second does he stop, blowing rasberrys, blowing sounds jumping on me, swinging off mee....aaaaaagh im so worn out ;(


    Thank you for your email concerning your recent stay at Disneyland� Resort Paris. Please know that our priority is to deliver Disney quality service at all times. As such, please accept our apologies for any disappointment that may have been caused on this occasion.


    I would like to assure you that a reply to your comments will be sent as soon as possible.


    Thankyou all for all your replies it has made me feel a lot better knowing others have been through similar situations. Disneyland has now been banned in our house and a place never to be visited again. you live and learn dont you

    i had that same email as you opehlia , it was sent to me and then after three weeks i complained again, as i still hadnt heard ....so then i complained again, then i got the response ive outlined above ..i will contact watchdog if other people are

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