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Everything posted by Purplemoose

  1. Hi Lucy The best place for info on strattera is: strattera.com or stratteraonline.com These are very helpful sites. You will notice that the drug is detailed for use with ADHD sufferers, however my son has a cross diagnosis of Aspergers/ADHD. The strattera is helpful to aid concentration and allieviate mood swings and defiance. It seems to help James in all these areas, so I do not feel it is resiricted to ADHD sufferers. I have been called MOOSE since I was a child- how SPOOKY is that ? Good luck - if you need any more info, please do not hesitate to contact me further. I will be posting to this notice board the effects found after 4-5 weeks of medication- it is only then that you can really see its long term effects. Regards Lucy
  2. Purplemoose


    My son was diagnosed with Aspergers/ADHD. I was offered Concerta as my son was experiencing terrible problems at school. I was dealing with his problems at home and managed OK but the school were about to suspend him from . I was then offered an alternative drug "Strattera". this fairly new drug is a non-stimulant based drug and is now being used as an alternative to Ritalin and Concerta. I can only say that after 2 weeks, my son is a changed person- he is happier in himself and able to cope alot better at school. Perhaps some of you with children out there would want to investigate this for yourselves as it may be another option. Just to put your minds at rest- my son is still the same little boy but more able to understand peoples feelings and indeed his own feelings. He is more able to negotiate whereas before he constantly saw the "red mist". I am not saying that this is a wonder drug for all, but wanted to let you know that it is available- non-stimulant, non-addictive and also has very few side effects- nausea being one of the few. My son has experienced a little stomach ache after taking his tablet, but this has been overcome by eating before administering. I hope this may be of help to some of you. Wishing you all the very best Lucy
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