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Posts posted by whitbywoof

  1. Fwd with permission of Chris Bolduc Mother of Piers. - Cat


    BBC RADIO 4 'YOU & YOURS' this Thursday, 13th September 2007 at 12.04 mid-day.


    If all goes according to plan the programme we have recorded with the BBC, on various occassions and locations since May, will be aired THIS Thursday 13th September on RADIO 4 'YOU & YOURS' at 12.04. Its all about lack of care/units for adults with Asperger Syndrome and hi-lites our son Piers' tragic case.

    Apologies in advance if its re-scheduled for sometime the following week but that is the way it goes in the media! As I write it is still on course for this Thursday. Although a great deal of recordings were made, after editing it will be cut down to size so don't blink or go and make a coffee or you might miss it! I just feel that 'every little helps' (to borrow a phrase!) not only for us and Piers but other families struggling within the minefields of flawed placements and the postal code lottery of accessing support and services.

    You should be able to 'listen again' by putting: You & Yours listen again, into your computer's Googgle search a few days after it is aired.

    Please excuse the Round Robin but it is the quickest way to alert everyone!





    It's going to be on at 12:30. Unfortunately I will miss it.

  2. Hi Ww >:D<<'> >:D<<'>


    Do you drink alot of coffee or consume caffeine too much - as this can make you more jumpy than normal. Try limiting caffeine to two a day preferrably in the morning.


    On a well respected health program over here they say drink tea as it contains an enzyme that counteracts the effects of caffeine, which can make you anxious - jumpy - suffer insomnia. So drink tea whenever you like as it is soothing and full of antioxidants and great before sleep as it will help you sleep. I tried it and its true - I sleep much better.


    Are you getting a decent nights sleep? If not give it a try.


    Just wondering if this might answer some questions for you.


    All the best


    Frang x :)



    Thanks everyone, I did print this thread off and show it to him - I think he was surprised that other people are as jumpy as I can be.

    As for the caffiene thing, I don't drink coffee at all. I love tea and mainly drink it in the mornings. I don't drink any sugary/fizzy drinks at all and don't drink any stimulants in the evenings. If I do have tea in the afternoons, I don't drink it later than about 4pm.


    I've had a few restless nights recently but on the whole I sleep well and have done ever since my doctor switched me from Prozac to Cipralex.

  3. Hi,


    Kai is covered in scars on his legs where he sits picking all day (and night!). When i ask him to stop he says it feels nice. He also bites and picks his lips until they bleed, although this is usually when he's anxious.


    Loulou xx


    Kids? I'm 42 and I have the most terrible scratching and scab picking habit. I'm covered in scar tissue as a result. Sometimes I don't even realise I'm doing it but one thing is certain - I do it more when I'm highly stressed. I hate the way my hands look yet as soon as a scab starts to go hard, just can't resist pulling it off, which of course leaves the wound larger and messier than it was before.


    I currently have four patches on one leg, one on a foot three on my hand, five on my arm, one on my back and one on my scalp.


    I hate myself for it.

  4. I have Aspergers, my partner is NT. He's getting used to me being nervous in strange and crowded places although he finds it funny when I sometimes walk around with my arms crossed defensively in front of me and jokingly calls me a Freak. Last weekend we went to an airshow. At first I was particularly bad because it was crowded, noisy and chaotic. I asked if we could have a drink and we sat away from the crowd which gave me chance to take it all in and calm down. Once I felt calm enough to walk normally we went back into the crowd, and once the flying began I was fine - because we'd gone there for the sole purpose of my photographing the planes - my favourite hobby at the moment.


    But sometimes at home, my partner accidentally startles me and makes me jump. The intensity of my reaction is sometimes so great that he looks really hurt and thinks that I don't like him. It happened this morning - I wasn't sure which room he was in and I went into the kitchen to get my meds. He stuck his head round the door without me hearing him coming and he spoke - I jumped out of my skin! He looked so upset. And a night or two ago, I almost screamed in fear when he came to bed. What can I do to stop being so jumpy around the house? It is after all, my home and the one place that I should be able to relax. Any suggestions?


    I seem to be getting worse at the moment, but then we do have a lot of stress going on with access to his children, the CSA on our case, my busiest time of year at work and my partner coping with chemotherapy. It's a lot and I think we're doing really well to cope with it all, but it's so sad when he scares me.

  5. Hi,


    Do you want to take part in research? I?m currently looking for people to take part in my postgraduate research study, looking at autistic and non-autistic adults? understanding of friendship and interpersonal closeness.


    Your participation will involve:

    - Filling in questionnaires and answering interview-style questions about friendships

    - The study will take 1-3 hours to complete


    Compensation for your time:

    - You?ll be given �10 for taking part in the study


    Who can take part?:

    - Females who have been diagnosed with high-functioning autism/Asperger Syndrome and are aged over 18

    - Males who have been diagnosed with high-functioning autism/Asperger Syndrome and are aged 18-39


    You?ll need to be able to travel to Queen Mary, University of London to take part in the study.


    Interested in taking part? Please email aisa@dcs.qmul.ac.uk for further details.


    Please feel free to pass this message on to anyone that you think might be interested in taking part.


    Thank you!

    Aisa Brooker


    Is there anyway people can help without going to London? Can't you make the questionnaires available online or by post? London and other big cities are scary places for many people with ASDs.

  6. Does anyone else have problems using terms of endearment?

    Even as a child, I baulked at the prospect of writing something like "lots of love" or "love from" in a birthday card, and alwas plumped for a straight-forward and heartless "From".


    As an adult, works like "darling" or "love" just don't come out of my mouth - I'm even self-concious about addressing people directly by name and tend not to gain the attention of the correct person in the room first by calling their name.


    I am in a permanent and stable relationship, but the best he gets when I'm talking affectionately is "mush" or "mister". The only time I'm able to use a traditional term of endearment is with heavy sarcasm when we're sharing a joke.


    And yet it's not the words themselves as I can pour out "I love you"s and "Darlings" to my dog, but it all seems so false for people, even when there is genuine affection.


    If I want to tell my partner that I love him, I'm more likely to do it through the dog - to be in earshot of my partner while I talk to the dog, saying something like: "Do you think daddy knows that I love him?"


    Does anyone else do this or understand it?

  7. I didn't know that zeolite could be used as a human remedy, but it is used in fish ponds to break down ammonia if the nitrogen cycle is imbalanced. I guess the theroy is the same - it breaks down the nasty chemicals that can harm or kill.

  8. My head's been a bit all over the place since my last post on this thread, but somehow last night and this morning I began to 'visualise' the story of my typical day, and so may well begin writing tonight.


    I'd also be happy to help with cover artwork if that's of any interest as I'm a bit nifty with Photoshop.

  9. I have recently rekindled my interest in photography and have had a great time sharing photos and meeting (virtually) people with similar interests on flickr.com.


    I recently started a new group, specifically for people with an ASD to display their pictures and express themselves through their photographs - either natural or 'Photoshopped'.


    So far no one has discovered the group, so if there is anyone using this forum who has an ASD diagnosis and an interest in photography, please take a look at Flickr and consider joining the AAA group.


    AAA group


    Flickr has brought me a lot of enjoyment over the last few months and it's like having a social life without the bother of meeting people!

  10. Has anyone ever had problems gaining contact with their (or their partner's) children as a direct result of either yourself or your partner having Aspergers?


    I am currently persuing a Contact Order and am worried that the adversary may try to use an AS diagnosis as 'ammunition' against contact with the children. Can anyone tell me if this is either likely or legally viable?



  11. I wanted the diagnosis for two reasons:

    Firstly, I'm fed up with being treated for bouts of depression and anxiety with no specific cause, and knowing that I'm 'a bit different' but not being able to specify. When I read up on AS, everything slotted into place and I felt a 'label' was the right thing for me as it puts everything under one umbrella. However, many people don't want the label - it's a matter of personal preference.


    Secondly, I have problems at work with the way my boss likes to flit around different projects and bombard me with short phone calls all day which I find very disruptive. I am much happier and more efficient when allowed to concentrate on one project at a time and switch to other tasks at logical breaking points rather than at the drop of a (my boss's) hat.


    I only got the diagnosis a fortnight ago and I am currently working on the draft employer's letter. Curiously, the one thing that I really wanted is the hardest to deal with; but if I don't get this sorted I really am going to either have a nervous breakdown or walk out of my job and end up desolate and homeless, so it has to be done!

  12. It's such a relief to know that I'm not deaf and that my inability to pick out a single conversation when in a crowded and/or noisy atmosphere is just a 'normal' part of my AS.


    Now to persuade my colleagues to cut the chat when I'm on the phone to customers...

  13. I don't know anything about childhood vaccines but I had the combined polio/tetanus/diptheria jab last year as an adult when I needed a tetanus booster after a dog bite.


    The jab didn't hurt at all (and I'm a big wuss with medical things) and there were no after-effects at all. I remember last time I had a tetanus I had a very uncomfortable heavy/constricted feeling in my arm - nothing like that this time.


    I asked the nurse how come it was a combined jab now instead of the foul-tasting liquid you used to get for polio. Apparently they don't use 'live' vaccines any more because there are so many people on strong drugs (mainly cancer and HIV treatments) that kill them and render them ineffective. I didn't really get to the bottom of the combination other than for cost purposes, but as all my vaccines were due I figured one jab would get the whole ordeal over with much quicker.

  14. Hi everyone.


    I'm a bit bemused - I'm 42 years old and was only diagnosed last week. Most of the information I find is aimed at children and/or their parents. Is there anyone else around here that received their diagnosis well into adulthood?

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