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Posts posted by doubletrouble

  1. :D Hi everyone, I have not been on this forum for ages as life has gone hectic as usual but in a good way!!! Somehow I have ended up running the parent support group in are area and it has taken off in a way that was beyond our imagination and it is great seeing so many people now benefiting from talking and supporting one another.

    When I was last on here I had mentioned my daughters hatred of hairwashing and fear of haircuts. Someone had mentioned a most wonderfull device which could be used in the bath and was like a massage tool for their head. The child could play with it and it slowly enabled the child to be able to allow their head and hair being touched.

    Unfortunatly I did not write down the name or contact details of this wonderfull instrument and I am desperate to try and purchase or acquire this item, but cant do so as I dont know the name!!!!

    I know it is a long shot but does anyone know what I am referring to?

    Thank you in advance :D

  2. :D hi there!! well we have just applied for DLA for are youngest this time because the paeditrician wants her to go for dx assessment as soon as she turns 4. Already have two kids with autism. I had been reading through your posts beforheand and was very surprised to hear school mentioned as whenever I have applied for my others there school had never been contatced.

    ;) Just got a letter back saying there was a delay as waiting to hear from her nursery school :unsure: could not believe it. They also said they have written to her paeditrician so i am hoping they take the consultants advice over the nurseries as we all know what these nurseries are like!!! Mind you she is in a special nursery as she was not coping at mainstream very well but she copes fine in the special nursery as there is only 6 children and three teachers. Wondering whether to give DLA a ring?? aaaaaaaaagh i hate those people up at the office and would love them to come and spend a few hrs with kids like ours!!! :wallbash: not to worry, just have to wait and see as usual!!

  3. B) Thank you Jericho, it was interesting that your little boy appears to also have good eye-contact. You see, my daughter seems to stare, and can hold a gaze for ages, whereas my boys, well I used to think they liked talking to the walls behind me!!!! It was fascinating to hear that your boy could also engage in a game in a 1:1 situation, that is exactly what my daughter can do :D


    I dont have any problems with her attending the specialised nursery, my main concern is that she gets the appropriate intervention to help her develop, I just want people to recognise her needs, and not put it down as "shyness" and "quiet and reticient". Does that make sense? :wacko:


    Thanx again for your input that was really helpfull :D

  4. :D Thank you, yes, that does make a great deal of sense :D A great deal of sense actually on all fronts. :D


    Quite amusing actually because just after I had posted on the forum, I got another phone call from the ed.Psych!!


    She was very helpfull and patient with me, and explained that during the afternoon she had also met with the paeditrician who had met my daughter couple of weeks ago, and that they had discussed her between themselves, with other info. that had been gathered. What struck me most was that she genuinely seems to care for the future welfare of my daughter, and this time explained that they have already contacted the specialised nursery and penciled her name into a group. They are also providing transport for her, and have agreed to fund her place at her normal pre-school :D She explained in a "nice" manner, that due to the nature of ASD in the house, that they wanted to give her the best possible intervention from the start, while also giving her the opportunity for social stimulation from her present pre-school whilst being complemented from the specialised support from the other nursery :D


    I finally understand what is going on!!!! Thank you for your help, boy was I getting confused. Like you said, there seems so much poilitcs at times, your head sure starts to spin, and I seem to have had so many appointments, I am wondering what to do when they all finally come to an end..... if they ever do!!! LOL!! :D


    As for the final assessment I am unsure how that is going to work :wacko: The Paed. gace the impression that she was going to diagnoise her at the next meeting, but I dont really know if that was what she meant, as both my other boys had to go through a panel team for assessment, so I was quite surprised by what she was implying. I did not think paed. could give formal diagnosis? She maintained that she needed to gather the information from the other specialists involved and then she would give her diagnosis....but perhaps she meant she would then put her before the panel assessment team.


    At least I know that while all this is going on, my daughter will be receiving the best possible help in the right environment, and that to be honest is fantastic.


    I also heard to-day that my Aspie son is now coping brilliantly in mainstream with the appropriate help in place, and they want to meet to discuss other methods to put into structure to further assist and encourage his progress.


    :D:D:D:D Yes, I am feeling a bit more relaxed and happier B)B)


    Thank you for answering my queries. B)

  5. :D Thank you, yes, that does make a great deal of sense :D A great deal of sense actually on all fronts. :D


    Quite amusing actually because just after I had posted on the forum, I got another phone call from the ed.Psych!!


    She was very helpfull and patient with me, and explained that during the afternoon she had also met with the paeditrician who had met my daughter couple of weeks ago, and that they had discussed her between themselves, with other info. that had been gathered. What struck me most was that she genuinely seems to care for the future welfare of my daughter, and this time explained that they have already contacted the specialised nursery and penciled her name into a group. They are also providing transport for her, and have agreed to fund her place at her normal pre-school :D She explained in a "nice" manner, that due to the nature of ASD in the house, that they wanted to give her the best possible intervention from the start, while also giving her the opportunity for social stimulation from her present pre-school whilst being complemented from the specialised support from the other nursery :D


    I finally understand what is going on!!!! Thank you for your help, boy was I getting confused. Like you said, there seems so much poilitcs at times, your head sure starts to spin, and I seem to have had so many appointments, I am wondering what to do when they all finally come to an end..... if they ever do!!! LOL!! :D


    As for the final assessment

  6. :wacko: Would you all mind giving me some honest advice? As some of you might know I took my youngest to a community paeditrician appt. a couple of weeks ago, and she confirmed that my youngest is also on the spectrum due to the traits she displayed. Initially this was a great shock (although we knew) but we have know accepted and moved on from initial gut reactions. We have to go back for full assessment in 6 months.


    During the course of that meeting she commentated on the fact that the ed.pych. would soon be visiting her at pre-school. Three times she mentioned that she did not expect the school to notice any difference as she was in a familiar environment at the nursery, but was adamant that when I next meet with her we would need to discuss schools properly. :)


    The ed. psch. came and visited us after watching my daughter on wednesday, she said that her needs were "subtle" but that she had smiled and played games with her "appropriatley and she had not noticed any social communication and interaction problems. She said that she noticed she was very reluctant to join in games and would pace backwards and forwards before joining in, assessing the situation. She reckons her speech is about 6 months delayed, although in other social situations, she remains mute. She agreed that she had poor imaginative play and needed lots of nurturing and encouragemnet and sensory issues.


    At the meeting she said she thought it would be for the best for my daughter to stay at her current pre-school so she has access to proper stimulating social interaction, but she was adamant and kept emphasisng that she works and sees numerous ASD children and that are daughters needs were subtle and she did not notice any problems with communication and that she had very good eye contact and laughed and smiled appropriatley with her in a 1:1 situation. She said thet in her opinion she is a desperatly "shy, reticient" girl. :blink:


    In the next breath she then offerred her to attend a "special" hursery four afternoons, agreed to give her transport, as long as I took her to her present pre-school 2 mornings a week. :wacko:


    I am very confused. The paedtrician was adamant that she would display no unusual signs within nursery, but was still adamant that she displays traits of ASD and wants her diagnoised along those lines. Yet now the ed. pysch. seems to be contradicting what the paeditrician said, while still offerring her a placement at a special nursery to meet her needs :o


    I know I am tired and have been under so much stress latley.... who hasn't, but can anybody understand this and explain this to me??? I had just got my head round my daughter also being on the spectrum, alongside her brothers, should I now start believing that this might not be the case? Or do I accept the paedtricians and health visitors opinions, as well as family members and other people who have encountered her in unfamiliar environments. All she does in unfamiliar situations is cover her eyes, refuse to talk and refuses to communicate with anyone. If she does eventually play she "parrallel " plays.


    Any feedback on this post would be wonderfull. :D


    Thanks in advance, I have just spoken with my husband, who has benn convinved since our daughter was six months old that she is on the spectrum. He is completly amazed at what she has said. The trouble is this is the same ed. psych. who was involved in my first sons report. She agreed he appeared to be "fine and coping" at school and reckoned he would cope in mainstream. 4 months later, he lost the plot, ended up excluded from school for a year, and now attends a special school for autistic kids and is now thriving :)


    The Ed. pych concerned is a lovley person, I am just very confused by what she is saying and how she is acting....... HELP!!!!!! :D

  7. :D not sure if you are still wondering about Risperiodione, but my son, aged 12 was on the same dosage as your son. He stopped roughly at the same time. For a month, he was fine, no different, then anger, tantrums, and meltdowns were some of the worst we had experienced for a long time. :wacko:


    We decided that we would keep him off the drug, he is in a special school so this decision was easier to make, and we decided that as he had been on prozac for 1 yr, then Risperiodione, that we would stop with the meds. amd just try to concentrate on working are way through his violent, challenging behaviour.


    It was very tough and painfull, for him as well as the whole family, however, we are now reaching the point, where slowly we are starting to see some benefits, and we know we are working with the "real" him. Not someone who is controlled by meds. However, this was are choice, and we had professionals in place to help and assist us, and the school also assissted, otherwise we probably would not have attempted this due to his aggression and violence at the time.


    I am not staying he will remain without meds. indefinately, but in truth that is what we are aiming at. Personally we just felt, that no meds were a cure, and although they assissted in some areas, we decided that for us, it would be easier in the long term to find and develop strtegies that helped us cope with dealing with him and his autism and other needs, without also adding meds into the equation. Especially as they kept threatening to increase and increase his dosage. That concerned me and my husband.


    Not sure if that is of any help to yourself, but thought I would explain especially as children are the same age, on same drug and dosage.


    Hope things going ok for you all now :)

  8. :) cool, what a fantastic thread B) Thanxs everyone, this could well be the answer to a three year nightmare!! My youngest refuses to have her hair cut. She now looks like a walking unkempt scarewcrow and would give Worzel Gummidge a run for his money with no doubt. When you wash it, you have an instant meltdown and have to catch her from throwing her self back and "head banging" in the bath. If you try and comb it, you unleash the next meltdown. The only thing she enjoys is the hairdryer. :)


    The hairderesser comes to our house, to do the boys but the minute she walks in, that is it.... instant meltdown and the poor hairdresser I think even dreads the noise but luckily does not take it personally.


    I just long for her to have her hair cut, cos underneath that mop is a really pretty face.... even though I am biased!!


    Thanxs for starting this thread and what a lot of great info and advice. :D

  9. I know this is a subject which is so hard as so many have differring opinions. Last week I had to accept that our youngest is also on the spectrum. This proved very difficult for me, despite knowing in my heart that she had too many ASD traits to ignore.


    This has actually had quite an interesting reaction from the side of professionals, but one which untill last night I was unable to grasp...(just call me slow!). :oops:


    My husband aslo has Aspergers, which he is quite open about admitting if he is in the right situation. So primiraliy that just leaves 2 of us out of a family of 6 who do not have ASD. My second eldest son and myself. :wacko:


    I have now had two paeditricians asking me if they could collect blood from all three of my ASD children. At the time I did not think too much of their request. However, the longer I have pondered over this, I can not but help ask myself why is it, that my second son and myself do not have ASD? Do we have a gene that the others do not? Does a gene in our body react differently to how it does in theres? I know there is no answer to these questions but it arouses my curiosity.


    I personally do not believe there is any connection between MMR and autism, but this os my own personnal view. I used to say there was a connection with MMR with my eldest, but in hindsight I no longer believe this to be the case. Also as I watched my other children develop, because of my past experience with my eldest, I saw traits of Autism from a much earlier age.


    I personally believe there is a genetic connection. I am fascinated by this subject, and I suppose even more so, because out or our own family, there is just the two of us who have "escaped" being on the spectrum. I dont think "escape" is the right word, but I cant think of the correct one. :wacko:


    I am determined to find out if the paeditricians concerned asked for bloods to be examined/ taken again with a specific purpose in their minds. :rolleyes:


    Anyways, just thought I would add my input. :)

  10. ;) Thanx for your replies,, it is great to have feedback as then you can prepare yourself likewise!!! Must admit, I am so far really impressed with the results. He is still fairly aggressive but it is early days, and although he is raging I am able to get through to him quicker than before...either that or my rugby tackles are getting to pro standard!!! :dance: Seriously though I can see a positive change. He is even starting to listen to social stories and is trying to take on board that they can be past on to real life situation, something that has never been possible. The only thing I would say is that his autistic traits seem more pronounced than before, and his obsessions are returning. He has to check all plug sockets twice before we leave the house. :hypno: When he was on the prozac that reduced his obsessions but increased his anger. Although obsessions are time consuming, (he also has OCD) to me the important thing is getting a grip on his anger, because I can only just restrain him now. He is very strong and nearly my height.


    All in all seem very impressed with the help risperadol is giving him, feel like I can finally teach him things and ways to help him in life, whereas before there was never much success in this area.


    Thanx again


    Doubletrouble B)

  11. :lol: I wondered what they were harponning off the coast of Norway, Rocket Woman considered thoughtfully, a very rare moment indeed for her as her three brain cells are still uniting, whilst the others have gone on a rather long vaccation- .... Rumor has it that to many veggies had been consummed over one day, causing mass evacuation!!!!.....I remember Greenpeace once getting excited as they thought they had rescued a rare mamal!!! Perhaps....... NO lets not go there!!! :unsure:


    Do you think its viable to harpoon various members of the LEA?!!!!! we could wait in hiding, undercover of the batmobile, then charge like the light brigade and discover what green peace make of this endangered species!!! :ninja:


    AHAA recalled RW there is many a secret weapon to confuse and bewilder the smarmy, sweaty handed LEA!!! The methods may be a bit beneath the belt.... but hey, the aroma is no worse than the garbled nonsense that comes forth from their bodily areas!!! I would have loved to try their techniques the day my son climbed into one of the stores freezers to re-align their products as they were not straight!!! The poor guy who was just merely trying to get his favourite pie got quite a shock when my sons head appeared out of the top of the freezer!!! :whistle:


    Please pass me a hobnob, I need energy the overexplosive gasses emitting forth from here are overcoming me.....HELP!!!!.......... TNT GET THOSE MASKS HERE please...............!!!!! :)

  12. B) Deep in the steaming, windy cave I took with gratitude my cup of tea, feeling no embarrasment I might add about the reference made to the HOOK**!! sugestion!!! I am sure the lurgy ridden LEA have many a name for me. Slolwly I pondered, then with excitment I lept up.


    The cave shudderred and rocked as my secret weapom burst forth :oops:

    Apologies!! slightly overexcited

    Now fully aware attention had been got although capes had been wrapped around noses I announced

    Just call me.....Rocket Woman!!!

    I looked around worried and apprehensive, would this name be acceptable, was it zany enough to join this elite clan of caped warriors??

    I disappered into depths of the cave, pulling my leotard on, then off once I realised the pain it had caused was due to trying to fit into it the wrong way!!!

    I proudly pulled my tights up and then realised they should have gone on first. Eventually with much falling over, squeezing, jumping and breathing in, I was prepared. The mist in the cave appeared to have lifted, I heard magazines being dropped and yes that was definately the bat loo door being opened....oh yes, definately......

    Dare I creep forward?? Something I have never yet mastered. Charging in where angels fear to tread is my usual battle plan.


    But wait from the mists I see something calling me forward?

    Is it a cape?

    A banner?

    No wait, far me important a large jar of horlicks has been brought in!!!

    Does this mean I will be initiated? Will I be allowed to receive the ASM label across my chest? I wait in bated breath, hoping the rest of me stays silent as well. If Rocketwoman fails, I remember a former nickname when I was younger "Mighty Mouse", hey you have to get through peoples legs somehow!!! I suddenly wondered if this would have been more appropriate?

    I wait nervously before the council, my cape blowing somewhat noticeably in the cave, as I wait for the verdict!!!!! That horlicks sure looks goood!!!!

  13. :lol: I love it!! This Batcave site is fantatstis!! I can just picture ASM batmans running wild and setting the lives of others straight!! Can I join in this fun? Please, Please, I am very handy at rugby tackles and would look really scary in leotard and tights, people would probasbly charge the opposite way!! And bat lights and handheld Thomas, count me in, except in my case it would have to be handheld army bits!!! You guys sound great keep up the superhero plan!!!

  14. Hi there, :lol: I am just wondering if anyone has any experience of their child on Risperdal. My son used to be on Prozac as he has high functioning autism and ocd and the dosage he required of prozac to control his anger was to high. His ocd improved but his anger was horrendous and I did not like the dosage he was recommended which was 40mg. This week I was asked to put him on Risperdal to help with his anger as his anger is so intense and my other three kids are always being hit, punched hurt etc. A great deal of his anger unfortunatly is worsened at home as one of his brothers has aspergers and elements of ADHD!! They are like two time bombs waiting to explode and at times I think we should put our house forward for a weekly fireworks explosion as I am sure we could entertain and be heard by countless people!!! :oops: Sorry humor is my only form of survival!!! I was just hoping if possible for some feedback. I dont like having to use medication but as he is nearly my size and double my strength I am hoping that this works and also improves his quality of life. It must be exhausting being so full of anger at every turn, bless him. Many thanks and it is nice to be able to use this forum again. I used to log on before but...hey it is a long story which I am sure all of you would understand as it was conneceted around lack ot time and explosions and children with an allergy to sleep!!!!!

    Doubletrouble :)

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