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Posts posted by supersec

  1. Very very upset and angry, have just had a huge row with one of my colleagues, about getting my DS's booster MMR jab. I would prefer him to have it done individually as i think the MMR is not necessarily a good thing. have desparately been trying to find somewhere local to me that do jabs indivdually and have been meet with a brick wall :wallbash: and have now been informed that you can't get them anymore?!?!?


    Anyway I suppose I was being a bit silly and said to the girls I work with that that had really annoyed me when this one colleague told me not to be so stupid and to get his booster done, I said that i was worried about him regressing and she said so what does that matter it is better for him to regress than to get measles. I flew off the handle and shouted at her that she would not say that if it was her child and stormed out.


    I have, as I am an adult, apologised for shouting at her but now she refuses to speak to me. Not that I am too worried as it is quite common for her to "sulk" but it is creating an atmosphere.


    Am i overreacting to both these things?



  2. I have noticed this with Julian, got a nusery report yesterday which stated that Julian "draws with his right hand and colours with his left hand".


    Uses his spoon and fork either way round too.


    He has just turned four and can draw a perfect circle :clap: with either hand but can't do a straight line. :blink:


    Working on lines at the moment - will see.



  3. My dad thinks JJ will grow out of his ASD and my in-laws just can't handle it. We have decided to spend Christmas with friends this year rather than family.


    Hubby does not get on well with his sister :( and when you get all my lot together you are talking roughly 25 people and JJ finds it too loud, noisy, OTT and to be honest he has not got a clue about christmas/birthdays celebrations in general :wacko: .


    OUr friends we are spending xmas with are good friends who have known JJ since he was born and are totally accepting of his condition and do not worry about anything (even when JJ threw upon their brand new carpet!! :lol: )


    anyone else doing christmas differently because of their children?



  4. Having read several posts about hyperlexia I have looked up some information about it as I have not heard of it. I am not sure but I think my ds may have it. One of the characteristics is a fascination with number (i think) and he is mad about numbers, can tell the time, i.e. if you say to him we are going out at 11.00 a.m. he will be trying to put his shoes on and standing by the door at 10.55 even if I am not ready and have not made moves to be ready, he counts to three repetitively pointing out things that are in threes and multiples of, generally tho he is non-verbal. We have wondered if he can read to himself as I often find him sitting reading my books (which have no pictures) and when i ask what he is doing he will intimate that he is reading.


    Any ideas? It has not been mentioned by his Paediatrician - should I mention it to them?



  5. Yep now that one as well! Julian is four and when he lets rip he lets rip! I have usually got bruises on my arms, legs, body, face etc etc trying to stop him, he headbuts usually - he has nutted me so many times it is unreal! :fight:


    Wish I could find another way to channel it. :wacko:




  6. Hi, I also find things really hard sometimes. I find that large quantities of alcohol help - cant stand the smell of lavender unfortuantely - reminds me of my psycho mother! Helps that my hubby runs an off licence.


    Joking aside tho I think we cope because we have to cope - there is no other option but some days are harder to cope with than others.


    Someone said to me (and for the life of me can't remember who) if you can smile at least once a day cos if you can smile then it is copeable with and I try and smile all the time!


    big hugs



  7. Just had Julian's six month assessment which was okayish. Bit further behind than we had anticipated but hey ho!


    Lovely Dr Black is so good she is very understanding and listens to what we say. She has intimated (but apparently can't say directly) that she feels that Julian would not cope with mainstream school - he is due to start next September but they are statementing him between now and end of October - and has suggested that we have a look at some of the special schools in the area to have a look. She did say that we should look at a local mainstream and see what they could offer but she felt that it was unlikely as none of the schools (to the best of my knowledge) have any autistic children in them or autistic departments/trained teachers etc etc.


    Julian also saw the Educational Psychologist a couple of weeks ago. She wrote to us last week and said that she felt that Julian's needs would be best met at a mainstream school as she feels that he is too intelligent to go to special school.


    My concerns are:


    1. Julian does not speak any recognisable language; ergo he would not be able to get his needs across i.e. not feeling well, needing the toilet (training going well! :D ), needs time out, not happy etc etc etc


    2. Julian gets very frustrated very quickly and i do not feel that the other children or staff in mainstream would understand his frustration :angry:


    3. Julian is very tall for his age and looks about 6 or 7 but is 4 and i feel that teacher/parents/children would expect more from him :wacko:


    4. I worry that because of the above he will be bullied and no parent wants that.


    Who does the final decision lie with? Can I not insist on him going to special school rather than being dumped in to a school (that may well be very good with NT children) that won't and can't cope with him and his needs?


    Argghhhhhh confused.



  8. what a load of old hooey. How can they say that divorce causes austism?!?!?!?!? I am happily married so can someone explain why my 4 year old is moderate non verbal (pretty much) autistic?


    And what does the parents intelligence have to do with it? If that were the case then every parent who had one autistic child surely any siblings would also be on the spectrum and although I know that some members have more than one child on the spectrum some of us have more than one child but only one on the spectrum.



  9. Again thanks for your responses,


    Lauren - yes he had a diagnosis just over a year ago of moderate autism.


    Fun and games!


    He has seen the Speech and Language therapist and they are looking at the best way forward, have made up a PECS book but he won't use it! Perservering tho.



  10. Thanks for all you responses.


    I have noticed with Julian that you can say to him something and he will just repeat it but it does not seem to mean anything to him, i.e. if you say to him give mummy the cup he will just look at you and repeat it back but still not give you the cup. I hope that this is the beginning of him speaking but to be honest am at the end of my tether, he also repeats things he hears in the street, if someone yells something or we are walking past someone and he hears them speak he just repeats what they say - get some really odd looks I can tell you!


    Oh well. :blink:



  11. Klou


    Just like you my son's birthday is looming - end of the month!


    As he is totally unaware what birthdays are and finds the whole thing confusing we are not having a get together. Luckily his birthday falls in the middle of our holiday to Ireland so that gets us out of that one! He has no idea what is going on. He won't even open his presents from us. Makes life a bit easier but if it was me I would definately not have it at home but as I haven't had one yet can't really help that much. Sorry.



  12. Hi all, have some concerns about my son. He is nearly four (end of this month) and has started repeating everything (and I mean everything) that he hears, I know that this is called echolalia but am not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing. Any advice would be greatly received.



  13. Dear Emma


    Welcome to the forum


    Big >:D<<'> >:D<<'> to you at the moment. Must be hard not knowing what is the right course of action for Maddie.


    I would take her to your GP (or go yourself) and point out these problems and ask to see someone at the Child Development Centre (usually attached to the local hospital). If there are any problems they should be able to tell you what they are. Of course it may just be that she is really really shy.


    There are lots of people here who will be able to point you in the right direction and hopefully put your mind at rest.


    Sorry not much help really


    take care and try and keep smiling >:D<<'>



  14. My DS has a habit that if there is a low garden wall which has the staggered bricks (can't think of how to describe it, but one line up of bricks has say five bricks in and the next one has four so it goes up and down - hope that makes sense) he has to touch each of the top bricks on the recessed ones. Drives you mad cos it takes forever and god forbid you try and get him away before he has finished.



    If he wants to get somewhere and you are in the way he will not walk around you he will just wait until you move!



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