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Posts posted by supersec

  1. I watched this programme last night whilst clutching my nine month old baby to me and holding my 4 year old ASD son to me. I wanted to watch it but I also did not want to watch if you know what I mean.


    I do not think that the MMR caused Julian's autism. I think he was probably born autistic and certainly had some odd habits as a baby but he was shuffling when he was eight months, smiling and cooing and starting to say mum mum and ess (the dog), normal physical development and then he had his MMR, the physical development has continued as normal (he is very very tall for his age and passes for at least 5 if not 6) but all speech stopped, he started hand flapping, rapid head movement and what we call GI Joe eyes where he looks at one spot but moves his head from side to side (i have tried this and it hurts). This continued to happen and still does, his temper got 100% worse, he started to bite, kick, scream, hit, head butt walls etc etc I could go on for hours.


    The long and the short of it is in my opinion he had ASD but giving him the MMR exacerbated it and made it so much worse. I am at the horrid stage now of deciding what to do with my youngest. I am reluctant to let him have the MMR but am aware of the need to protect my child. My main problem is that there is nowhere around my way that is prepared to do the single jabs so it looks like I am off on a little trip to see if I can find somewhere that will. If anyone has any ideas or knows of a surgery or clinic that does then I would be more than grateful to hear from you. I am prepared to pay whatever it costs to get these done individually.


    But again this is only my opinion.



  2. julian has a dog called (oddly enough) doggy (although he says doddy now for some reason) this dog has been everywhere and I mean everywhere. When we got married in the seychelles we had to take it with us, I put a collar on it with his name and address on incase he got lost. Now he has to sleep with him and occasionally he gets taken out with us but generally it is only when he is upset or stressed or tired :dance:>:D<<'>

  3. :lol: Julian will eat pasta all day every day! :lol: And cheese - huge cheese addict but has to be proper cheese not that plastic stuff and not dairylea either!


    Jamie (NT) eats anything and everything including the fringe on the rug in the Lounge!

  4. I find that if Julian is in doing something that he wants to do rather than what I think he should do he gets so absorbed in to it that he does not "hear" me when I speak to him and sometimes the only way to get through to him is to actually sit/stand in front of him and take away what he is doing and try and make eye contact. DOes not always work! But sometimes i get through to him.



  5. My dear Julian's obssessions are:







    Thomas Tank




    Water (bath time can take hours if you let him!)

    He used to watch the numbers going round on the dvd player/cd player but does not do that anymore


    Playing with airplanes

    naming airplanes

    watching airplanes (local airport - they now us by name know!)

    watching airplane dvds

    looking at airplane related books

    making airplane noises


    oh the list is endless :crying:


    that is it


    Have to blame Daddy for this obssession!



  6. Hello Stephanie


    Welcome to this little piece of sanity (not sure sanity is the right word tho! have you been in to the batcave yet?!).


    Lots of fantastic posts and threads on this site.


    Great to come here and find information out and everyone is fab.


    My heart and hugs >:D<<'> >:D<<'> go out to you at this very hard stressful time but we are here to help if we can.


    Caroline, Julian (nearly four) and Jamie (nine months)


  7. Hi guys


    Same for me whenever I say "No" or request that Julian does something that he does not want to do he goes into meltdown mode. Last night he did not want to come upstairs from our shop and my hubby put him in the hallway and closed the connecting door (he was being a pain in the shop). He then proceeded to pull my bike on top of himself and lay on the floor and scream.


    I picked him up and checked he was okay - all the time he is hitting, kicking and trying to bite me and a very high pitched scream all the time coming from him. Put him in his room where he managed to throw everything around and about an hour later he came out as if nothing had happened! HOwever, i have noticed that once we have had one meltdown the rage/temper is bubbling away under the surface and ANYTHING can start him off again.


    Glad I am not the only one tho!



  8. Julian will not watch telly unless it is Top of the Pops (and that depends now as it is really quite rubbish) and anything with Planes in, we have a selection of plane dvd's that he requests to watch about a million times a day. He would sit and watch them back to back forever if he thought he could get away with it. Occasionaly he asks for Thomas Tank but given the choice planes win every time. He can identify about 20 planes by silhoutte alone! :clap: Can't speak but can say Lancaster, Wolf, Hercules, sea hawk and other plane names - work that one out!



  9. Help - I have a 3 1/2 year old who is not due to start school until September 2006 due to his birthday falling end of September.


    I have been told that he will be statemented "soon" but have also been told that even if he has been statemented and we want him to go to a special school (we don't think he will cope with Mainstream as non verbal amongst other things) that they will take him but my hubby has been told that we will have to pay for his education ourselves until he reaches the school age. Kerching! local school is �25k a year. mmm don't earn that much.


    He is currently in nursery (mainstream) but has one to one care (not happy with the nursery and certainly don't want him there for another year.


    Is this right or can we get funding for him as soon as he is statemented - i get so confused. There is so much info out there that my brain feels like it is going to explode.


    THanks Caroline

  10. Supersec sits at the desk, tape machine whirring away, mumbling notes to herself of all the things she notes need doing - "new signs regarding the euronobs are needed", "mumble mumble mumble", "more tea bags and sugar", she is heard to be muttering. "Ah yes, new tea urn now that one has a rather large dent in it".


    Supersec turns around to see Blue Rinse Woman bearing down on her "my batteries!" she cries...... :angry:

  11. Hi Gita


    My eldest son is 3 1/2 and was diagnosed in June last year. I have a 22 week old son who has had all his first injections. We have now decided after much discussion that he will not be having his MMR as we are pretty sure that even if they did not cause Julian's autism then it did make him much worse than he would have been. I have also recently been told (not sure how true so anyone with info on this your comments would be gratefully received) that the MEASLES part of the MMR does not work on children who are autistic in any event. So is it a case of damned if you do or damned if you don't?


    Immunisation scares the pants out of me. If I had known what I know now I would not have had Jamie (baby) immunised with all those shots recently. Fingers crossed he is okay but we thought Julian was until he was 2 and had not started talking.

  12. My DS Julian has been taking this for about six months now and has it in with his weetabix in the morning. I personally think the stuff is horrible tasting but unless you put it in his breakfast he will not eat it. We use the capsules and the outers melt in the hot milk. He has to put them in and I use a spoon to push them under the weetabix. When he sits down to eat it he promptly takes them out of the cereal and sucks the oil out of the capsules and puts the outers back in and mixes them up! Not sure if they help or not but he won't eat without them now!

  13. "Oh thank goodness" breathes (at least that is what it looks like - may be more like the leotard is still a little on the tight side!) :o Supersec, someone is here! Hobnobs are brandished with good intent - "plain or chocolate? the kettle is on". :D


    She hobbles over to the computer in her rather fetching knee high boots. "Must take the weight of my feet" she mutters. :blink:


    When is supervacuum man going to be here she wonders, the dust is thick around her kinky boots and taking the shine off of them.


    "Hmmm I wonder" supersec muses, "who will turn up next? Won't take long now the hobnobs and the tea is brewed I don't suppose"......"tea?" she utters as she rearranges her leotard.....

  14. Supersec arrives at the bat cave to find it totally deserted....she tiptoes in, having been away on maternity leave for six months, she is finally able to squeeze back in to her lycra leotard and black fishnets.."hello" she calls "anyone about?" No response. ahh she thinks - I know what may work.."Anyone fancy a cuppa and a packet of hobnobs?".......

  15. Hi All


    I joined you all last year but have been on maternity leave with our second beautiful son and am now back at work! Thought I would start back here as it has been so long since I joined in and there are probably loads more of you now!


    Julian is now 3 1/2 and is making progress with his speech. He is using lots of words and his new one for this week is "lots" i.e. lots cars/lots planes etc.


    Still not potty trained although he has a book about potty training and he looks and says "yut" (yuck to you and me) when he sees the little boy having a poo! screams when suggest that he wants to use the toilet or potty!


    It would appear that he has a bowel problem as well now but the hospital just say that it is IBS but going in again next week to kick some a**e.


    Hubby is running London Marathon on Sunday for the NAS and he has raised about �700 which is pretty cool. Keep an eye out for him - tall bloke, with glasses wearing a thomas tank t-shirt!


    The new baby, Jamie, is now 22 weeks old and a happy smiley chap :D. Certainly keeping us on our toes as he has not quite discovered the power of sleeping all night and I am sitting here with my eyelids propped up with match sticks!


    Good to be back, think I will drop in to the bat cave to have a nose to see what has been going on since my last visit.




  16. Dear Nel


    Ignore my atrocious writing I think i might have missed a word out [like you he is very friendly ] should have read like your son!


    Dur and I supposed to be Supersec - literary genius to all us parents! (ref batcave!)




    Having bad day with SPD today (not the political party!!!) in quite a bit of pain so may be going home shortly! Apologies.

  17. Hi Nel


    i am new here too, joined on the 17th! Had so much fun since joining. You must have a peek in the batcave :bat: !


    Everyone here is really friendly and I am slowly reading through all the info. My son was diagnosed in June this year and am pregnant with no2 and still coming around to the idea that Julian has these problems. like you he is very friendly and affectionate to people he knows (provided they don;t have facial hair! :lol: ).


    Here to chat if you want!



  18. Thanks for your posts


    Am seriously considering becoming Supersec with the super fast fingers to join you in the bat cave - I could be the one who types all the fab letters that gets us parents what we need for our kids! Cool idea - thought of that as i was typing. Can I join please? Please? Can't do any super whoosing due to the PSD but can type like a demon (a nice one of course)!


    Refused the crutches but have the nice support brace that Hubby finds very attractive - not! Feet up? What is that.....as you will now with a toddler life can be very demanding and with Julian even more so! Not allowed to lift which includes lifting him which is a pain in the..... well leave that to your imagination!


    Will catch you later.


    Supersec (to the rescue!)


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