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Posts posted by Angus

  1. Hi all, we are looking at this school as a poss for our 13yrold who is aspie and tourettes although in denial of both, anyone got experience of the school? wuld love to hear any comments.



    Hi Janet/All - Really hope someone can help Janet with info, but would request that any school specific information passed on is exchanged through the PM system and not on the open forum, in line with forum guidelines.

    it would be really helpful if anyone responding also posted a 'heads-up' in the thread so we know how Janet is doing for info :)




    BD (on behalf of mod/admin team - boy it's been a busy mod week this week!) :D


    have been in touch with some data, nas inspection +

  2. Hi J's been on risperdal for about a year (after much soul-searching) we eventually started as his anger had become a real issue for him and others. His child psych prescribed. After 12 months and quite a lot of growth the effect wore off and his anger returned with a vengeance. Doc advised that it was due to his growth and we then upped it and are still waiting for it to take effect.


    Our experience was certainly that it just gave J a chnace to get on at school and not just rage at everyting.


    As for side effects it does make him eat a lot but he's coped with that and isnt oweight.


    J's now 12, dx asd and presents tourette's.



  3. Many thanks for the comments




    J believes he is superior to just about everyone and spends a lot of time telling everyone.( of course this might be his way of handling a self esteem issue). He is on a mild dosage of Risperdal to take the edge of extreme behaviour and help him calm down just enough to be able to deal with day to day life. Without it his behaviour has been very extreme and socially unacceptable and gets in the way of him getting on with life.


    I agree that it is most likely to be about how he deals with the world. btw he is adopted but has always known. We just feel that he needs help and whilst in denial is not going to be open to it. We do try to leave him to deal with it in his own way although there are times when that is just not acceptable ( eg if violent and abusive to others)


    (at this point my words seem so inadequate in expressing the situation, i only wish i did feel like I knew him best)




    thanks I agree. Its only when his behaviour becomes unacceptable that this really becomes an issue. It goes through ups and downs ( more down than up) and Christmas holidays must be one of the worst times so the poor lamb is suffering at the moment.





    Yes this is one of the key points for us, J doesnt accept that his behaviour is unacceptable (anger out of control) and refuses to 'engage' in counselling.


    A gem which I should keep saying over and over to myself is 'avoid confrontation' does it really matter if he's drawing all over the wall. Problem is it does matter when he's kicking the dog and trying to throttle his mother. But whnever possible 'avoid confrontation' it only leads to escalation and places we would really rather avoid if at all possible. Unfortunately i've not yet been canonised and sometimes I make mistakes. But i always end up saying avoid confrontation, ignore the behaviour if feasible, be strong by walking away.


    Thanks again for all the responses, would love to get some more





  4. Hi,


    Under my avatar there is a reference to norfolk broads - which isnt relevant. i cant figure out how to delete/change it.


    Can you tell me please.


    Thank you






    Under my avatar there is a reference to norfolk broads - which isnt relevant. i cant figure out how to delete/change it.


    Can you tell me please.


    Thank you




    and now its Salisbury Hill - magical mystery tour!!!

  5. Hi all,


    J 12 dg Aspergers 18 months ago and in vehement denial ever since. the mention of the word sets him off. he goes to a school with special provision unit but refuses to go anywhere near it or to have anything to do with the staff. He is either non-cooperative when being observed or assessed by anyone or plays his trump card - little angel! Refuses medication and says aspergers dg is our way of trying to make him feel inferior, when he knows the opposite is true.


    Any coping strategies or experiences with denial would be avidly read.





  6. Hi all and Happy New Year,


    not posted for a while but been a reader,


    our son is 12 dg Aspergers about 18 months ago which has helped in getting educational support etc. However its diffiult to press on , we think J presents with Tourettes and Oppositional defiant Disorder (ODD) but struggle to get the support team to want to go beyond the current assesment. Is this common, any pointers?


    Which is background to the real question - has anyone experience of psychiatric assessment of their kids and if so did you think it helped at all.


    The usual approach seems to be to say that the 'diffability' stems from physiological situation and treatment seems to be based on coping with it. Although I accept that parenting, diet and medication can be of great benefit in many cases.


    I suspect I haven't articulated the point too well and apologise now if I've put my foot in it! but would love to receive any comments





  7. :party:


    Hi all,


    to add some comments on risperdal dosage and timings, and also food intolerances.


    The positive effect John was getting on 0.5 began to wear off after 2 weeks and we moved to 0.75, with 0.5 breakfast and 0.25 teatime. That seems to have restored the improvement John had felt (touches wood). Our doctor suggested we could up it to 0.5 + 0.5 if we wanted to and she would have no concern with that (subject to us monitoring john's reaction).


    On food intolerance John had the tests and basicaaly is intolerant to just about all of them. We tried him on a gluten/sugar/dairy free diet. It did work for about 3 months but after that he/we couldnt keep it up as the menu was so limited and he didnt enjoy it at all.


    Merry Christmas to everyone - may it be a peaceful one.




  8. :pray:


    just thought I would give an update on John (10yr - see post above Nov 18).


    He's been taking his respiridone prescription for 6 days now. We are touching wood, but the effect has been noticeable and positive. After a couple of days, when there was no change, he just mellowed out. Still a very strong minded person who knows what he wants to do and has limited time for anything else. But his attitude has improved markedly. his key worker is being treated as a friend (bought her a pressy) rather than bearing the brunt of his aggression at school. Having been excluded from the playground (in the interests of other children apparently) he has now been let back out and was well behaved , treating teachers and fellow pupils with respect.


    At home, its moved from FO you are the worst f...ing parent in the world, i wish you would die., to Daddy can we spend some more quality time together.


    As parents we've found some time to de-stress and enjoy being a family again, much better than the relentless vitriol we dealt with in the past.


    Now its only been six days and we have to take things as they come - but I'm glad we took the decison to try the medication route after many years of it being an anathema to us.




    Long may the change in John continue, at last he seems to be able to move forward rather than being caught in an viscious circle of frustration, anger and sadness.



  9. B)


    thanks for the good news bites, we have been wrestling with whether to use meds or not. Its encouraging to hear your experience and take strength from it.


    Having finally got to the point of trialing, now we cant get him to take it. he is extremely suspicious and refuses point blank to take the medicine.


    So any tips from you all would again be gratefully received.


    Thand god that we have somewhere to raise these issues!





  10. Went to see consultant today about our John (10yro dd Aspergers about 4 mths ago).


    Ever since his dg he has been in a downward spiral getting ever more out of control, tics getting more pronounced and frequent and increasingly aggressive behaviour. His endearing quality of always arguing that black is white and heaping scorn on any of us who make errors in speech etc have also stepped up a gear.


    School didnt help by excluding him from the playground for a term and the poor lad is seriously angry and sad. Its a real obstacle for him at school now.


    The doctor raised the possibility of trialling him on Respiridone.

    Suggesting a start of 0.25mg and upping to 0.5 when poss.


    Its been useful reading the threads here, I am biased towards giving it a go and Janet (mbh) is unsure.


    any words of wisdom gratefully received



  11. Hi we are Angus And Janet.


    Our son John has recently been dx ASD and is about to go through the statement process. He is 10 and we've been on the trail for the past 6/7 years with one assessment after another. Anyway John is finally accepted as being in need of help and isnt just a rude and arrogant boy. Something his older sister (14) has understood for years. :)


    Look forward to sharing experiences and learning as we go, this certainly looks a great site and resource hub.





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