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Everything posted by donna1

  1. donna1

    new here

    Hi all, Just recently had my laptop fixed, working well so far!! No placements have come up so far for jay, in the meantime jay will be able to stay at his respite until something suitable comes up. But with our visits taking jay out from the respite and him being so settled we are looking to do home visits with a family support worker for a few hours and then jay returning to his respite. I am waitng for our meeting on thursday as my main concern is the medication for his ocd as this is the main trigger for the hitting out aggressively. Donna
  2. donna1

    new here

    Thanks Mel, thats exactly what keeps me going, your right im not losing him at all (feels like at times!!) but every time i do visit hes happy. well cared for and staff said hes interacting with them so hopefully it works out well all round. Do you have a son or daughter on the spectrum? Donna
  3. donna1

    new here

    Hi Mel, Thanks for your reply and support. It is a daunting prospect and im quite anxious at the moment of him having to move on and keep getting upset thinking about it. I know jay doesnt understand that he is hurting me when he starts lashing out hopefully when i go and have a look around placements which will be local i will feel better about it. I try to see it as he has to leave home a little younger than he would older and he will be 16 2nd july but we will still have lots of visits and taking him out which we do at the respite now and he thoroughly enjoys himself and we do, as he looks so happy and accepts us leaving, he loves going out on the mini bus which they do every day and visiting cafes. That makes my day!!
  4. donna1

    new here

    Hi Jeanne, Thank you for your reply. It is reassuring to hear from another parent who has or gone through similar experiences to myself and son. Has your son settled down in his residential home? Im just really anxious when his move goes ahead from respite as he has settled so well although the wonderful sttaff will take him for tea and overnight stays to begin with. Look forward to speak more.
  5. donna1

    new here

    Hi trekster, Thankyou for your reply. No i havent had him tested for pandas but will have a look into it more on here, but had him tested for gluten & casein which was clear, he has been on risperidone for 4 1/2 yrs, fluoxetine since last december for ocd. He has always since young been ritualistic and rigid in his ways which myself, school and psychiatrist had put it down to his autism but it has gone more extreme, his diet at home was limited to the basic food and couldnt get him to try anything else but since being at respite he now eats anything and everything! very pleased about that. Jays communication is very limited he uses single or 2-3 words he can understand basic simple sentences and also pecs symbols but nothing more than that really an ipad he had no interest in.
  6. donna1

    new here

    HI all, Im a single parent, i have 2 children daughter 18, son 15 with complex behaviours ,severe autism, severe learning difficulties with ocd routines and rituals, causing high anxiety, Jay communicates using single words but unfortunately he has been hitting out at me which started around october 2012 previously my son has never hit me before whether its due to puberty and his ocd which has escalated quite severely. jays meds are risperidone 1ml twice daily and fluoxetine for ocd 20mls once daily, but the fluoxetine doesnt seem to be havin much of an effect as in decreasing ocd as it will always be apart of his autism but he is extreme with it. j is at his respite at the moment and has been accommodated their since end of january due to this. I visit him regularly as well as other family members as he is only 20 minutes away. He is very settled and happy there and the staff are lovely. He also responds well better to the males than females when moving him on from transitions. Sorry indepth post but any parent here going through this. I have a meeting in 2 weeks regarding supported living as he is at a respite unit which they kindly let him stay instead of going out of the area. Just feel like i want him home as he still seems so young to be away from home but the stress on myself and daughter i dont think it possible. donna
  7. donna1

    new here

    HI all, Im a single parent, i have 2 children daughter 18, son 15 with complex behaviours ,severe autism, severe learning difficulties with ocd routines and rituals, causing high anxiety, Jay communicates using single words but unfortunately he has been hitting out at me which started around october 2012 previously my son has never hit me before whether its due to puberty and his ocd which has escalated quite severely. jays meds are risperidone 1ml twice daily and fluoxetine for ocd 20mls once daily, but the fluoxetine doesnt seem to be havin much of an effect as in decreasing ocd as it will always be apart of his autism but he is extreme with it. j is at his respite at the moment and has been accommodated their since end of january due to this. I visit him regularly as well as other family members as he is only 20 minutes away. He is very settled and happy there and the staff are lovely. He also responds well better to the males than females when moving him on from transitions. Sorry indepth post but any parent here going through this. I have a meeting in 2 weeks regarding supported living as he is at a respite unit which they kindly let him stay instead of going out of the area. Just feel like i want him home as he still seems so young to be away from home but the stress on myself and daughter i dont think it possible. donna
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