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Everything posted by hollymg

  1. I don't understand why my AS son will eat a wide variety of food (just not much quantity or predictability to it, seems like he won't eat for days and then won't stop eating for a few days LOL), while my NT daughter's list of ok foods has gotten so restricted that some days she eats only cheese! Food textures and smells set her off (rules out anything in the fruit category), whereas my son even eats broccoli (yuk) and even tho he can't stand the smell of juice, will drink it if he gets to use an electric juicer (have I mentioned he likes appliances?) TG for vitamins.
  2. hollymg


    It would be good to hear the dosages prescribed by doctors. I just did a lot of reading on the studies with children, reassured myself it wouldn't cause harm, and then to be conservative gave about 1/4-1/2 the min. dosage described in the studies--which like I said seemed to work for a while, I haven't tried to go higher and reading about others' experiences here am glad because it seems to be possible for them to become immune anyway.
  3. hollymg


    So interesting to see this discussion, it was so hard for me to find info on it when I first heard of the idea. A few months ago I started using melatonin with my son. It worked beautifully at first but now he seems resistant so I've stopped and his teacher is once again noticing his tiredness at school. For what its worth, I got a liquid form that I could slip into his evening milk from www.drugstore.com, I'm in the US and don't know if you can buy it from them overseas but there's a link anyway...
  4. hollymg


    Hello, I am so glad I found this forum! I hope you don't mind an American joining in. I have a 5 year old boy with Aspergers, Andrew is an amazing, interesting and fun little boy but I know there will be challenges ahead including some recent developments I need to get more information on. I can see I have lots of reading to catch up on here! I'm at the beginning of the journey and have lots to learn from those who have been on the road a little longer, I hope I can provide useful information once in a while as well. --Holly
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