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About Kris

  • Rank
    Forum co-Host
  • Birthday 01/03/1971

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  1. Moved to Off Topic which seems to be the best place for it. Kris
  2. The forum was originally created by myself (as the techie) and my friend Elefan. Elefan had a child on the spectrum and was seeking answers to questions. It just went from there. Like many things it was born from a need at the time and grew to serve so many other people through the years. It continues to do so and I guess that is its purpose now Lufty took over with the costs, admin and care and maintenance of the forum after I moved onto other interests some years back. I still pop by from time to time and will try and do so a little more in the future to support the moderating team. Kris
  3. Hello,


    My name is Oya.(Tugra's mum) I am trying to delete my account but I'm having trouble doing so. I may rejoin at a later date but at the moment I would like to remove my account and all my posts if possible please.


    Thank you in advance and I look forward to hearing from you soon.


    Best wishes,



  4. Hello,


    My name is Oya.(Tugra's mum) I am trying to delete my account but I'm having trouble doing so. I may rejoin at a later date but at the moment I would like to remove my account and all my posts if possible please.


    Thank you in advance and I look forward to hearing from you soon.


    Best wishes,



  5. Which Operating system are you using? I'm assuming its Vista if its a new laptop? Are you using the Vista supplied NVidia driver or have you downloaded the latest driver pack direct from Nvidia? Kris
  6. All, The member known as Frangipani was banned from this forum on July 30th 2008 for repeated rule breaking despite previous numerous warnings. For obvious reasons I will not go into the specific nature of this rule breaking suffice to say that the admins and moderators agreed that banning the member was the only suitable course of action left to us. Whilst we wouldn't normally advertise the fact that we have had to ban a member it was brought to my attention today that Frangipani had rejoined this forum just before Christmas and started posting under the name Yendy . This account has now been deleted and we will be paying particular care when approving new members from the same ISP in future. Best regards, Kris Admin
  7. Kris

    Junk Mail

    Hi all, Whilst I dont know how you came to be receiving email to the username Enid I can tell you that nobody can get your email address from the forum and that forum email is disabled. Hope this reassures you a bit, Merry Krismas, Kris
  8. Doh!! So much for keeping on-topic then. Topic closed and apologies to those of you denied the opportunity to reply because of this. Kris
  9. Just to clarify something, The moderators are members and have a right to express their opinion providing they themselves stay within the rules. I believe the tone of the forum is set by the members posts. Moderators can take the moderating hat off whenever they like, however then they cannot (unless in extreme circumstances) moderate a thread that they have personally been involved in. Flora has chosen to express her opinion in this thread, now she wont be able to moderate the thread. Thats the price a moderator pays for 'taking the hat off' - I think thats fair. If a moderator says something as an individual which you dont like then feel free to challenge them as an individual, not as a moderator. Now, deep breaths all round and lets get back on topic please so that I dont have to close this. Kris
  10. Kris

    From Bid

    Thanks Bid, You really didnt need to explain yourself but thanks for doing so anyway. Regards, Kris
  11. Kris


    Hi Debbie, Great to hear from you again and good to know you are doing well Make sure you stay in touch Kris
  12. Depression, Mental Health and Crisis Support Depression and other mental health difficulties are common amongst people on the autistic spectrum and their carers. People who are affected by general mental health difficulties are encouraged to receive and share information, support and advice with other forum members, though it is important to point out that this exchange of information is generally based on personal experience and opinions, and is not a substitute for professional medical help. There is a list of sources of mental health support here: Mental Health Resources link People may experience a more serious crisis with their mental health and need urgent medical assistance and advice. However well intentioned, this is not an area of support that the forum can or should be attempting to offer and we would urge members who are feeling at risk of self-harm or suicide to contact either their own GP/health centre, or if out of hours contact NHS Direct on 0845 4647 or to call emergency services 999. We want to reassure members that they have our full support in offering and seeking advice and information on general mental health issues. Members asking for information in order to help a person in their care are seeking to empower both themselves and those they represent, and we would naturally welcome any such dialogue on the forum. However, any posts which are deemed to contain inference of personal intent to self-harm and/or suicide will be removed from the forum and that person will be contacted via the pm system with advice on where to seek appropriate help. In addition to the post being removed, if a forum member is deemed to indicate an immediate risk to themselves, and are unable to be contacted via the pm system, the moderating team will take steps to ensure that person's safety. This may involve breaking previous confidentiality agreements and/or contacting the emergency services on that person's behalf. Sometimes posts referring to self-harm do not indicate an immediate risk, but they may contain material which others find inappropriate or distressing. This type of post will also be removed from the public forum at the moderator's/administrator's discretion, considering the forum user base as a whole. If any member receives a PM indicating an immediate risk and is not in a position (or does not want) to intervene, they should forward the PM to the moderating team, who will deal with the disclosure in accordance with the above guidelines. We trust all members will appreciate the reasoning behind these guidelines, and our intention to urge any member struggling with suicidal feelings to seek and receive approproiate support from trained and experienced professional resources. The forum guidlines have been updated to reflect the above. regards, The mod/admin team
  13. Mental Health Resources Crisis Support Samaritans 24 hour, confidential, emotional support by telephone, email, letter or face to face, for people who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those which may lead to suicide. You do NOT have to be suicidal to call. You do not have to speak. In fact, 48% of callers do not speak at all. Phone: 08457 909090 Email: jo@samaritans.org By post: Chris PO Box 9090 Stirling FK8 2SA SANEline National out-of-hours telephone helpline offering emotional support and information for people affected by mental health problems. 08456 768 000 (open 6pm-11pm daily) sanemail@sane.org.uk NHS Direct 24-hour helpline: 0845 4647 NHS24 Comprehensive and up-to-date health information and self care advice for people in Scotland. 08454 242424 If you are thinking about suicide, please read this first General mental health information and advocacy Youg Minds A national charity committed to improving the mental health of all children and young people under 25, through giving advice, training, campaigning and distributing publications. Rethink Information, support and advocacy for people with severe mental health difficulties and their carers. MIND The leading mental health charity in England and Wales, working to create a better life for everyone with experience of mental distress. MIND produce several factsheets about mental health conditions. MIND Info Line: 0845 766 0163 Monday to Friday, 9.15-5.15 info@mind.org.uk Self Harm Sirius Project Information on self-harm and related issues, advice on how to stop self-harming, advocacy, useful organisations, forums and a chat room. Depression Depression Alliance Working to relieve and prevent this treatable condition by providing information and support services. Stress Sort Out Stress is a website for men, offering help and advice on dealing with stress and other mental health conditions. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder OCD-UK The leading national charity, independently working for people with OCD. OCD Action The largest and longest serving UK national charity for people affected by OCD. Help and information line: 0845 390 6232, info@ocdaction.org.uk Addiction Addaction Britain's largest specialist drug and alcohol treatment charity, offering help and advice to anyone affected by drug and alcohol misuse. Treatments British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy If you are seeking counselling or psychotherapy, it is recommended to choose a professional who is a member of the BACP, and bound by their code of ethics.
  14. Topic closed as its going nowhere. Kris Admin
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