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Everything posted by suzy27

  1. Thanks for all your advice. I wont be asking for a new card because of what happened. I would rather pay a fare and not have to deal with people like that, if I go back to using the bus again as right now I dont feel I want too.
  2. Hi Sciencegeek and Karen A Where I live its known for being in a nicer area so they all think we can drive around here which is not true and there is no train station so really there is no other bus that I can get at all. I phoned them up and they said they will investigate but he will deny it and there is nothing they can do so basically he gets away with it.
  3. I am so angry and upset about what happened on the bus today. I recently got a concession card its for people in Scotland who have disabilities or for elderly people. I only got the card last week and I started using it - Today I stepped on a bus I have to use regularly as where I am there really is no other transport options. The driver seemed to have a problem with me from the beginning, I just showed him the card and I get another ticket that show that its free. and went upstairs and sat down, when I came to get off the bus at my stop the driver did not open the door, glared at me, didnt say anything - I had to ask him twice to open the door, he did that eventually but he really made me feel intimidated and humuliated as I had not actually done or said anything wrong. I phoned the company and they said they would investigate but this creep is just going to get away with it. I have actually cut up that card as I no longer wish to use it - As for transport well I am screwed basically as the way I feel at the moment I have no wish to travel with ***- Some people in other parts of the UK actually may recognise *** as a bus company as I know that its not just in Glasgow they have that company. What do you think I should do????
  4. Thanks for the nice words. I am just carrying on as best I can and keeping busy at the moment. I am seeing them again next Tuesday to discuss exactly what they have written down and for them to let me know what is going to happen next.
  5. I have just been officially diagnosed with AS - Dont really know how I feel about it yet as I dont think it has sunk in at all yet.
  6. It is difficult, but I feel I have done the right thing for both of us and I hope he will move on and get over it but after hearing about his ex, I will be slated with the next girl he meets and the pattern will be repeated on his part. I feel relieved because for the past few days I have been walking around, not sleeping and just not being able to deal with anything. I have to much on my plate to deal with at the moment - I have to try and heal myself before I face the AS Assessment on the 8th April, I just know that the way I am feeling just now that I will not be able to cope and clam up and not be able to communicate with them. RachelSumner - It sounds like a horrible experience and one I can identify with I had a father like that and I have no wish to have someone who is like that in my life - The guy I was seeing is a very jealous person but he knows about my AS from the beginning and knew I needed my own space.
  7. Thanks for the advice. I mean right at the beginning we had a discussion about exes - He basically told me that he was with his ex 5 years and at the end of it she was not very pleasent and put him down - I always told him that I fancied him and the things she had said about him were nonsence. When I told him of my brief relationship he took offense to the fact that i had even had one and demanded to know his name, age, where he lived and how tall he was, I just found that to much but we worked through that. I have basically told him that I want to finish it, but I have no hard feelings against him, he needs support for his problems too but he wont go to anyone, doesnt feel that he has any. If there had been away to get through this I would take it but I feel we are just going to let each other down and we need to move on.
  8. I was seeing a guy for the past few months, sometimes it would good but other times it left me feeling really bad about things - We had a chat over the phone on Friday and basically I found some of his comments a little difficult to deal with - We decided that maybe since I am awaiting my first assessment for AS on 8th April we would just txt till I was feeling better about myself. At the moment I feel as though I have taken 20 steps back from where I was before I met him and to have to try and deal with the problems and issues in our relationship just proved all to much for me. He is a nice guy but underneath he is insecure as well, and I found it too much when he used to bring up his ex girlfriend a lot and to have to listen to all the negative things about her just made me feel uneasy - I tried saying that she was in the past but it didnt register with him at all, so when I asked if he still had feelings for her he said no, but he didnt think he would be able to not ever talk about her again - I am being selfish, surely if you want to start a relationship with someone you should leave that in the past?????? I have just asked him to send me a dvd a lent him back via post, I dont have the energy to speak to him at the moment. Any advice would be welcome
  9. Hi Lynne, Thanks for you message - Thats a really lovely positive story. I had met a couple of other people before - 1 was very nice and the other one was a horror story but I feel with this guy that hopefully we will be friends for a long time even if nothing romantic came of it. I am happy just to know that some people do see a nice side to me.
  10. Thanks caroline for the kind words - I felt it was better telling him straight away because it might help him understand me a bit better - He was understanding and just the fact that he didnt run a mile after I told him was reassuring that he is a genuinely nice guy. We have talked about mental health issues and he has a very mature attitude about it. The phychologist that I saw last Tuesday said to me that I do have Aspergers but the next assessment was to determine exactly where I am on the spectrum, so hopefully I will be able to get some support for the things that I struggle with so I can cope better with situations.
  11. Hi Clare63, Thank you, I hope we do manage to build a friendship and I dont stuff things up. We have kind of said maybe next tuesday but it could change.
  12. Hi Tally, I know what you mean, I want to take things very slowly, my judgement is quite poor as is trying to work out people's intentions, and I find it hard to fully trust people or even myself sometimes but I feel I up to now that what he has said through all the comunication and meeting face to face is true and at the moment i am happy with the way things are going.
  13. I felt that I wanted to meet him early on because I had a feeling he was genuine and I just went with my gut feeling and I suppose it was right this time - We met in Glasgow City Centre in a busy shopping mall and just sat down and chatted about general stuff over a drink - My curiousity about him kind of pushed me to ask him if he would like to meet and it was so last minute really - He mentioned where he worked and I was already going into town so I thought why not. Yeah I met him through one of those sites and i really wasnt expecting to actually meet him but his emails and speaking to him on the phone, sort of said that he was not like a lot of guys out there looking for one thing. Sounds like a bit of a disaster - thats the problem with internet it makes it doubly hard to guess if they are genuine or not and if you are not good with people - The last thing i wanted was to come face to face was an old, wrinkly pensioner, thankfully he was a tall good looking, young guy.
  14. Thanks for the advice. I dont want to rush things at the moment, I want to see if we can develop a friendship and see how that goes, after last year, im a extremely weary of any sort of romantic relationship and I would be quite happy to be just friends if he just wants that because he is a great guy.
  15. Hi, Remember I said that I got chatting to this guy off the net well today I took a step that I would never normally do and suggest we meet up while he was on his lunch break, we have been emailing, txting and we had a 2 hour chat on the phone which is extremely unusual for me to do especially chatting to a guy, its not usual for me ever to make a good impression with people. I knew what he looked liked and I was happy that I could kind of take a step forward like this as I dont do social meetings but its so different with him - He was everything that I was hoping to meet and although i was nervous, it wasnt that awful feeling of am I making a bad move, we seemed to connect considering that this was the first face to face meeting. I did tell him about possibly having Aspergers and he was fine with it, so at this stage I feel I can trust him as he has shown me that he is caring, honest, and the perfect gentleman really which is something you dont find very often. My only worries are my own insecurities and the ability to be able to comunicate with him, I have a real problem knowing what to say, and what not to say and sometimes I sound so formal, he commented to me today about looking into my eyes and having to stop himself, I guess he might have been flirting but I dont know how to reply to these sort of questions - I feel I am useless at that kind of thing. Its a nice distraction to have with all that is going on in my life but I just dont want to muck anything up - Even just getting to know him as a friend would be lovely, I need more people my own age around and I dont have that at the moment but I do know that I do fancy him but I wouldnt know where to start in trying to develop a relationship. Sorry about long drawn out post but I dont really have anyone that I could chat to about these sorts of things Suzy
  16. If it didnt really affect my life I wouldnt have gone down this route of getting a diagnosis but because of the problems I have keeping jobs, even finding work and being able to go and and enjoy things like going to social occasions, meeting and keeping friends, and doing things that a lot of people do with no worries then it wouldnt have been an issue. I know its not easy for adults to get a diagnosis even now that they know a bit more about it, I struggled to get a doctor to even listen to my idea that I may have it.
  17. Thanks Lya of the Nox, I dont really know how I feel at the moment - I was in denial about my problems and I guess didnt want to admit that I do act differently to some people. I just went on with life not dealing with situations very well but never being able to get answers from people about why I feel the way I do and why I find it so hard to make friends and understand whats acceptable because I know I can be hard to be around most of the time. I don't want people to think I am trying to use it as an excuse because thats not the case at all - I want to try and have a better quality of life and be independant.
  18. Well I went to the appointment and my mum and I were asked lots of questions about my early developement and how I got on at school, how well i interacted with people, and lots of other questions. They told me at the end of the appointment that they strongly think I have Aspergers Syndrome but I need to go back and see them again to do more assessments and they will give me a final diagnosis then. So that will be probably at the end of March beginning of April.
  19. Hi everyone, I just want to say thanks to all of you who gave me advice. He sounds quite shy and insecure himself which is a shame because he sent me pics tonight that he took tonight and he is a good looking guy he is 6ft4 dark hair, blue eyes and dimples and I have to admit I cant resist a man with dimples lol - He is just so different too, he is interested in things that you dont normally see in guys which makes him kind of unique but I can see by all his messages that he is very kind, caring and romantic. I am planning to take things very slowly - I dont want to jump into anything to serious at the moment but the chance to go and do thing like going to the cinema and go out for walks with someone would be great as I tend to kind of stay clear of doing things like that because I dont really have anyone to do these things with except for my mum. Its a nice distraction as well but I am dreading tomorrow - I wrote down a few things that I have problems with but I just hope I dont lose it while I am there but it is going to be a long process as this is just an initial first appointment, so I doubt I will be told anything either way, but its something I need to do because I cant carry on with my life as it is. Anyway Im going to head off and try and get some sleep, also I have a really bad headache so I dont want it to turn into a Migraine. I will keep you posted about how I get on tomorrow. Suzanne
  20. I have been chatting to this guy online for a few days now and we just seem to have so much in common and I have never written long emails before until I started chatting to him- It is just so easy to sit and write to him and we seem to get on ok even though its really early days and we havent spoken on the phone yet which I know I will struggle with and meeting him because I dont cope very well with people in general and its even worse when its the opposite sex. He just has this lovely attitude to him that I have never seen in a guy. To be honest its a nice distraction since I have my first appointment about AS - Thats a another worry too how would I explain that to him without him turn around and maybe not want to speak to me again. Any advice would be appreciated. Suzanne
  21. I remember most of those cartoons but i have to say i used to love the theme tune for orvide video and i still like it lol
  22. I finally got my appointment through this morning for the 22nd January, not sure about how I feel about it especially when the letter says initial screening interview but I need to know if I have AS. I havent a clue what they will ask me either so its not going to be easy.
  23. suzy27

    New NAS film out

    I had a look at those video clips and i can identify with how he felt on that bus journey - I have to travel on buses because i dont drive but i hate doing it. I usually have my mp3 player on and listen to my music while i am travelling as it cuts out noises and people chatting and also has a calming effect but that is probably because Tom Chaplin(keane) lol has that effect on me anyway.
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