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Posts posted by Hectorshouse

  1. Reply from IPSEA ...

    i have had a look at t's statements and think that while prts 2 and 3 are detailed and extensive they are not very well specified and quantified

    .in prt 3 they promise to deliver lots of things--eg a specific programme to improve cooperative work skills,a structured communication skills programme, a range of activities to develop gross and fine motor skills, advice from the advisory teacher for physical difficulties and the county autism team but they dont say how these things should be delivered , how often, by whom etc

    .i think that you should raise issues about the ambiguity over who is to deliver what,over frequency of provision and about wording that allows someone else to decide about provision.(it is the job of the lea to decide on the provision not leave it to someone else-- hence anytime you see "as appropriate" or "As advised by" or "at the discretion of" you can remind them that while they should consider professional advice, it is for them to make a decision about provision and then specify and quantify it)

    i would also tighten up the wording concerning t's teaching assisstant support. i would ask them to take out "initially" reminding them that further down the page they state that it will be on the basis of the annual review that they decide whether the level of support is appropriate to his need.

    then if they amend the statement to reduce the level of support you will have appeal rights.

    i would also insert the words "one to one" thus ensuring that this s not a shared teaching assisstant.

    they are offering 840 hrs per annum-- i assume this is based on 190 day school yr thus giving him 22hrs per week. is this enough?

    hope this helps --if you need the legal refs do get back to me?


    Pretty much what I knew but it is always good to have it confirmed, just waiting for the LEA to come back to me with an appointment, will chase them up today, and definitely ge those legal refs ...



  2. Go go SMT2 ... !


    Their are no excuses for this level of poor communication, and definitely hand that letter in about 'another' illegal exclusion, perhaps also drop an email to your local paper as well, and if your in writing mode an email to your local MP.



  3. >:D<<'> SMT2


    I think that those are definitely questions you need to ask, maybe a letter to the appropriate bods is needed, both you and your son have now been through (another) unecessary stressful experience that could've and should've been avoided.


    Its meant to be about effective communication, and obviously this isn't happening, how can you possibly work with these people if they don't let you know what the ###### is going on :wallbash:



  4. On the rubber incident, his teacher called me and appologised. She said she wasn't bothered if he pinched a rubber. She said she told him off b/c of the way he owned up. She said he was cocky about it, as if to test her reaction.


    This is something that T gets in trouble for, often teachers believe him to being 'cocky' 'bulshy' etc ... this is a common misinterpretation, often those with AS do not respond or do not respond appropriately, its all about communication!


    I'm sorry your son was so upset, HHxx

  5. IPSEA have some good stuff on transport




    The following is taken from the ACE SEN handbook


    ' R v London Borough of Havering, ex parte K (1998) .. implies that if an LEA names the parent's preferred school and this is over walking distance, the LEA must pay the transport costs unless they reach an agreement with parents that they should pay. '





  6. The new draft landed with the usual thump on the carpet yesterday, I quickly scanned it and have now published it on my bloggy ....




    I am arranging an appointment with the LEA officer as it seems in parts even more vague than the last one from Cornwall.


    If anyone fancies taking a butchers and giving any pointers/suggestions I would be extremely grateful, I've noticed there seems to be an abundance of drafts arriving through peoples letter boxes at the mo, I am also calling IPSEA and my NAS lady if I can find her number to get them to go though it with me.


    Oh the joys of SEN ... HHxx

  7. Hi MIN from what you have posted this does seem pretty bog standard wording ... it is vague and pretty useless, you have had some excellent advice from Tez and I do recommend you make an appointment with your LEA officer this will stop the clock on the statement being finalised.


    I've just received T's new draft, so I'm in the same process as yourself. If you go on my bloggy you will find a copy of T's draft statement and the wording used (which isn't brill but you'll get an idea) this was compiled by your LEA so it will give a very clear idea of what they write.



  8. Just wanted to say thank you >:D<<'> to one and all, I feel loads better about what I wrote now, and am waiting for the meeting to be booked.


    ... but after everything I said about the school, I was a horrid mum this morning, typical monday morning tiredness and was over grouchy with T, we both fell out this morning, but I know I was frustrated at things and he was just being T, but hey we all have off days, I can't be super mum everyday, just getting through each day is an achievement. I know we will be firends by tonight, but I hate it when we have morning tiffs, it just puts a downer on the whole day and I know he will feel the same, but we are only human after all.



  9. We went the private dx route after being put on a waiting list that was 18months to 3 years for initial appointment.


    Having the private dx didn't have any diverse affect, problem we had was that even with dx our LEA at the time didn't recognise AS as a special need or even a condition. Fortunately things have changed since then.


    Having the private dx gave us more weight and helped spur on the input from the LEA's EP's etc ... LEA's will argue that if you have paid then they will tell you what you want to hear, but this is simply a cop out, if you went private for a dx for (this is an example only and I don't mean to offend anyone) say suspected cancer and the waiting list for assessment was too long and you had the money you would go private and the specialists would accept this dx. A professional EP or CP whether private or not is a member of an acredited body, they do not simply supply dx to fit the needs of the parents, it is the child they assess.


    Most private EPs CPs etc are usually working for the NHS anyway as well.


    Also, another route you might consider is going for a BIBIC assessment, there is a waiting list for this and it does cost, but there are bursarys available to the less well off, it is a very thorough assessment, we haven't done it but I have several friends that have and have said it was the most comprehensive and supportive assessment they have had. I haven't got a link but if you google BIBIC it will come up, don't be put off by the name, they regulary assess children on the spectrum or suspected as being on the spectrum, they cover everything, diet, behaviour, education etc ... and give you programmes to help with follow ups and outreach support.



  10. I know what you mean MIN, I have been told I'm scary, and I know I have made some so-called professionals feel defensive, it has not been intentional, after all had they being doing what they should have been doing and not avoiding the responsibility to provide my son with an education that he is entitled to, with the appropriate support etc .. then they wouldn't have had anything to be defensive over.


    I have had my parenting ability questioned and criticised by these people, why should I not question what they do and how they do it, if I had trusted some of these people then T would now be in a PRU following a permanent exclusion. It was only my tenacity and belief that T can achieve with the right support that has averted this, he now does have hugely more appropriate and a statement that will enable this to be maintained, all things that our previous EP didn't think were necessary. However, even with the improvements I am as diligent as ever, also I find it very hard to totally relax, it seems the minute I take my eye off the ball and let 'them' get on with it I get comments like those above from his TA.


    I've come to realise that I am going to have to remain T's advocate and defender, for a long time to come. The only help and support he has got has come from me being a fully paid up member of the awkward squad.



  11. I applied to the family fund last year, but then sort of forgot about it all, two weeks ago a very nice lady rang me and then visited me, we sat and discussed my life, T's life, what I have to do his needs etc ... we went through the money coming in, and she made her notes ... I didn't hold my breath but ...


    I am know the proud owner of a serious tumble dryer, I think I could get the whole family in there, a clothing grant for T, a grant for transport for him, and a holiday grant ... so it looks like things are on the up. No more trying to dry the soiled sheets and clothes over our pathetically small rads, I can now afford to get T some new trainers and clothes he desperately needs, have just bought our tent (and accessories) and booked our holiday camping with my sister and her family, which normally she pays for but only for 2 days, I was so surprised, usually things like this don't happen to me, it might have taken its time, but it was well worth it.



  12. Just an example here,

    My AS son leaves his classroom on a regular basis to go to the toilet or just for a wander then sits down somewhere thinking that everyone knows where hes going and where to find him :o He cannot understand what all the fuss is about.



    Kirstie ... T does exactly the same thing >:D<<'> and boy does it land him in it sometimes.



  13. thanks justamom, I tend to write these letters and then have a complete panic attack, thinking I've overstepped the mark and that it will have an effect on the support that T gets ... but in reality it will have an effect and hopefully a positive one with proper communication and understanding that me as mum I do know my son best.


    I think I come on here and share what I do as a way of reassurance, and usually the fabulous Phasmid helps to allay my fears, along with the rest of the goodly krism crew of posters. I wish I had the confidence to just do it and not seek the reassurance, but it is scary when your dealing with these people, they have such power over the lives of our children, I already know the downside of a disastrous school relationship with a SENCO and the effect that had on T and us as a family. Its a balancing game, between fighting for what our children our entitled, dealing with some fragile ego's in the education sector and being strong. But after all that, I am just a mum, who loves her son and wants him to have the best chance in life, to be treated with respect, dignity and empathy.



  14. ediebee ... I'm sorry that your having much the same problems, bizarrely the probs that we are having now are mild compared to what we had before, T is now in an ASD aware secondary mainstream that the majority of the time do very well, only sometimes do things like this happen now.


    Before we moved boroughs his previous school, never acknowledged his dx, blamed everything and everyone else for his behavioural issues, including accusing me of being at the root of all his probs ... anyway those are the bitter dark old days of constant exclusions and part-time timetables. It did teach me a lot though, I have learnt unfortunately never to truly trust any professional, learn everything I can about ASDs and how they affect our children, learn everything I can about SEN, and unfortunately teach it to most of the blooming professionals and bods I come into contact with.


    Know your child, understand the dx, learn the system and try and remain strong. Don't doubt yourself and share as much as possible, krism has been a bed of strength and information that I could not have done without.



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