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Posts posted by Hectorshouse

  1. I have printed off a large section of it to use in the campaigning work I do, it highlights the ignorance and prejudice that is daily disguised behind a banner of professionalism. It also admirably argues for the plight of the autist in a society that chose to be ignorant.


    The reason I printed it out was I've heard through the grapevine that it is going to be removed shorty.



  2. Hi blimey, I am sooo sorry, this must be awful for you, have you got onto ACE's exclusion help line 020 7704 9822 and what about IPSEA, also now faced with a permanent exclusion Social Services should've been contacted, if not by the LEA try and contact them yourselves. Also, every LEA should have an officer who deals with exclusions, try and get hold of this person, 1-2 hours is a joke, the LEA still have a responsiblity to provide suitable education>


    I have just scanned back across your previous posts, and blimey you have had a time of things the NAS also have an exclusion helpline that might be able to help. And there is also the Disability Rights Council, I am not sure that the school or LEA have done everything they could've to avoid this situation, which is what they must do by law, it does not seem that any Pastoral Support Plan was put into place, this has to be done before exclusion, so as it becomes a multi-agency intervention, exclusion has to be the last resort.


    I have a feeling though, that the LEA have found a way out of spending money, particurlary if there isn't much school time left for the child ... I wish I could be of more help, have you thought of emailing your story to the Daily Mail, if they are interested in Debbies story, your situation could help increase the interest in these problems ... just a suggestion.



  3. Ah Hah ... speak the language of the natives and you are sure to be welcomed into the inner sanctums ....


    Long may forums such as these be around to empower parents with the knowledge that those in positions of authority (the LEA/School etc) avoid making readily accessible, or understandable.



  4. Well done Sel :dance:


    You are well on the way now, good on you for being honest with the HT and not feeling intimidated, and YEP she does have to deliver.


    If she agreed that an increase in the hours was needed at the AR, then ask her to put it in writing to the Statementing Officer, as this should've been included in the HT's report from the AR, it is down to her that this was omitted, she signs off the report.


    Great news about the laptop, my T gets his today, he was sooooo excited before school today, he actually wanted to go B)


    The home/school diary is great too, try and make sure they don't just put namby pamby comments in, make sure it includes everything good and bad, it will give you a great record, the only problem I have found with these is getting the TA's to keep it up, it always starts well but drifts after a few weeks.


    Your doing fab honey, you've not won the war but are definitely winning a few battles.



  5. I have posted on this thread a couple of times (incognito) and I have been sure to make no reference to my connection here.


    I was particularly appalled by the use of 'dinky' I am still amazed that there is such prejudice out there from a so called professional.


    I agree with you Bid, what would've happened if the thread had been about an ASBO being given to a young black hoodied teen for 'stareing', we are dealing with a culture of fear.


    Barrie is a woman :o I hope she hasn't got any children.

  6. Unfortunately I can't help with this one, T has an IQ score of 87, but is only working and achieving on the 1st centile, 6 years below his age, his AS is compounded by Dyslexia and Dyspraxia.


    But I have read somewhere about high achievers also having statements, Advanced Educational Needs I think is the term, I'll google it and see what comes up.



  7. I totally agree with you nellie, there should be an equal partnership between parents and professionals, but I think the sad reality is that there isn't. I think more HT's and SENCO's are becoming more forthcoming, and realising that parents are gaining an understanding of the SEN system a lot quicker these days, mainly due to forums like these, this is because we as parents do not have a budget orientated agenda and are not responsible to the LEA's.


    I think a lot of schools are struggling as much as parents are, they recieve huge pressure from their LEA's to reduce costs across the board, and unfortunately SEN is one of those areas that gets hit the most, as it is the most expensive, hence the LEA's reluctance to commit to appropriate provision, when they could easily fob uninformed parents off.


    I tend to play devils advocate with our school most of the time, keeping them friendly enough not to ostracise us completely, but also making them very aware that I now the SEN system inside and out, and I will not be fobbed off by them or the LEA anymore, but saying that there always has to be an element of compromise, have won a few battles, but I might not win the war completely, but hopefully I will have secured provision for T that is according to HIS needs and not the LEA's or school's SEN budget needs.




    (ps. the whole process has turned me into a huge cynic ... I don't think thats a bad thing though)

  8. Hi Sallya, I really hope that everything goes ok, have you got representation for yourselves, in some cases you can get legal aid in the preparation of your case, also you are entitled to travel expenses and so are your witnesses, SENDIST should send you form about this.


    Below is a link to Sandy Row's Website for her book, 'Surviving the SEN System: How to be a velvet bulldozer' the book is brilliant and some fab advice, she has been throught the SENDIST procedure several times.




    Good luck, HHxx

  9. Hi Sel, I know how you feel, I used to feel this way as well, I never liked to rock the boat etc ...


    Don't worry about the HT because you have asked to see the records, loads of parents do it nowadays when they have SEN issues, it is part of the process. She shouldn't make you feel uncomfortable, and if she does she is acting very unprofessoinally. You have a right to see these records, try not to regret asking for them, they are a very useful to you in the SEN process.


    I think its your HT that probably more worried about seeing you especially as it was the HT that has neglected to inform you visits for assessment that you haven't been included in and the poor handling of meds. Try to remember they work for you, and they are answerable to us parents, not the other way around.


    We put our children into their care during the school day, if your child was with a child minder or such like, you would automatically read records and not feel intimidated as you pay them directly. I know that HT's cannot be directly compared to a child minder, but the fact is we do pay the HT's and teaching staffs wages, through our taxes and NI and council tax etc ... they have a duty of care, to which we entrust our precious children.


    You are not being a bad parent, you are being a good parent, you are being an advocate for your child. The HT has her own agenda, her own life, the school and all its pupils, the LEA etc ... not just your child.


    You are not alone, and there is huge support here, you have done nothing wrong and if the HT has been following legislation correctly then she shouldn't have any concerns about your request. I still feel sometimes like a pupil when dealing with teaching staff, and I have to really take a grip of myself to be strong.



  10. I have been reading the debate with interest, and as has been said it is not really going anywhere, I think the real problem is that ASBO's can be given out so easily without hardly any challenge, and as has been said often on hearsay, is the real problem. Is there such outrage at the number of ASBO's that are given out to black youths or the 'hoodied teen', not all are the perptrators of anti social behaviour, but they become guilty by association, ignorance breeds fear. Cultural differences cause misunderstandings which also causes fear.

  11. Hi cjsmum, hang in there :wub:


    We have had our share of exclusion fun as well, and it sounds like you are really getting some flack at the moment.


    Infojunkie has already given you some pointers that are really good.


    Also, you don't have to accept the exclusion, you can challenge it, was it an official fixed term exclusion? It is illegal now for schools to give out unofficial exclusions, it has to be done in writing stating the reasons and be copied to the relevant school governor. If it is for more than 2 days then the LEA must also be informed.


    Have you also tried getting in touch with social services? They have a duty of care, and this is one of those situations that they cover, they are always overstretched but if you can get someone to help for you it does make a difference.


    Have you heard of BIBIC? might be worth checking out as well for the long term help and advice.





  12. A teacher that is willing to help :clap: great!! The more of them the better, try and get the SENCO roped in as well, ASD is meant to be a whole school issue, and the SENCO should be genned up as well. The teacher might want to go onto the teachers forum under SEN (give him the link below) there are actually some really good teachers out there that are willing to help and advise other, ASD is an issue that is always being discussed there.




    Hope all goes well.



  13. Hi Opal I have got some links that might be useful the first one is one that I have used with teachers and they have been very positive about it, it is very clear and helps demystify the syndrome and the problems facing those who don't understand.




    This one should be on every teachers desk or atleast the SENCO's




    This one is specifically for teachers in mainstream with children with an ASD




    Hope these help.



  14. When T was 6months old he became a failure to thrive baby, he was dx'd as severly anemic (can't spell that one), he had to have a heavily iron enriched diet, but was still a pasty faced little thing at 2.5, he also went a very nice yellowly colour but it wasnt jaundice during this time .... Sharonv - they said the same to me, and I was breast feeding, eating a very healthy and enriched diet, T was only just being weaned onto solids, so there was a mix of me and other foods, but no gluten or dairy.


    Now though you wouldnt believe he had been a failure to thrive, great big lurking thing that he is now, but I have read other places about a link with ASD and iron deficiencies, it seems to common not to be taken seriously, I believe that T hadan intolerance to iron, and was therefore not able to absorb it at the time. We are going to bibic in july, and then T will have a full dietary assessment, and we will see where we are at. By the way iron is one of the hardest supplements to absorb, a lot of it passes through, natural ones are best or the iron enriced foods, but not many self respecting children like watercress or brocoli or spinach very much.



  15. I agree with helen, if the statement doesnt include the dx then it is not accurate and needs amending. Unfortunately many LSA's are not trained and often only really supply a babysitting service to the child when in school. Some LEA's have Special Needs Assistants that are specifically trained, but its not the norm, sad but true.


    You say that your child was restrained ... have you given permission for this? Did they use an appropriate method i.e. Team Teach? Often when a child with ASD has a meltdown, restraining or any physical contact only make the situation a lot worse.


    I have the same problem with T with regard to only doing what he wants to do (according to the school!) but recently I was given another perspective, T only does what he wants to do, as these are the areas in which he achieves, where he often displays poor behaviours or meltdowns, are in the areas where he doesnt achieve! There is a huge issue with self esteem for our children, and often they are accutely aware of areas that they cannot compete with their peers academically or otherwise. Often it is the rigidity of their condition that causes problems, or the lack of understanding of literal interpretation that our children use that causes problems, and finally there is the concept of 'mind blindness', basically our children do not have the same 'cause and effect' processes that NT children have.



  16. hi desperate, there are several ports of call for advice and help that might be of interest.




    http://www.nas.org.uk (excellent education advocacy service, but sometimes it does take a while for someone to get back to you.)


    Disability Rights Commission



    Disability Law Service

    020 7791 9800



    Parent Partnership might be able to help as well, doe Neil have a Statement of SEN, this is meant to act as a protection as well, The DRC have a really useful book Code of Practice for Schools, Disability Discrimination Act 1995:Part 4. In this the DDA is clearly explained, and there is a section on exclusions which is really useful.


    The school have to be able to justify the exclusion, they have to prove that reasonable steps were taken to prevent an incident happening in the first place. If this hasn't been done, then it may not be possible for the school to justify exclusion. Also the ACE handbook on SEN quotes from legislation that statemented pupils should only be excluded in exceptonal circumstances.


    Hope this helps, HHxx

  17. Good on you for getting them anyway, it is absolutely your right to see these, and by all accounts its a good job you did.


    Parents are meant to be included in all IEP's being devised, what advice have they sought with regard to the 'behavioural issues' have they been in touch with the EBD advisory teacher? or the Autistic Advisory Teacher? most behavioural issues our children come from the lack of understanding, empathy and acknowledgement of ASD and then you get behavioural issues, resulting in huge emotional problems ...


    God the more I read about what our children have to go through the more I want to :crying: I keep reading things here that are exactly the same as what my T has had to endure, before christmas last year after his 2nd unofficial exclusion he came home and told me he wished he was dead ....


    OK am taking deep breaths, trying not to scream but when will all this end!



  18. Hi Sel,


    Thanks for the location advice I am doing my research to see what I can dig up for you. With regard to the LSS coming in to do an assessment, you are right you should have been informed, I believe that the LSS is part of the LEA and even if it wasn't they have been requested by the LEA to come in and assess your child. The LEA must send a notice to the parent of their intention and purpose of the examination, you have a legal right to be there! The HT obviously knew they were coming in and they should've informed you as well, I am pretty sure but I am sure that they have acted outside of legislation. Also, you should've been allowed the opportunity to meet this bod yourself and discuss the outcome of their visit.


    Have you got a copy of your childs school records, you can make a request to the head for these, they have to comply within 15 working days, this comes under the data protection act, they might charge you photocopying, but it is well worth doing, it is amazing how much you can glean from these files, that you dont actually get told face to face. If you have difficulty getting copies, then you can contact the governing body and then the DfES. The HT might not like it, but if they are not being forthcoming what choice do you have, and after all this is your child.



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