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Posts posted by tracey

  1. Hi

    Just starting out on gluten free diet

    All I have managed to do so far is cut it down

    The bread/breadcakes I have bought GF my daughter hates

    therefore have just got a breadmaker to have a bash at making my own

    My other problem is my daughter is 13 tends now and again to go out

    with her friend and buy her own food(difficult to keep track at that age)

    Just wondered if anyone has found benifits in cutting down on gluten

    By the way she does not have a gluten intolorance I just thought maybe it would

    help will anxiety/stress levels


  2. Hi

    Thanks for all your replies

    Witsend I was also stuck on that page I think that was probobly the worse

    I put in things like help given when out swimming etc (I thought the wholeform was complicated)


  3. Just finished (or thought I had) filing in my first claim form for DLA.

    Had them now for over a month first 2 weeks shoved them in a drawer

    (didnt want to fill them in)

    Anyhow now that I have they should be sent back pretty quick.

    About to put in envelope and send off when I realised the back page on

    the green form has to be filled in by someone who knows the child

    I thought at first the lady fron cahms might be the best person but dont

    know when I will see her (do not have many visits)

    Doctor no use as we do not use him for these specific problems.

    My partner signed last page in orange form, but wondering if he would

    be the best person to fill in this bit after all aside from me he knows

    her more than anyone else.

    Any ideas welcome


  4. My daughter is the same she is 13

    Today it took her 3 hours to get out as everything goes wrong (she says)

    Hair, which clothes to wear (is it hot or cold)

    Then eyes were watering

    On 2 occasions she gave up and discided to stay in instead of going to the shops with friend (however she had patience to wait I dont know)

    I sometimes have to go out and just leave her which she hates

    School mornings can be difficult sometimes resulting in not going in.

    Sorry to sound negative but with age things have got alot worse


  5. Thanks for your replies

    suppose I just didnt want to miss out on anything (help wise)

    but by the sounds of it Im not everyone seems to be in the same position

    (maybe Im just taking it hard)

    Am waiting for some leaflets to come through frem NAS which I phoned about

    reg help so who knows.

    Thanks again T

  6. Hi All

    Do any of you get any help at home with your Kids

    ie even if its just someone trained in dealing with kids with an ASD to give advice.

    I am in touch with a lady from camhs(first person I saw when I took my daughter

    along 2.5 years ago) it took over 2 years to get dx(ASD)

    Although I feel she is now helping with school issues I do not feel she knows

    enough about Autism to issue advice

    ie Last week my daughter went for me in a rage, trashed the house, Kicked her door in plus lots more (she is 13) when i mentioned this to her I was told this is a tantrum nothing to do with Autism(I know Ive mentioned this in previous thread)

    Also she said "I cannot wave a magic wand"

    Only advice was couldnt my parents take over, well the answer to that is no.

    needless to say after speaking to her I felt like s...

    Just wondered if anyone gets to deal with someone who actually helps.

    Love T

  7. Again thanks to you all for replies

    It does help to hear from others in or who have been in similar situation

    and understand as other people do not.

    Camhs Ladyasked if anyother family members could occasionally take over

    and give me a break but this is not possible (they dont really understand)

    Clarkie what is Isometric Testing you mentioned it in your last post

    My daughter was dx by clinical psychologist but not sure what Isometric

    testing is.

    Thanks T

  8. Thanks alot for all replies

    I think camhs lady said what she did as these rages only seem to be

    at home with me,my response was that my daughter does not seem to learn

    by her mistakes making fitting punishment difficult ie paying for damage.

    Yes Elanor camhs L did suggest appt with psychologist in 2 weeks.

    Kathrine: although Ihave always been against med I am beginning to

    wonder if it will help as stress is an issue almost all of the time and the

    rages can be quite unbelievable waiting for appt with specialist doctor to

    discuss this.

    Thanks again T

  9. Just wondered if anyone else has a teenager with ASD who when loses it

    altogether can be violent (only seems to be at home)

    Last occasion I was kicked had hair pulled and house was trashed

    had to be put in bedroom where no further harm could be done

    (apart from door smashed in)

    At wits end spoke to lady from camhs who said this was nothing to do with autism

    but temper tamtrum, she asked if there was anyone else in family who could

    take over but there isnt as I am on my own. Feeling low and exhausted at

    the moment any one elst experienced similar


  10. Hi

    Has anyone tried homeopathic secretin its supposed to have helped kids

    with ASDs.

    I've been given some leaflets for a local homeopath but prices are

    very high �68 for first apt and �30 a visit after that.

    Just wondered if anyone has tried this


  11. Thanks for your thoughtful replies

    we've had a week off school

    but shes promised to go back monday and give it a go, as theres going to

    be no pressure and hopefully no stress, having said that I have started the ball

    rolling with senco for assesment to be done incase we go down the road of special schooling.

    Didnt realise the LEA would think if she didnt attend school they would be no longer responsible for her education I actually thought it would prove how difficult

    things were for her, as for GP's note ours is not very understanding to say the least.

    Hopefully monday morning will be better with my daughter giving school a go and not been so worried about everything.

    Senco also suggested doing part time in school but my daughter did not like that idea as it would make her stand out (which she doesnt want)

    Am going to look at another state special school soon and maybe take my daughter with me to see what she thinks.

    Its funny you think its a clean cut dicision mainstream or special until you have a child that is somewhere in the middle then you realise its not that simple.


  12. Thanks for all your replies

    Went into school today spoke to senco she is willing to everything poss

    to help Autism outreach, speak to teachers to take pressure off,

    speak with Ed Psyc to see about starting assesment and statementing.

    My daughter is still refusing to go to school

    am still thinking about special school as its what she wants but Im not sure


  13. Thanks for your replies

    Bid can you tell me how you found out about independent special schools

    I have tried on the net but nothing has come up went on the NAS site

    the schools seem to be so far away.

    Saying this my daughter is not statemented as we are as yet in the first stages

    only just dx

  14. Once again I cannot get my daughter off to school she gets so worked up in a morning with one excuse after the other .

    I have a meeting with senco this week as they have now recieved asd dx report

    so theres lots to sort out ie. what help in school such as autism outreach etc.

    Went to look at special school last week but didnt think she'd fit there so hoped I could get things sorted at mainstream, think school will do there best to help but

    problems seem to be actually getting out of the house (everything has to be perfect)

    Anyone with similar teenage problems


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