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Everything posted by jonathan

  1. because they say they cant do anything more for him alder hay have more experience theyve tried ssri and cbt he doesnt sleep well and is on melatonin is ocd is that bad he cant concentrate in school he hates cotton and makes holes in everything all over the house when we stop him he becomes aggressive because hes that stressed had social care to help us but they change support workers over and over again had 6 in 5 months
  2. Hi My son is 11 years old he was diagnosed with aspergers syndrome at the age of 5yrs he was fine until two years ago he showed signs of OCD he rapidly declined and became very depressed CAMHS put him on Sertaline 50mg which gradually went up to 200mg a day it worked for about six months now the OCD is back he has self harmed and puts holes in all the carpets with with his teeth he struggles at mainstream school but isnt bad enough to get a unit place the school do their best to help keep his anxiety down placing him in small groups and he has a teaching assistant it had got to the point that camhs have said he need to go to Alder Hay for six weeks we went to have a look round but my son was terrified they had a padded room and the children in their already was subdued I just want to help him but I dont know how has anyone got any suggestions ? we keep a good routine going but nothing seems to help him thanks
  3. My son is 11 yrs old with aspergers syndrome he has limited concentration skills and his handwriting is hardly ledgeable he is sitting his SATS in May and I keep banging my head trying to get him more help,he has CLASP funding but only gets around 5-10 hrs per week help the Alphasmart the local authority have provided to the school the printer isnt working I tried PEA money but they wont support him and Home Access you have to be on less than 16000 pound a year to get a laptop for SEN children and we are just over my son is well below average in his last sats he gets very stressed and then comes home angry last year he was put on SSRI's to help him with severe OCD and depression but we still cant get any help I'm hoping someone out that can tell me anywhere I can contact to get help the SENCO at school agrees with me but everything she applies for him they turn her down...HELP PLEASE !!
  4. I'm a desperate mother of a child with aspergers he has been under CAMHS and has been on risperdal and floxetine and this seemed to maintain his anger and his severe OCD and anxiety but they have taken him off these as the consultant read up that they have alto of side effects so he is off meds at the moment and he is severly depressed he rolls around of the floor he either tries to hurt me or worse tries to hurt himself I feel CAMHS have let us down badly and have reduced his meds but not replaced them with any other all they say is they are reviewing the situation I had to remove all knives and sharp objects away from him in fear of him hurting himself me and my hubby who also has AS are mentally drained I have screamed and cried at CAMHS in frustration but they seem so hairy fairy about the whole ordeal can anyone give me any suggestions on how to get my son the help he so desperatle y needs !
  5. Thankyou I keep trying and trying to be honest like all us mums do to help our children we started the healing the same week as the meltdown and I was amazed how quick it worked my son doesn't take medication as I keep trying alternative methods it has been lovely to see him feeling happier we have a rule now also on aggression he goes to his trampolene now if he feels he is getting angry when I say no he seems to understand now that I mean it and it is for his own good and not because i am being mean, lots of praise too for good behaviour fingers crossed it is coming together nicely for now thanks for your support it means alot x
  6. Sorry I only just got your answer as I have not been able to get on the forum lately I feel so sad for you I understand that you had a very strict upbringing even possibly aggressive?(or am I barking up the wrong tree) but it helped you to grow into the person you are today but you lived in fear also, what a shame, you sound very clever and sensible for one so young with ASD I don't want my son to be scared of us in any way, as I am scared at times to be honest if I let him get away with too much he won't understand the difference between right and wrong, my brother-in-law committed suicide in his 20's we now believe he has A.S but it wasn't fully diagnosed but his daughter was diagnosed a few years ago and so was my husband(his brother) he was quite spoilt in many ways and left alot to his own devices as it was a large family, I want my son to feel safe and protected also be able to express himself but also have respect for us and others who come into his life, thanks for your help and advice and good luck in the future you will probably make a far better parent than your own were one day
  8. That is really interesting as it is nice to see things from another angle my son is only 9 so he is very young, can I ask you did you ever have meltdowns at that age and if so, if you were challenged did it make you feel worse or safer, I am trying to establish how he is feeling when I ask him he says he doesn't know most of the time ,like he had a blackout my husband has A.S but has never been aggressive at all but he did have a strict up bringing so I'm not sure if this was why he is quieter but he does have similarities to you with the concentration and only needing a few hours sleep he is very intelligent but in them days they just thought he was naughty which is such a shame
  9. glad that worked for you, this involves no touching at all which is helpful to anyone with a child that doesn't like to be touched, but if they don't mind then your proceedure sounds very relaxing too
  10. Thanks for that, I think becuase we can't actually see anything our minds find it hard to believe (I know mind did) but seeing the results in such a short time has been amazing we are going again today and I think that will be the last time now as he is much more relaxed if he has gone on prozac it would have taken at least a month to work so CAMHS said and I would have had the guilt as well I am so glad i tried it !! Glad it worked for you too all the best in the future with your lovely family x
  11. Just out of curiosity do you have A.S ? as I saw you your name on another posting
  12. Thankyou for your opinion but I have been doing what you advise for many years and this is possibly why we have got to this stage so i wouldn't advice anyone to keep backing down like I did for so long as the child comes to expect everything their own way all the time my son has had healing lately and is now alot calmer we also have enforced rules as well what is exceptable and what isn't and he is starting to respect that
  13. Thankyou for that comment I appreciate you saying that as I was abit worried people would be mislead by some other comments made to my post, can you confirm for them that it isn't anything frightening and it is very relaxing? I find it bizarre that many people when desperate will turn to drugs but anything they don't understand instead of asking they go into abit of a panic I must stress i am not advertising healing or being paid in any way shape or form to post this I just wanted people to know that it worked for us so if they wanted to try it they wouldn't be as worried in all honestly I didn't think it would work at first as I didn't know anything about it but I trusted my stepmother and she loves my son more than anything in the world and as I said it has worked for him he had found it personally to be sooo relaxing he adores the lady who did the healing as the OCD was wearing him to a frazzle poor lamb!
  14. I don't know anything about cranisodacral therapy but it isn't the same as my subject listed so I understand you saying to excercise caution I wouldn't want people getting the wrong idea and think i am suggesting cranisodacral therapy is good as i have never heard of it but healing is very relaxing and involves NO TOUCHING AND NO MEDICATION OF ANY KIND
  15. I'm glad some people found him of help but this lady is not the same as the chap you had at work I don't want this to mislead people as it isn't about the other side it is about energy it dates back centuries I believe
  16. Yes I have been told there are alot of cowboys so to speak out there who think they can do healing just by reading a book on it the lady I saw isn't like that she has been doing this all her life as I said my son has defiantely shown results, thanks
  17. Hi Just so you know Marjorie doesn't lay her hands on you when she does healing alot of people think it is like religious healing laying on hands but this is nothing like that this is about engergy from her body into their energy fields so she doesn't touch any child/adult at all I can't speak for other healers but Marjorie does it like this my son lay on the healing couch but tossed and turned and giggled alot when she has finished I apologized about the fiddeting and asked if it affected her but she said no as she can do it in a room on small toddlers running around the room without distressing them at all, I understand anyones concern as alot of children with ASD don't like to be touched so please don't worry about this at all, I know caroling mentioned what works for one doesn't always work for another I agree but I have to say WHAT HARM WOULD IT DO TO TRY alot safer than taking any medicine and I didn't believe it until I saw these results personally I wouldn't recommend anyone but Marjorie as i know she gets many results in her works and is a renowned healer and is highly respected in this area
  18. Thanks caroline in the past week I have been sticking more to my guns with any bad behaviour I threaten to take aways something small but at least he is now coming to understand that his bad behaviour has consequences I have tried the letting things go over the past 5 years and he has gradually got worse even though he has A.S he is still a child that will purch boundaries and i have been letting him do this for far to long, he actually came home yesterday and said to me I CAN'T WALK ALL OVER YOU ANYMORE CAN I? BUT I KNOW YOU STILL LOVE ME bless !
  19. Hi everyone my 9 years old son with aspergers has also been suffering terrible with OCD we weren't getting much joy with CAMHS at all it was getting impossible for us to even leave the house in a morning for school as he was so distressed and very aggressive we were at our witts end and I turned to my stepmother for support and she suggested a qualified healer the healing works through energy on examination she discovered my sons outer sheath was damaged through negative energy getting through into the brain, after two sessions with her he was noticably calmer altogether, since we have has another two session he is virtually back to his normal self the change has been remarkable and amazing to see, she is a lovely lady who is now very fond of my son and also who I keep in contact with and I can't thank her enough as the next step with CAMHS was prozac which we were reluctant to give him, it just goes to show that you have to give alternative ways a chance and I thought I would share my experience with you all if you are interested please contact me.
  20. I think you are right as we went to CAMHS tonight and a different doctor said she really did think it was a tantrum as he could control the situation by stopping when it suited him, on asking him about how he felt he said he thought because he was in a public place i would back down and once we had passed mcdonalds he realised that there was no going back and I wouldn't back down also that he was extremely angry to the point he wanted revenge on me and the seen in the street was to punish me and show me who is boss! they are sending me some strategies to help me deal with the kind of situations thankyou so much for your help x
  21. thankyou so much sometimes you just need to hear it from someone else who has gone through the same thing, I appreciate your support and advice so much, I must stay in control and not put myself in that situation again where we are walk near a busy road after a disagreement thanks again x
  22. Thankyou I totally agree with you I think I have backed down too many other times in public and he didn't think I would go through with it and i did so he was very very angry that I went through with it I need to start smaller but stick to the threats instead of giving idol threats and not going through with it
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