Has anyone had experience of using the Nexplanon (next generation following on from Implanon), the contraceptive implant?
I currently have this rod pumping hormones through my body and I'm not sure I made the right decision. Although it may quite simply be a mixture of stress and other factors, I have found my mood swings since the procedure to be much more erratic than normal.
I tried to make an informed choice about what contraceptive would be most suitable for me at my age. I have had trouble with extreme mood swings on certain pills - something other people also told me they experienced but the GP said they'd never heard of - plus my memory was an issue in that I kept forgetting to take them! Since my son's birth I have developed an allergy to latex - nuff said - and I was told that my preferred choice, the Deprovera injection was not given to women over the age of 35. The depo evened my moods out completely and was a great contraceptive choice for me.
Unfortunately, I have now read that 'they' have absoutely no idea what the long term effects of having the Nexplanon implanted is, eg. whether the risks for cancer etc are increased. Gives me a warm fuzzy feeling....