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  1. hi..i have just copied this post into this part of the forum just in case someone else reads it..thanks.. Hi..I need some help.. My son who is 23 has lost all his benefits...as I write this I have just sent an appeal form in for him... he hasn't been paid any benefits for 2 weeks , they have stopped his ESA and housing benefit...he has no money for food or rent, we have had to pay this but don't think I can for much longer...... I have rung the help line and they have said there's nothing I can do, they need his appeal pack before they give him anything back... My son has diagnosed High traits asbergers syndrome. I have a report 10 pages long from his clinical psychologist confirming this.... last year the benefits agency took his ESA away... just like this, we appealed, sent a report from his consultant and the decision was overturned..... that was in August 2012... they asked for him to return again for another appointment only 8 months later and did the same again...he saw a DWP doctor who stated in her report, that he could speak clearly, operate a dishwasher and had good eye contact so he was fit for work.....they have stopped it again...... I have been back to his clinical psychologist who was appalled and has written me an in-depth letter.... my question is..is this illegal to put my son through the appeals process so quickly after winning one only in August 2012?? who do I complain to? I have written to the local MP and London but have heard nothing.......what can I do? He is currently in a bad way and very stressed..his flat is is haven and I don't know what will happen if he losses it..... he has thretned to kill himself only last week..im distraught....please help...Kat.
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