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Draft statement...

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DS (age 3 and a half) had his statementing process commenced in Feb and his draft statement has arrived today. There are a few (minor) things I disagree with but what is a "specialist mainstream resourced setting"? Is it just their way of getting round putting specialist setting so they can put him in mainstream? I am pretty anti mainstream for him.... He is going to a mainstream nursery from Sept in a SEN place (assessment placement on paper) so is that what they mean? I'm assuming that they can't really make long term decisions re:special school from now? Plus we're moving borough (on Friday!) so it's all abit academic....




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DS (age 3 and a half) had his statementing process commenced in Feb and his draft statement has arrived today. There are a few (minor) things I disagree with but what is a "specialist mainstream resourced setting"? Is it just their way of getting round putting specialist setting so they can put him in mainstream? I am pretty anti mainstream for him.... He is going to a mainstream nursery from Sept in a SEN place (assessment placement on paper) so is that what they mean? I'm assuming that they can't really make long term decisions re:special school from now? Plus we're moving borough (on Friday!) so it's all abit academic....






I am presuming it means a specialist ASD unit attached to a mainstream school. Is there one in your LEA?



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I am presuming it means a specialist ASD unit attached to a mainstream school. Is there one in your LEA?




Thanks Sarah

That's what I thought (and would like). There is one in our current borough but we are moving on Friday and there isn't one in our new borough! Not sure what they'll make of this then....

Will do some asking around



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