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Initiating action

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my son has always had difficulty initiating action, he just sits there with his cards

doing very little...

he was the same as a small child, he would never play with toys alone i would always

have to choose an activity for him and be involved in the play.

Whenever he wants anything he shouts me from the livingroom, on the surface it seems

hes just being lazy but i know theres more to it.

He hates it when i make him get himself a drink/food wants me to do it all the time.

he hates activity full stop....am i missing something here as i dont understand what

is goiung on for him ???





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Just one thing occurred to me and I may be way off the mark...


When you'd like him to get his own drink/food/whatever, do you just say drink etc. or acctually name the exact drink he should get (orange juice or whatever). Reason I ask, is that I have huge, huge difficulties with decision making. I can't cope for instance in a coffee shop if I'm in a queue with someone buying me something and they ask what I want - I fear making decisions because I think of all the consequences, even through they would seem trivial to most people. Decisions in getting a drink can be much more than people realise, because most people I think do these things automatically, but he's having to make decisions not only about what to drink, but which glass to have it in, how strong to have it, how much to fill it, worry over tripping up and spilling it etc. etc.


Maybe a very specific visual planner would help, perhaps using pictures of the exact glass etc. so he doesn't have to make those decisions?

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Well, I daresay this might be unpopular, but I would think the solution is motivation.


I.E: if you simply refuse to fetch drinks, etc, for your son, he will eventually be motivated to get them himself.


He probably won't like it, he'll probably have a tantrum, but tough...


Setting expectations for a child is about ultimately giving them independence.



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