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Problems with medicines

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We have never been able to get our GS to take medicine of any kind. He is 5. It started when he was about 18m -2 years old when he first moved in with us. We needed to give him some calpol for a raised temperature/virus and he wouldnt take it. After trying bribery and cajoling, we decided to just pour it in his mouth using a syringe, 1 ml at a time, and had a huge struggle worthy of a shed full of cats being given their worming pills! Obviously over time we have had this struggle repeated many times.


He got tonsillitis and wouldnt take the antibiotic. We tried bribery with power rangers etc but nothing would convince him to take it.


A couple of days ago he had a bump on the head and started vomiting. Phoned NHS direct, and to cut a long story short the unsympathetic cow of a nurse had a go at me for letting him win the medicine battle. Went to A&E as we were on holiday - no GP, doctor wanted him to take some calpol, had usual battle. Reasoned with him that it would make him better etc, that he would be allowed home if he took it, promised toy etc, he took a small mouthful and immediately spat it out all over the place.


How do I get over this medicine struggle?


I know that with all your good advice for the toothbrushing you will have come up against this one.

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Yes, have had similar problems.


We tried various varieties of "paracetamol" medicine -- you can get different flavours not just the synthetic strawberry of the best known brand.


also you can get it as "fast-tabs" which they suck and my son liked this much better, also easier to carry round and dont need to drink with it.


Could try other methods to get temperature down such as cool damp sponge. It's not really vital to take pain/fever medication if they really dont want to . Antibiotics, though, are another matter.


Its a shame the NHS Direct nurse was so unhelpful -- I know they have to stick to scripted advice.


Best of luck

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I know paracetamol isnt really necessary but I think we have to get over the battle because of antibiotics. Also he is under the paediatric surgeon for a possible circumcision due to difficult urination and it is possible that surgery might be needed, so I imagine at some point medication will come into the equation.


Can anyone else offer any suggestions? I doubt he will take capsules, he is very funny about tastes and unfamiliar foods.

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Guest Lya of the Nox

can he let you know why he dont like

cos when you know you can amend, sometimes it flavour, or consistency, smell ect

then talk to your gp/ consultant for support

our dd is on meds that means she needs blood pressure taken, and she was adamant no chance, so con told us to buy a home pressure take and let her play

does he have a special toy that could take it too

or i have been using puppets this week at work, and am astounded at how many kids would talk to the puppet, but not me.

make a social story using your son fav tv character?

does he have a dummy? nowadays you can buy the dummy things that you put meds in, i soo wanted them when mine were younger

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No he doesnt have a dummy. We bought a medicine dummy for his little sister which was helpful, but she will take medicine without any problems anyway. I have to get to grips with social stories as I have been told by the inclusion service at school that they would help him (just given a suggestion, no stories though!!!).


He says he doesnt like the taste of it, but he doesnt like the taste of calpol, generic paracetamol elixir, medised, calprofen nor amoxil so I would guess its medicine in general. Two related things are: his refusal to eat gravy or any food in a sauce and also his dislike of creams and lotions. This is one I think I probably need specialist help on.

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I know paracetamol isnt really necessary but I think we have to get over the battle because of antibiotics. Also he is under the paediatric surgeon for a possible circumcision due to difficult urination and it is possible that surgery might be needed, so I imagine at some point medication will come into the equation.


Can anyone else offer any suggestions? I doubt he will take capsules, he is very funny about tastes and unfamiliar foods.


Peaches.I think the best option may well be to explain the medication difficulties to the nurse who does the pre-op assessment for the circumcision.I am sure this is not as an unusual problem as you might think.I think that paracetamol may be available in suppository form.I know it is not an ideal option but it may be worth exploring.

I have also known people to slip medication into whatever food is palatable..I don't know if you have attempted to hide it. :) Karen.

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We have tried the calpol in Ribena trick. He somehow detected something was wrong. He is so crafty, whenever he is ill now he asks for plain water so we cant slip anything into his drink.

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I think the key is to not turn it into a battle. It is so frustrating when you know giving him medication will make them feel better, and the little one can't (or wont!) take it. My son was like this with certain medication. I used to give him a fruit pastell, with one hand, then then quickly shove in the medication, with the other! (he would never spit fruit pastells out!!). It didn't take him too long to figure out what I was doing though, but two days on antibiotics are better than none!!


Fortunately he takes capsules for his ADHD with no problem so now I ask the GP to prescribe any anitibiotics as capsules. Also he is old enough now to have paracetamol in tablet form as he is 8.


Do you think your GS could swallow tablets? If so, perhaps you could have a chat with the pharmacist to see if he could recommend anything.


If not, then I have been told that there is a liquid paracetamol that has no flavour. Perhaps adding this his water or food, may do the trick. Again, the good old pharmacist will be able to advise. I don't know what I would do without them!


Good luck! It does get easier!!

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I doubt he would swallow tablets, but I would try the paracetamol with no flavour. I remember my eldest son could take capsules at age 6, but GS is totally different. He only eats a few foods and is suspicious of anything new, even new sweets!

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I have the medication problem - James spent his birthday with a raging temp of 40 because I couldn't get anything down him. I phoned the GP and requested some paracetamol suppositories - some birthday present!!!


When James needs antibiotics I always insist on a once a day preperation that you only need to take for three days called azithromycin. Luckily the GP has always agreed. I draw up double the dose he needs and give him as much as I can - most of it is spat out but I reckon around a third goes down.... We have to rugby hold him (hold his head like a rugby ball :tearful: ) and effectively force it down him. Very few medications are tasteless, and James seems to have an acute sense of taste (despite his apparent absence of smell - go figure!!!). You can get dispersible paracetamol (Disprol) which is great if they'll take it - it doesn't have any artificial flavour but it does have that "bitter" paracetamol taste






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Oh I can sympathise! It has been a huge step recently when my 8 yr old learnt how to take tablets, such a relief! This came about with a very swollen hand and foul tasting medicine which he wouldn't have so he tried the tablets and wonder of wonders he managed! I used to add ds#1's medicine to his milk and ended up putting him off milk for years but that was long term medication!


My little one is 4 and has never had medicine willingly. Over the years I've tried all ways - my biggest success is putting a small amount in every drink (measuring out the 5 ml or whatever beforehand and sneaking it in tiny amounts into every drink) It gets complicated and feels like you spend a whole day trying to persuade them to drink, but it's all that will work with ds#2. Sometimes I try ibroprofen and sneak that into drinks as it seems to last longer and comes in different flavours.


I've never ever managed to get antibiotics into ds#2 dispite all best efforts!


Edited to add will he have smoothies? They hide the taste quite well?

Edited by jlp

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reece is the same had to give him vitamins for a while as he was very low in iron used to wear most of it and looked like id been attacked by a lion


the calpol we just perservered he will now take it


other things i try and disguise in drinks sometimes he notices and wont drink it but sometimes we get it into him its just trial and errar


sorry not much help


love donnaxxx

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'A' will not take medication either. If we force him to take it by syringe, he will just be sick. We have now started hiding it in yoghurt (specifically the Shape lasting satisfaction - works the best for us). He loves his yoghurt and eats the whole lot.

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