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reading sons old behaviour diaries

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I am a bit of a hoarder and have saved most of letters/ info. relating to my eldests assessments/ diagnosis/ statement etc. i found amongst them a "intervention diary" from his teacher in foundation stage 2 (age 4 1/2) and a diary written by me, plus a home/ school diary filled in by me, my mum and the nursery nurse at the special nursery at the hospital where he was assessed. I read through them and it reminded me of lots of things I had forgotten. For example I always tell people that both kids are and always have been good sleepers, they do not wake up, but reading my diary I read that for about 3 months around time of J's fourth birthday he was waking 2/3 times a night with bad dreams and wanted the dog to sleep in his room. Then each morning he would have a fit because dog wanting to go out for a wee about 6am and he did not want him to......


It was funny reading about when he went to visit his grandad in a care home. usually front door shut and you have to press button, but one day it was open for ambulance man to wheel someone in. He freaked out, saying "door open, james no like it" etc and would not go through until someone closed door so it was like he was used to.


Also, in my diary I recall a particular incident at the vets surgery when I took the dog lead off him because he was dragging the dog, and he went up and hit a man stood nearby (stranger) who then proceeded to make comments about giving him a good hiding if he were his, etc etc etc. I still cringe when I think about it now.


Reading about how many times he hit and bit people was shocking, and made me realise again how far we have come.


The reason I started this post though was that one entry by teacher stood out for me for some reason


...James got upset during the maths focus when he was not chosen to be the rectangle during a shape song. He started to cry and shout "I wanted to be a rectangle", he then tried to snatch it off the other child...

I keep thinking what was so attractive about the rectangle???!!!!



Does anyone else recall incidents like this, or perhaps have also kept similar records which have helped them realise how much their child/ themselves have changed over the years??....

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Yes, I've kept all JP's home/school diaries. If I ever write my book they'll come in handy :lol: It is amazing how selective hindsight can be.


On a related note, JP has spent odd moments over the last year or so writing down all his memories from "the time I became conscious". He's currently up to reception class at primary school. I'm absolutely amazed at his recall, he can remember things like the first time someone said a phrase to him (like "don't panic") and recalls incidents I'd long forgotten :notworthy:

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wow, never asked my son something like that, perhaps when he is a bit older and more willing to talk he will maybe remember stuff that I dont know/ have forgotten.

Is he also planning on writing a book, or is it just for his own benefit?


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Absolutely! I also kept diaries - got about 3 of them. Have to say that there were lots of things that I'd forgotten. I found it tremendously difficult/upsetting reading some things as it was a reminder of how difficult things were. Things still are difficult, but in different ways. They were written pre-diagnosis and post-diagnosis and I'd forgotten about the number of so-called professionals that actually told me, R didn't have AS eg GP and HV. I read entries about how crushed I felt. Also, there are details of Rs traits and characteristics - how when I took him into a shoe shop, he nearly hit the shop assistant for touching his feet!, on his fourth birthday I hired a fire engine and R just sat clutching his pirate figure and wouldn't look at anyone of get involved in dressing up, how at christmas he wouldn't unwrap presents he'd been given, etc. On a positive note, it also shows how much progress R has made in some areas and how just as one obsessions or trait disappears, another one surfaces. In addition, it shows, how we someone have the strength (have to say, people on this forum are a great help) to somehow face what seems like mountainous hurdles, but yet overcome them.



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