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Rhys' Mum

Violent & aggressive behaviour...

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My son Rhys will be 5 in July, so he's been given a "working" diagnosis due to him being so young. He's on the mild end of the scale, & we've been having intervention since he was 2 & half (nursery spotted signs). He is a very friendly, fun loving & out going little boy; but he has no real understanding of when to stop, or draw a line for himself, or when to stop. He also has no fear strangers, & goes off quite happily without me or anyone about. If he's got something in his mind, then he has to follow it out. If over excited or over stimulated, or upset/cross, his emotions leap in the blink of an eye & he has very aggressive & loud outbursts. His behaviour is the same at home, as it is a school, & I worry that his school don't really fully know how to handle him. He's causing harm to other children at least 3 times a day (usually more!); he also has very destructive tendencies, & gets very silly/naughty when being told off. I'm worried that he's really going to seriously hurt someone soon, as he's using sharpened pencils, scissors, knife & fork etc at school - all potential weapons in his hands! He does a lot of face/cheek grabbing, pushing, shoving, shouting, jumping, bumping, pulling, screaming & growling - all of which can be reactions for negative & positive emotions. He is a very clever boy; he is able to talk to you about concequences etc, like he knows the right thing to say, but when it comes to it, he's not able to stop & think! He is very aggressive at home as well, to his younger brother (Nicholas, 2 yrs old). They love each other, & can play very well, but Rhys is not able to be patient, or tell me or my husband if there's a problem. He acts on impulse, & he gets very upset when we talk about it, that he can't stop hurting people. He's never been invited to a birthday party, or to a friends house, & the older he gets, the more aware he'll become. At the moment, he's blissfully unaware of any problems or upset he may cause; but I am so desperate for him! What can I do????

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Hi rhys' mum -


here's a link to a recent thread on a very similar theme while you're waiting for feedback (I'm guessing peeps will be a bit pushed for time on a sat morn)




In the meantime, perhaps you could post some details of how you handle these events at the moment - reward/sanction schemes etc and how they are used - so peeps have an idea of what you've elready tried...

The fact that your son can discuss his actions doesn't necessarily mean he understands their impact or how those 'generalised' concepts fit the specifics of his behaviour - he needs very clear and specific boundaries for very specific behaviours and very clear/specific/concrete and relevent (to him) sanctions and rewards...


Hope that's helpful





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