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Hello, it depends how old you are. I'm 17 and was 16 when diagnosed, and they won't specifically say Asperger's, they just say 'Autistic Spectrum Disorder' which is fine I guess, I know I'm closer to Asperger's though. Who are you seeing? A Psychiatrist? What are the reasons you asked to be assessed? It's a difficult process to go through when you don't present obvious 'triats' clearly. I myself try my very best to hide my Asperger's when I am out, and I try and be formal when I meet people, so they never think there's much wrong. But after listing all the issues I have they've finally decided that I am indeed on the spectrum. It's hard to tell you what to expect when I don't really know anything about you :whistle:


Sorry that wasn't much help!



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Hello, it depends how old you are. I'm 17 and was 16 when diagnosed, and they won't specifically say Asperger's, they just say 'Autistic Spectrum Disorder' which is fine I guess, I know I'm closer to Asperger's though. Who are you seeing? A Psychiatrist? What are the reasons you asked to be assessed? It's a difficult process to go through when you don't present obvious 'triats' clearly. I myself try my very best to hide my Asperger's when I am out, and I try and be formal when I meet people, so they never think there's much wrong. But after listing all the issues I have they've finally decided that I am indeed on the spectrum. It's hard to tell you what to expect when I don't really know anything about you :whistle:


Sorry that wasn't much help!




Hi, thanks for your reply, I am 29 in december. Yeah I'm going to see a psychiatrist. Who else could do the diagnosis?

(I'm in the UK by the way)


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Hi, thanks for your reply, I am 29 in december. Yeah I'm going to see a psychiatrist. Who else could do the diagnosis?

(I'm in the UK by the way)


Well, under 18's can see a peadiatrician. And I think occupational therapists can diagnose. Not really sure. It just depends on how obviously you present the typical triats that they initially look for. Because with me, I'm not too 'obvious' and they took the best part of 2 years deciding. But I think that has to do with my age, because I'm a 'teenager' they think they can blame it on thinks like hormones! Good luck with it all anyway. :thumbs:

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Well, under 18's can see a peadiatrician. And I think occupational therapists can diagnose.

i've never heard of an OT giving a proper diagnosis. as far as i know an NHS adult diagnosis involves multiple specialists making an assessment and all agreeing on a diagnosis. i know there are also tests but i didn't have them. for me, it was a psychologist, psychiatrist and speech and language specialist who met to give me the assessment. i suspect private diagnosis is done with less people and more tests.

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i've never heard of an OT giving a proper diagnosis. as far as i know an NHS adult diagnosis involves multiple specialists making an assessment and all agreeing on a diagnosis. i know there are also tests but i didn't have them. for me, it was a psychologist, psychiatrist and speech and language specialist who met to give me the assessment. i suspect private diagnosis is done with less people and more tests.


No I'm not sure about an OT but I saw one along the way somewhere!

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I have seen a clinical psychologist and a Speech and Language therapist is meeting with my mum twice, then they will discuss amonst themselves, good luck with your assessment.


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