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Hugging and Fragile X

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It's interesting (as are the comments... :wacko:)


I think the only thing we can say is that everyone is different and responses will depend as much on personal experiences and upbringing as they do on having autism.


For me, I don't do hugging in the sense of using it as a greeting or feel comfortable hugging people I'm not close to - it feels too personal and too close. But I suspect that is more to do with my upbringing in that my parents didn't and my Mum doesn't hug me - because they weren't huggy people either. Now whether that's just 'who they were' or due to possibly having autism/autistic traits themselves is anyone's guess - I think that's one of those chicken and egg which came first things. But it did mean I grew up not seeing hugging as a greeting or way of connecting with people so didn't integrate it into my way of being so to speak. Would it have been different if I had had that - I don't know. My sister does the hugging to greet thing, but had the same upbringing (she's very NT) - where did she learn that from or is it a natural thing? :unsure:


Saying the above, it doesn't meet I don't want/need/crave hugs. I do. Just with the right people. Unfortunately the only person I have who I can get a hug from is my sister and she's not around all the time. I had to make do with my cuddly toys instead (see there is a reason I have them! :rolleyes:). I wanted a hug more than anything yesterday and was craving that level of close human contact and the associated comfort it brings. It may be harder and not always feel natural, but that doesn't mean I don't want it.


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I would like to see sensory difficulties included as an aspect of the criteria for an ASD.


I have sensory issues myself, but am not on the spectrum. I can tolerate a hug. But I cannot tolerate someone firmly holding me on any part of my body. For me the pain is not immediate, it comes a few seconds later. But then it remains for a long time after the person has let go of me. Almost like they've left an imprint on me. Also if someone were to poke me, again the first time it would not hurt, but if they poked me again in the same place it would really hurt.

I also cannot tolerate certain types of fabrics against my body, including lace, wool, manmade fabrics (although I must admit I am beginning to be able to tolerate them better because the more modern fabrics do not have that scratchy, cold, dang and damp feeling to them. Sorry i'm a cotton type of girl!!


I've also got problems with vision at night and central auditory processing disorder. CAPD affects me by not being able to understand where a noise is coming from. I am forever searching for the cordless phone. I cannot hear or understand a conversation in a crowded place eg. a meeting, pub or disco.


So someone can have sensory issues without autism. But I think that most people on the spectrum do have sensory issues as well. Many just don't know it because they think everyone is the same as them.

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I saw it today but agree with the comments who said it was really an article about Fragile X. They make it sound like Fragile X and Autism are they same, but they aren't.


Logan has a huge range of sensory issues, he's hyper and hypo sensitive in almost all areas, however I consider myself lucky in that my he loves to be hugged and held (but deep pressure hugs, hates light touch). However, he's kind of at the other extreme where he needs to be in close contact all the time. I would have found it harder as a parent though as he was really closed off in his young years had he not liked to be touched.


Lynne x

Edited by Lynden

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I dont like getting touched which is why I have only had 1 girlfriend in my life and not had sex in 2 years.


Even with my mum I pretty much get defensive when she wants a cuddle, though I remember a few months back had a bit of a good day and hugged my mum and she cried a little saying its the first time I have hugged her in years.



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From what I understand, Fragile X is a condition which causes autistic-like symptoms, and may be easily confused with autism if the testing is not done, but actually has quite different causes.

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