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Annual Review report

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Just wanted to post this hear in the hope that you could read and advise me of anything that needs to be altered or added. I am hoping to send it into the school tomorrow.

Thanks all. >:D<<'>


Tyler's hours have been reduced from 5.5 hours a day to just 2 hours a day. I do not feel that this is sufficient. His behaviour at home has deteriorated a LOT and I feel that this is due to him not

truly coping in school, he may appear as if he is but at home in a 'safe' environment is he letting rip!! Tyler has problems understanding verbal commands and even if he doesn't agree or understand something, he'll say he does. It takes a LOT of patience to get to the bottom of things with Tyler and by asking him one question, the answer he gives isn't always what he means. I feel that the school do not understand my son's diagnosis and have told me this themselves. It is my belief that they

want him to behave as a 'typical' child would but in reality, he is not capable of this, he is being disciplined and discriminated against for doing Autistic things like screeching, shouting out, refusing to do things because of rules, not having a very good concentration span when performing work he is not interested in etc. His previous LSA informed me via a home diary what Tyler had done

throughout the day and what he did wrong etc, she'd sit down and chat with me when necessary and I was happy to have known what was going on in school regarding my son because he is unable to tell me himself unless I question him continuously which I think is unfair to him (his usual answer is 'I don't know'). The diary stopped without warning and I requested it be started again to both his class teacher and SENCO whom flatly refused to reintroduce it. I would like this to be started again and if possible, this noted by the LEA in his statement. When I collect my son now, all I get is a 'Fine!' when I ask how he's been. Then I find out from others that he has NOT been fine and that 'this and that' has happened which I have not been informed of. I believe the relationship between the school and I have broken down immensely. I feel that all staff involved with my son have no understanding of Autism and how this affects my son?s behaviour , socialisation etc. I have offered to print things off from the internet for his teacher but she refused the offer. The communication between

myself and the school needs to improve as I am getting no feedback from the school at all.

I also feel that with regards to Tyler?s hearing loss. Whilst the school is currently receiving on going advise from an Audiologist, I believe that his class teacher needs to be informed of how to change batteries/ fix simple problems with his aid etc. His old LSA was able to do this but his teacher seems to have no understanding of how to do this and I am willing to explain these with her but feel that she could also benefit from having input via the attending Audiologist also.

In my view, Tyler's statement is no longer appropriate. It is my belief that his current school is insufficient and that he be moved to a school that understands Tyler and his diagnosis. Tyler requires structure and understanding which I feel his current school lacks.




- Tyler has a recent diagnosis of Autism. Autism is a condition which will affect his whole school career in terms of academic learning, social, interaction and behaviour. It is essential that the correct support and help for Tyler is put in place immediately and that any problems in behaviour or any learning difficulties are regarded as a direct result of his condition.


- Tyler's statement needs to be amended to include the diagnosis of Autism and set up in parts 2

and 3 all that he will need, to do well at school


- The current level of LSA support is not adequate as Tyler's behaviour is deteriorating and he is not coping well at school.. He is not accessing the curriculum fully due to his reduced level of verbal comprehension and poor concentration span-- both features of Autistic Spectrum Disorders. .This will continue to be a problem and indeed, probably become more of a problem as the academic work becomes more structured.


- Tyler requires support from a LSA who has had some training in educational and behavioural strategies to deal with children on the autistic spectrum.


- School requires training on Autistic Spectrum Disorders in order to understand Tyler better.


- It is essential that a home-school diary is maintained daily in order to ensure a consistent approach between home and school and for myself as his parent to understand how the school day has gone. Tyler is unable to report for himself on his school day, again a result of his Autism/

Home-school diaries can be put into the statement.


- School needs advise and support from Audiologist on how to fix minor problems with Tyler?s hearing aid.


- Consideration to be given to allow Tyler to change schools to one that better suits his needs both educationally and developmentally. His behaviour has deteriorated at home and I feel this is a direct result of my son?s schooling and lack of understanding.

Edited by Tylers-mum

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TM have printed it off and am going to read it in the bath in a minute, its sooo cold here with my cr*p heating have resorted to the bath to warm up. So its not just some weird place to do my reading .. :P



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I'll read it properly in a bit but it is worth recording that you do not feel that you were properly consulted about in the reduction in LSA hours (to the extent that you were not aware that it was to take place until very shortly before it hapened) , there was nothing in TMs behaviou/progress at school to suggest that such a reduction was justified and as far as you are aware the reduction was for purely financial reasons.


Due to the subsequent deterioration in Tylers behaviour and the lack of progress that has been made since you feel that the LSA support that was unilaterally withdrawn is still required and should be reinstated as soon as possible.


In LEA speak you are also saying that as a parent you feel that his needs are not being met in his current placement and you would like him to have a different one.


One other thing you could do is to read through all the provision in his current statement and consider whether or not it has been provided and/or is still relevant.



Edited by mossgrove

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I agree with Simons recommendations to highlight the fact you were not given a reason for the reduction in support hours and can only pressume this was to reduce costs

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Totally agree with what simon has said and forgot to add that in my pm.


Also dig out that letter from the DfES to CEO's and have it with you at the AR meeting and get it recorded in minutes that you have passed this over ... ooppsss HH being a bit :devil: oh well.


LEA's unless they know you that you are fully conversant with legislation will try and give you the run around ... as you probably know.



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Get hold of a copy of the SEN code of practice for Wales incase you need to go in to any meetings. Even if you don't get time to read it before the meeting it always helps to position it where everyone can see it. Makes them less likely to fob you off.



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Thank all. >:D<<'> >:D<<'>


Just 3 questions if i may??

-What is the CEO???

-If I were to mention about the cut in hours being soley down to the school not wanting to fork out the costs, then aren't I setting myself up to be bashed and on top of that, I have no proof in order to make those allegations even though I strongly believe they are true?? and:

-I can't find his original statement! :( I have plebnty of amended copies but that's just stating 'delete part 4 and replace with XXX'. I haven't got the full statement! I have hunted for it but I'm lost!

Edited by Tylers-mum

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1. CEO = Chief Education Officer

2. If you were never given a reason (at least a reason that you were aware of/understood) for the reduction in provision it kind of proves the point in it's own way. Might want to ring your statementing officer and ask her what the reason was!

3. Ring your statementing officer now and ask her to send you a copy of T's statement first class.




Edited by mossgrove

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If you do get hold of her, try getting her to email it to you, also that means you will have her email addy .. always useful :devil:


The cut hours by the school actually strengthens your case, especially if the statement says something along the lines of XXX hours and the rest to be met from the school own budget ... if you get my drift, it says something like this in T's statement under provision. If you have anything in writing from the school about the cut hours due to funds again this helps your case, it is the LEA's responsbility to meet the needs of your child and make sure that the school are doing this.



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OK, miracles do happen! LOL


Spoke to his named officer at LEA and she was not aware of the dx, said she has not recieved anything from the hospital etc so requested I ask the school to fax there tcopy through to her tomorrow. She was wonderful and I could not fault her. Told her my concerns and what the school is like (ie, useless) and she was shocked to hear that they refused info on ASD that I offered to supply to his teacher etc etc. Said to get the report in ASAP and things will happen. She said that the statement will need to be changed and she'll arrange for someone to go into the school to advise them on ASD's etc. She has noted the date of the AR in her diary and is hoping to attend. :o She is going to send me a copy of the original statement too. :thumbs: Asked about changing schools and named the one I'd like but she said she'd have to collect all the info first and see what help they can supply and to see if this is sufficient to meet T's needs. If it isn't, then changing schools is an option. Said to put all my concerns in my report and get it to the school and her ASAP.

Also said that given the new dx, his 1-2-1 suppport hours are more likely to be increased. Hot holding my breath on this one though.


Oops, forgot to add that she said the reason the support was cut is b/c the school reported that his behaviour had improved. It's obviously deteriorated since then though.

Edited by Tylers-mum

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Go Go TM :dance::dance::dance:


This is real progress, and now the LEA are aware of the DX things might happen, what I'd be tempted to do ... sorry more letter writing, is confirm in writing what she has discussed with you over the telephone and keep a copy, you might need this at a later date.



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Well done TM, I bet you feel a lot better about yourself for doing that!


I think it is good news that your named Officer wants to attend the review. They don't get time to attend all that many reviews so it means your concerns are being taken seriously.


Having a good relationship with yoiur statementing officer can make a massive difference all round.





Edited by mossgrove

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Hi TM,


A few suggestions for your consideration... I don't know if T already has this - 'dedicated' support, i.e. support solely for him and not for any other child.


Have you thought about asking the LEA for input from their Advisory teacher for Autism? For example:

*the individual education plan will be developed by the school in consultation with the LEA's specialist advisory teacher for Autism - this ought to go in part 3, sub-section 2 of the statement.

*the advisory teacher will visit school and monitor the impact of the programme for T on a half-termly basis. The advisory teacher will liaise with the home following these visits. A follow up report of the school visit will be made available to T's mum - this ought to go in Part 3, sub-section 2 of the Statement.

*the school will together with the advisory teacher for Autism review progress made within the IEP targets at six monthly intervals - this ought to go in part 3, sub-section 3 of the statement.

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