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legislation update

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Hi all,


I think people miss the point of what I am trying to fight against. My arguement is that the LEA'S are forced, in a lot of cases, to put our children in Independent special schools. They are trying in these cases to do the best they can due to the very limited provision for our children. As we know state special schools do not take many ASD children, as they are too bright, PRU'S are full of EBD children, and there is often too much stimulus in that environment for our children to cope with. Main stream is very rarely the right place and the teachers do not have the expertise to help ASD children. This leaves the option of home education or the independent school.

These schools are costly, very often residential, and they are not covered by the legislation that state schools are and very often put ASD children out of school with no recourse for the parents or the child.

My complaint is not with the LEA'S but with the lack of this legislation and the lack of state privision for the kids.

I have written to Ruth Kelly, David Cameron, the disability rights commission, newspapers to try to correct this loophole. We do not send our children to these provisions because we want private education for them, but to try to effect a reasonable education for them when there is nowhere else. The legislation should not be the same as for schools such as Eton, they are funded by LEA's and there fore by the government.

We are never going to effect a change that would truely help our children when we all continue to fight our own little battles.

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