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First Visiting Teams

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Our playgroup noted some concerns about my son - eye contact, bit clumsy, mixing with others (aged 2 1/2 when he started). They refered to First visiting team who have been a few times and he has been refered to SALT (for language clarity issues rather than lack of speech).


At first the preschool were hinting at ASD type behaviours (although it has never been voiced directly) but over the past few months and special needs visits no one has really discussed what his needs are. Basically he doesn't mix as well with others but he is improving and now has a friend and plays more with the children. His eye contact is fine with adults although not as good with peers. The preschool say he is coming on leaps and bounds, the first visiting team seem to be saying that he is mixing but not being that verbal with his peers yet - more non verbal interaction (which they said is not atypical for his age anyway - he's 3 1/4).


Basically I seem unsure what is going on and whether they think he is just shy in groups or has a problem. It all seems abit odd to me as they are just telling me he is doing really well but if he is doing well why are the special needs people still coming in!!! I've got to think of schools soon and am not sure whether he has any needs I should cater for or not!


Anyone got any ideas? I will have to question them more at the next meeting but I'm not really sure where all these meetings are leading to!

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I'm not sure what exactly the First visiting team is, early yrs teams l seem to have different names and different team compositions in different places. I'm assuming it involves the area SENCO for your playgroup. Is anyone else involved? What about an Ed Psych? Are you under a community or developmental paediatrician?


I think pre-school settings are often positive about the children in their care, I'm sure it's aprt of the training to put a positive spin on everything. My younger son's report book from nursery might say 'Daniel was a little teary this morning' when I know he howled the place down for 10 minutes! I think there is sometimes an inclination to say everything is ok too especially if they are not used to dealing with special needs but that may not be helpful for you. Equally though your son may well be coming on comapred to how he was but that despite that he still does have some needs.


How old is your son? When is he starting school? You really need to start getting some firm answers now to make decisions about schooling. Does your local early years SNs team have a home visiting service? We had that the year before Adam started school and it made a massive difference. It may well be worth seeing your GP too to ask for a referral to a developmental paediatrician as a diagnosis can only usally be made by a doctor or psychologist



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Yep, I can understand about nurseries wanting to be positive about things. Ds1 used to go to nursery two or three days a week. His diary would come back with "I have had a lovely day today. I played with all my friends". And I would think "how odd, because when I see him with other children he wants nowt to do with them." The diary would also say "I have eaten some apple and pear today" and again I would think "how odd, he never touches fruit at home."

Then when he'd been in one group for about six months some things started to emerge. First of all they admitted he had never eaten a single piece of fruit during his time there. Then it transpired he was sitting away from the other children, not making any sounds and (when he did start babbling which was very late) only babbling when all the other children in his group were asleep.

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Thanks for your replies.


I think you are right in that I need to get to the bottom of things before school (starts 2007) as we need to choose by this October so I need to know if he has any extra needs well before them. The SALT should help -when that happens!


It's weird though as the preschool initially weren't negative. I thought they were abit too heavy handed about dealing with it and all we heard for the first term was problem based and now all we hear is positive. I suppose it is good!! but also I need to know what is specifically going on, why they have changed their tune completely and whether he needs help over and above his peers.


If it wasn't for the preschools initial concerns then I wouldn't be worried about my son really but now they have mentioned something I can see how he is "different" in some ways - however he is difficult about 20% and pretty good the rest so I would have just thought it part and part of being 3 if concerns hadn't been raised. Now it makes me question stuff and it seems that the preschool has backtracked in some way.


I think I will go in a have a frank discussion with them at the next meeting rather than all this nicey nicey stuff!

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NB should have read the preschool were initially negative!!!!




quote name='star' date='Jun 9 2006, 02:41 PM' post='102335']

Thanks for your replies.


I think you are right in that I need to get to the bottom of things before school (starts 2007) as we need to choose by this October so I need to know if he has any extra needs well before them. The SALT should help -when that happens!


It's weird though as the preschool initially weren't negative. I thought they were abit too heavy handed about dealing with it and all we heard for the first term was problem based and now all we hear is positive. I suppose it is good!! but also I need to know what is specifically going on, why they have changed their tune completely and whether he needs help over and above his peers.


If it wasn't for the preschools initial concerns then I wouldn't be worried about my son really but now they have mentioned something I can see how he is "different" in some ways - however he is difficult about 20% and pretty good the rest so I would have just thought it part and part of being 3 if concerns hadn't been raised. Now it makes me question stuff and it seems that the preschool has backtracked in some way.


I think I will go in a have a frank discussion with them at the next meeting rather than all this nicey nicey stuff!

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I think you do need to have a frank discusion. I found when H was under investigation- so to speak- I would be told everything was going well etc the paed watched him in school and rang me to say it had gone well. i thought this meant they hadn't noticed anything odd- and was a little concerned about this, but when the final meeting came they opening sentance was " well I think we are all agreed H has aspergers syndrome so lets get on" I nearly fell off the chair. it was what I thought but they had not given any indication during the assessment! i think they often use these terms and you can be meaning 2 different things. it may not be the case for you but a meeting with all involved may help you to find out what they are really thinking!

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Thanks sarahjane. I do need to clarify as in my mind I'm thinking he's moved on alot and if they are positive also I'm thinking he may be just a slow starter but I'm not sure too be honest so I need to chat with them to find out what they are actually thinking.

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