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What would YOU think of a teenage girl who everyday stood outside your house stroking your cats and?

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What would YOU think of a teenage girl who everyday stood outside your house stroking your cats and?

just standing there


She used to stroke them quite alot and even talk and sing to them quietly


and once asked you - can i have a shower round your house?(she asked the mother this) (she didnt mean to sound weird but was just obsessed with the cats and for some strange reason the family)


She knocked on your door at 8pm (one day) - and said - hi - can i come in and play a board game -


(the father said no in a very firm tone and then said uncomfortably - go to yuor house (pointing to the as persons house) - she then turned round and looked at her house and then when he closed to door she ran back to her house crying and really upset


and after this - she sent a few letters saying sorry - I have autism

she also sent a letter saying do you want to come over for tea - she rang the doorbell - i answered it and she asked me face to face - i said - im sorry - but ive got to look after my youngest daughter - I then said - But let your mum talk to me etc...


I spoke to the mother a tiny bit - when they went to holiday the mother asked me to put the milk inside the house everyday



before all this happened you saw this girl get a little crazy and once lifted her top off in the street (she got in moods and angry easily but wasnt dangerous or anything)


and she emailed you through facebook about you giving her piano lessons


and you had young children


but hasn't done this for two years- and since then has only said hi a few times and trying to be friendly- she once said- nice talking to you and smiled

Edited by Candyfloss

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As an adult and I would be alarmed/worried as it is inappropriate behaviour, especially for an adult male to be subjected too.Asking to have a shower would be very concerning.


However if 2 yrs have passed and no more instances have occured I would say hello to the teenage girl , but that would be it socially.

It would be very easy for any adult to be accused of a misdemeanor if this adult had let the teen take a shower etc.

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Have you ever been on the receiving end of stalking or harrassment? Most members of the public simply cannot tell by looking at someone whether they may pose a threat or not. EVen if no one gets hurt physically, it can be a very frightening experience for the victim, which is why it is a criminal offence.


The man's response when he answered the door clearly shows that he felt uncomfortable with what was happening. Maybe in private once he shut the door, he was also upset and cried.


Obsessions can be very painful for the sufferer to cope with, and this is a good reason to seek treatment. If your obsessions are causing distress to other people and putting you at risk of criminal charges, then these are even stronger reason to get help.

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