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About Stardust

  • Rank
    Salisbury Hill

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  • Location
    Frazzle Rock
  1. I hope you have had a fantastic time!
  2. Peaches, If I were you I would mention your concerns to your GP. If there is a history of ASD in the family the chances are that another sibling could be affected. Good luck.
  3. Stardust

    WE WON!

    I just wanted you all to know that the LEA have given in and we have won everything we wanted in parts 2, 3 & 4 of the Statement!!! That means a residential placement at an Aspergers specific school!!!! It took them the day before Tribunal to cave in though!!!! We got confirmation late last night that all was DEFINITELY happening!!!! We are all over the moon!
  4. Excellent news! I know how much that means!!!
  5. I think you have to point him in the right direction Mumble. Next time he says something, quickly interrupt and say "actually, my ASD is a neurological disorder, not a disease or illness" and SMILE. That might take the wind out of his sails.
  6. I don't know what to say...
  7. Happy, happy birthday Flora!! Lots of love xxxx :bday: :bday: Hope you are going to have a fun weekend!!!
  8. Hi Farfalla You have two things to do here: (1) Personally go to the school and get the information yourself and send it off by registered post to the LEA and then ring up the LEA and ask them to reconsider at their next available Panel. (2) Fill in the forms to SENDIST and register an Appeal and let the LEA know that you have done that. You can download the forms from the SENDIST website. It is NOT your fault that the school have not done what they are supposed to. The amount of times I hear about school's failing parents this way is disgusting!!! Do not, whatever you do, withdraw your Appeal until you have it in writing that the LEA will agree to an assessment. And good luck! Edited to add: Our SENCO dragged her heels and she only sent the information the LEA needed on the very LAST day of getting all the forms in and even then she had to fax them in. She did not really want to do it - she hates having children with Statements in her school and it was only because my son's senior tutor actually filled the forms in himself and told her to do it that she did. Maybe your SENCO is equally reluctant? It will be a case of you having to push this all the way yourself and it is not easy but by golly it is worth it in the end.
  9. Hi Yvonne I have managed to get my son a Statement at 13 years old and at the moment we are currently on our way to getting him a placement is a specialist school as he could not cope in mainstream. So go for it!!! It can be done. If your school are not very forthcoming, you personally, as a parent, can write to the LEA asking them to carry out an assessment for a Statement yourself.
  10. My son heard the local schools were having an Inset Day today and he assumed that the home tutor would therefore not be coming but at 9.30am she turned up much to his disappointment!
  11. Stardust

    Stuck in the mud

    Hi Diane My son is currently on medical absence. CAMHS are not willing to sign him off until school is sorted. I have to say that he became unable to go to school in September 2007 and I applied for a Statement in October 2007. At the end of this month I am going to Tribunal to get his school placement sorted out so in effect it has taken over a year. Obviously some Statements are sorted out much quicker than others, for example, if you do not oppose the school place and are happy with the contents, you could have a Statement in place (if they agreed to carrying out assessments) within 6 months. Who signed your son off? If your son is currently still unable to go to school, I find it very strange that they now say he is capable?
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