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How many members who have kids on spectrum have sought dx themselves?

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I have 2 children officially dx with ASD. My son also has other co morbidites( ADHD Dyspraxia and Dyscalculia) . I have suffered with depression recently and it has been suggested that I may have ASD . I know that when my son was first dx we looked around the family and saw a few past and current possible examples. My husband has cousins with dx children. On my side I am not aware of any official dx . I have a second cousin who I think was ADHD. My mums family is full of eccentrics. I completed a questionnaire as part of some research which suggested some traits. I have asked that these be passed to my Gp and how I go forward for a dx if I want it. I was until recently a successful professional. I have always founds work politics very hard. I avoid socialising. I hate the part of my job that requires me to give talks to lots of people. I just wondered how may have dx kids and then sought dx later themselves. How can I suggest to my own kids that difference is good when I fear a label myself.

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Very difficult quesstion:

How can I suggest to my own kids that difference is good when I fear a label myself.

I'm very much in the same situation: after my son got his dx, I enrolled in a research project (with MRI scans etc.) and got my dx as part of the procedure there.

I still hesitate to make it "official", especially I haven't disclosed anything at work. Funnily, my "weird" behaviour tends to get associated with my professional doctorate, so I can very much do what I'm comfortable with.

Most important: I have learned to fit in (the dx was at age 37), and I work very hard to fit in, and I'am still not convinced that "being different" is better - if I can help it, I'd always try to fit in, even if I have to imitate incomprehensible (that is: to me) behaviours which are just neuro-typical.

- Which doesn't work for my son: he is more visibly different than I am.

So, I'm looking for a solution, too.

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My son (13) was diagnosed 2 years ago. I go sometimes to a support group here in France, and through listening to them talk about girls on the spectrum, I have been wondering about this myself. I love being by myself, but have always held down jobs etc. I teach now, but do prefer one to one, than teaching groups. I'm not sure if I am making some of the symptoms match my life, or vice versa (if that makes sense). I can sympathise with my son a lot more than my husband can, when he panics in a crowd etc.


But then at 48 is there any benefit to finding out or not. I am English living in a French village, and imagine any 'weirdness' is put down to my English eccentricity or something.


The support group are going to a theme parc next week - Will refuses to come, but I will go with my younger son, and I am intending to speak to an As mother and ask her when she got diagnosed, and if it has helped her or not. I do find talking to the other parents good - reminds me it isn't my fault.



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My mum is in denial about her ASD.

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