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There is a mineral i have been using for sometime called zeolite, itis a natural mineral and has research has found that it is a major breakthrough in chelating the body of heavy metal carcinogens viruses bacteria and fungi. there is lots of reserarch been done. I can't do the links to put info up but if interested you might find info on a search. there are really highly renowned people that believe this mineral is the most important supplement anyone can take for living in todays modern world


I will ask research boffin if he can put alink up on here to provide info

Edited by florrie

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I have been using this on my son to help with his immune system and help remove toxins from his body. He has shown no adverse reactions and is progressing well at the moment. We only give him a very small dose in his drink in the morning (at first we gave him a few more doses a day). We are doing a lot of other things besides such as GFCF diet and other things so is hard to say what is helping.

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on the edge good to hear of others using this, I do a number of things too and I have had some improvements definitely with general health, but I agree it is difficult to pin point exactly what it is that is helping

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I didn't know that zeolite could be used as a human remedy, but it is used in fish ponds to break down ammonia if the nitrogen cycle is imbalanced. I guess the theroy is the same - it breaks down the nasty chemicals that can harm or kill.

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